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Zaurus - pdaXrom / New Packages: Kismet And Flite
« on: July 25, 2005, 02:52:53 am »

I've built IPKs of the latest versions of Kismet and Flite.  They are available from my unstable feed.

kismet 2005.06.R1-1 - Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool
Kismet is a 802.11b wireless network sniffer.  It is capable of sniffing using almost any supported wireless card using the Airo, HostAP, Wlan-NG, and Orinoco (with a kernel patch) drivers.
Can make use of sox and festival to play audio alarms for network events and speak out network summary on discovery.  Optionally works with gpsdrive to map scanning.
I have built Kismet with its config dir set to /etc/kismet rather than /usr/etc as in the old package.  The config files included in the package are just the defaults from the source so you'll need to edit them to set up your capture source and disable GPS and sound etc.  See the README in kismet-doc for the list of available capture source types.
If you want to use sound you can tell Kismet to use /usr/bin/mplayer instead of /usr/bin/play but make sure you only do this in kismet_ui.conf or kismet.conf, not both (since one config file is for the client and the other is for the server). Kismet can now use flite for text-to-speech, see below.

flite 1.2 - A small run-time speech synthesis engine
Flite is a small fast run-time speech synthesis engine.  It is the latest addition to the suite of free software synthesis tools including University of Edinburgh's Festival Speech Synthesis System and Carnegie Mellon University's FestVox project, tools, scripts and documentation for building synthetic voices.  However, flite itself does not require either of these systems to run.
Flite has been built with static binaries to save a little space but please let me know if you'd like the shared library version instead (in case you want to run other software that makes use of the Flite libraries).  Be warned that the flite package takes up about 11MB when installed!  There are two binaries in the flite package - flite (the text-to-speech engine, e.g. flite "Hello World") and flite_time (which converts a specified time into an english sentence, e.g. flite_time `date +%H:%M`).

Please let me know if you have trouble with any of the packages.



Zaurus - pdaXrom / New Game: Burgerspace
« on: May 09, 2005, 06:06:15 am »
I've just compiled by latest favourite game for pdaXrom!

BurgerSpace is a clone of the classic game "BurgerTime".  In it, you play the part of a chef who must create burgers by stepping repeatedly on the ingredients until they fall into place.  And to make things more complicated, you also must avoid evil animate food items while performing this task, with nothing but your trusty pepper shaker to protect you.
You can grab it from my unstable feed.

I had to patch it to support 640x480 but it looks perfect in full-screen mode.  Even though it uses SDL it doesn't seem to work correctly when not running under X.  Ignore the burgerspace-sounds package since running it without --no-sound produces an error.  I will try to fix this if anyone needs sound.

[img]\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" /]

NB: This screenshot is not from my 640x480 version.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / New Package: Paketto
« on: February 16, 2005, 05:01:49 am »
The Paketto Keiretsu is a collection of tools that use new and unusual strategies for manipulating TCP/IP networks.

This package includes:
  • scanrand - a very fast port, host, and network trace scanner
  • minewt - a user space NAT/MAT (MAC Address Translation) gateway
  • lc (linkcat) - provides direct access to the network (Level 2)
  • paratrace - a "traceroute"-like tool using existing TCP connections
  • phentropy - plots a large data source onto a 3D matrix
Available from my unstable feed.

More info:Enjoy.


Zaurus - pdaXrom / Working WiFi applet
« on: October 17, 2004, 05:14:30 am »
Hi everyone,

I thought I would try my hand at fixing mb-applet-wireless and discovered that it was fixed in Matchbox v0.83 so I just copied in the changes.



Zaurus - pdaXrom / Working CPU monitor
« on: October 17, 2004, 02:19:28 am »
Hi guys,

I've modified mb-applet-system-monitor so that it no longer always shows 100% CPU usage.  In the below screenshot the applet on the right is the original version and my modified version is on the left:



Zaurus - pdaXrom / RC5 dosfsck bug
« on: October 16, 2004, 02:18:37 am »
There is a bug in the dosfsck utility (part of dosfstools) which causes the following behaviour:
Code: [Select]
# dosfsck /dev/mmcd/disc0/part1
dosfsck 2.9 (15 May 2003)
dosfsck 2.9, 15 May 2003, FAT32, LFN
Logical sector size is zero.
The fixed version shows this output instead:
Code: [Select]
# dosfsck /dev/mmcd/disc0/part1
dosfsck 2.10, 22 Sep 2003, FAT32, LFN
/dev/mmcd/disc0/part1: 0 files, 0/34603 clusters
To fix the bug I had to apply the following patch to the dosfstools source code:
Code: [Select]
diff -rNu dosfstools-2.10.orig/dosfsck/boot.c dosfstools-2.10/dosfsck/boot.c
--- dosfstools-2.10.orig/dosfsck/boot.c    2003-06-15 08:03:20.000000000 +1200
+++ dosfstools-2.10/dosfsck/boot.c    2004-10-16 14:59:27.000000000 +1300
@@ -34,13 +34,13 @@
     { 0xff, "5.25\" 320k floppy 2s/40tr/8sec" },
-#if defined __alpha || defined __ia64__ || defined __s390x__ || defined __x86_64__ || defined __ppc64__
+#if defined __alpha || defined __ia64__ || defined __s390x__ || defined __x86_64__ || defined __ppc64__ || __arm__
 /* Unaligned fields must first be copied byte-wise */
 #define GET_UNALIGNED_W(f)      \
     ({      \
  unsigned short __v;      \
  memcpy( &__v, &f, sizeof(__v) );    \
-    CF_LE_W( *(unsigned short *)&f );    \
+    CF_LE_W( *(unsigned short *)&__v );    \
 #define GET_UNALIGNED_W(f) CF_LE_W( *(unsigned short *)&f )
This patch is available from

I got the idea for the fix from this Debian bug report.

You can download the fixed dosfstools ipk from my unstable feed.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / fdisk shows extra empty partition
« on: October 16, 2004, 02:06:38 am »
As iamasmith describes in this thread, there is a bug which causes fdisk to display an extra empty partition.  I have built a new package based on iamasmith's instructions in this post.  Basically all I did was add the -mstructure-size-boundary=8 flag to gcc.

You can download the new fdisk ipk from my unstable feed.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / PuTTY 0.55 for RC5
« on: October 09, 2004, 11:32:20 pm »
Hi everyone,

I've just finished compiling PuTTY 0.55 for pdaXrom RC5.  You can grab it from my unstable feed:

For those of you who don't know what PuTTY is:

This is the Unix port of the popular Windows ssh client, PuTTY. It supports flexible terminal setup, mid-session reconfiguration using Ctrl-rightclick, multiple X11 authentication protocols, and various other interesting things not provided by ssh in an xterm.
I have built four IPKs:
  • putty - the putty binary, icon and menu shortcut.
  • putty-doc - man page for putty.
  • putty-tools - contains the non-essential programs plink, pscp, psftp, puttygen, puttytel and the putty terminal emulator pterm.
  • putty-tools-doc - man pages for the above.
I decided to modify the source code slightly so the configuration window would fit better on the Zaurus's 640x480 display.  Here is a screenshot of the original unmodified version:


Zaurus - pdaXrom / /usr/bin/ipkg ignores certain dependencies
« on: July 11, 2004, 07:53:11 am »
Hi folks, I just posted this to the pdaXrom buglist but since it may affect other ROMs (including the Sharp ROM) I wanted to post it here also:


There in a bug in the /usr/bin/ipkg script which causes it to miss certain package dependencies.  The problem arises when a package containing a non-alphanumeric character (i.e. [+.-]) has a dependency whose name does not contain these non-alphanumeric characters and is a substring of the package's name.

That is a very confusing description, so here is an example:

'vim-doc' depends on 'vim', but if you install 'vim-doc', ipkg will never automatically install 'vim' for you.  This is true for all packages who are named in this format, e.g. vim-syntax depends on vim, sdl-net depends on sdl, xscreensaver-hacks depends on xscreensaver.

You can verify yourself by doing the following:

1) Choose a package which matches the above condition.
2) Make sure you don't have the missed dependency installed (i.e. if you want to test vim-syntax, make sure you don't have vim installed).
3) Execute the following (substituting the package name below with the one you chose):

ipkg info xscreensaver-hacks Depends
ipkg depends xscreensaver-hacks

For example, the output of the above for vim-doc and xscreensaver-hacks is:

bash-2.05b# ipkg info vim-doc Depends
Depends: vim
bash-2.05b# ipkg depends vim-doc

bash-2.05b# ipkg info xscreensaver-hacks Depends
Depends: libglade libgtk sudo xscreensaver
bash-2.05b# ipkg depends xscreensaver-hacks
xscreensaver-hacks libglade sudo

Notice that 'vim' and 'xscreensaver' are visible in the "Depends" line from "ipkg info" but are missing from the list generated by "ipkg depends".

The problem is caused by a misconception in the use of the "\<" and "\>" regular expression meta-characters in /usr/bin/ipkg.  They are being used in the script to find the package's name in a list of packages, e.g. "\<$pkg\>".  The definition of these characters from regex(7) states:

"... the bracket expressions `[[:<:]]' and `[[:>:]]' match the null string at the beginning and end of a word respectively.  A word is defined as a sequence of word characters which is neither preceded nor followed by word characters.  A word character is an alnum character (as defined by wctype(3)) or an underscore. ..."

That last sentence is important to note, especially since ipkg treats the following characters as valid package name characters:


As you can see, period (.), plus (+), and minus (-) are valid ipkg package names, but they will be treated by "\<" and "\>" as "the null string at the beginning and end of a word".  So the string "<\vim\>" will match "vim-doc" when that wasn't the intention of the /usr/bin/ipkg script.

A more reliable regular expression to use is "^vim$" since it will never match "vim-doc".  I propose the following patch to /usr/bin/ipkg:

Code: [Select]
<                       if ! echo $installed_pkgs | grep -q "\<$pkg\>"; then
>                       if ! echo $installed_pkgs | tr " " "\n" | grep -q "^$pkg$"; then
<                       if ! echo $all_deps | grep -q "\<$pkg\>"; then
>                       if ! echo $all_deps | tr " " "\n" | grep -q "^$pkg$"; then
<       local depends=`ipkg_depends $pkg | sed -e "s/\<$pkg\>//"`
>       local depends=`ipkg_depends $pkg | sed -e "s/^$pkg$//" -e "s/^$pkg //" -e "s/ $pkg$ / /" -e "s/ $pkg$//"`

I have tested the above fix and stand by it, but please email me if you have any questions or concerns.



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