OESF Portables Forum
Model Specific Forums => Sharp Zaurus => Zaurus - pdaXrom => Topic started by: Capn_Fish on August 31, 2006, 10:43:45 am
I have a belkin F8T020 Bluetooth card that worked fine under Cacko, but is recognized as a Compaq Ipaq Bluetooth Sleeve when I insert it after installing the bluez stuff on pdaXrom. I saw an older thread about it, but the files mentioned weren't on my zaurus. Is there an order I'm supposed to install the packages in? I would also like some instructions on how to get this card to work, or some stuff to try.
Thanks in advance!
I use this card on a C3200 with beta3, but it also worked fine on a C860.
Enclosed you will find two conf-files. You have to put bt-uart.conf in /etc/bluetooth and bluetooth.conf in /etc/pcmcia. After resetting bluez the card should be recognized and function properly although cardctl ident may still call it "generic". Good luck!
Thanks a lot! I'm currently reflashing my Zaurus to get rid of any changes I may have made to the Bluez files. I would like to know how to reset bluez. Thanks again!
How can I tell if bluetooth is working, and what command would I use to connect to my bluetooth mouse? The card applet still shows it as the ipaq bluetooth sleeve. Is this the way it is on yours?
Thanks for your help!
After changing the files (and deleting the old ones!) you should restart bluez: => /etc/rc.d/init.d/bluetooth restart. You can reboot as well. After your system came up, you put the card into the slot and there must be a short flash on the green card LED. When the LED stays dark or green something went wrong and you have to control the files again. When you activate the panel applet for the cf slot, your card should be properly recognized as BELKIN...When you reach this point, your bluez should run. With => sdptool browse you should get a list of active BT-peers with MAC-address and all services and channels you can use. I think for your BT-mouse you should use the serial port but I don't know for I don't use anything like that.
Good luck!
IT WORKS!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Now all I have to do is figure out how to connect to my mouse.