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Everything Else => Zaurus Distro Support and Discussion => Distros, Development, and Model Specific Forums => Archived Forums => Sharp ROMs => Topic started by: petya on January 08, 2005, 08:45:17 am

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: petya on January 08, 2005, 08:45:17 am
Hi, i installed cacko 1.22 and it's very good. I just want some programs, which aren't on the cacko feed. For example vim. I tried the zaurususergroup feed, but the vim there doesn't work, but for example troll-ftpd works fine. Vim produces this error messgae when I start it:

vim: error while loading shared libraries: vim: undefined symbol: __udivsi3

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on January 08, 2005, 02:50:35 pm
If you have applications you would like on the feed please list them and I will put them on my list of packages to add to the feed.

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on January 08, 2005, 05:43:53 pm
Oh, and your vim problem should be solved by installing the ncurses 4.0 package from the feed.  It's in the FAQ.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: alfie on January 08, 2005, 08:11:15 pm
joe > vim !!

can we have joe in the feed ?
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: tg on January 08, 2005, 10:21:35 pm
Any of these would be a great addition to cacko feed:

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: petya on January 09, 2005, 03:46:55 am
octave would be great!

Other question: can the cacko rom synced with evolution on a gentoo box? I have already installoed the opie pim apps, troll-ftpd, set the multisync, the ftp works with telnet, but multisync doesn't do anything, and i have touched the empty xmls too.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: petya on January 09, 2005, 04:08:16 am
Vim problem solved, thanks. I want to use my motorola v525 phone as a bluetooth modem. I tapped on network prefs, the z find the phone, but after that there is nothing. I think i should set up a pair to communicate with each other. I read some older howtos and the guy there used btctl. I have no such command, but i read that BT should work out of the box, so what should i do? I have got a socket cf card. Thanks in advance
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on January 09, 2005, 04:59:07 am
I've used the SSH method described on the Multisync webpage successfully.  Give it a try:

http://www.multisync.org/articles.php?do=viewart&id=1&cat=2 (http://www.multisync.org/articles.php?do=viewart&id=1&cat=2)
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: ev1l on January 09, 2005, 05:50:56 am
Me wants Ruby
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: tovarish on January 09, 2005, 07:24:29 am
there are executables floating around of qemu and maxima+clisp. These work quite well with cacko. it will be nice to make ipkgs of them. I am running mathematica on the zaurus using qemu  .

I also have compiled some games, apps and libraries like lgeneral, ltris , lmarbles, kobodeluxe, libogg, libvorbis, libmpeg2, scummvm 0.7 (needs to be tested) , sdlimage, sdlnet, libsmpeg etc. If there is some easy way to make ipkgs of these i could do that.

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: tg on January 09, 2005, 12:05:59 pm
One more great app for the feed:

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: ralfk on January 09, 2005, 01:06:00 pm
My wishes:

- iqnotes 1.0.2 (free version)
- mysql 3.23
- zwiki 1.0
- perl 5.8.0
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: Lutz-W. on January 09, 2005, 05:41:06 pm
My wishes:

- the new gnupg 1.4.0 (or 1.2.4 from pdaXrom 1.0.5)
- a mail client with gpg-support (eg. mutt)

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: Kaze on January 09, 2005, 05:52:08 pm
a comic book reader !!
(image viewer with built in compression support for .cbr & .cbz)
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: tovarish on January 09, 2005, 08:54:33 pm
a comic book reader !!
(image viewer with built in compression support for .cbr & .cbz)
not exactly the same but try bookreader available in piro's website. I use it to read my comics. Its not yet complete (i think) but its the best yet i have seen.

http://www.piro.hopto.org/~piro/zaurus/bookreader/ (http://www.piro.hopto.org/~piro/zaurus/bookreader/)

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on January 10, 2005, 10:55:08 am
Thanks!  I'm adding all these to my todo list.  I will upload these as soon as I can compile/package/test them.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: ralfk on January 10, 2005, 01:12:01 pm
One question regarding the packages in the feed:
What is the difference to the original packages ?
Do you re-compile them ?
Do they fit better to the Cacko ROM ?

I am just wondering since some package names have an additional "-1".

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on January 10, 2005, 01:28:23 pm
That depends.  On most packages I just repackage them to work properly with the ROM on others I recompile.  The easiest way to tell look at the "Maintainer:" field of the package info (example: 'ipkg info quake-engine').  If it is me (Bryan) or Anton we built it.  On many packages source is not available, we cannot get the source to recompile, or have not had the time to recompile.  The Sharp based ROMs are not a completely open so we can only do so much.  

The -x at the end of the package version is the number of times it was packaged.  So, on some packages like quake-engine_1.00-4_arm.ipk I repacked it several times before I was satisfied.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: DaveAnderson on January 10, 2005, 02:22:24 pm
I'd like to put a request in for a samba client.  I guess smbclient would be best, so I could have an easy way to browse files on my Windows computer from my Z.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: nilch on January 10, 2005, 03:02:00 pm
allright, is the Cacko feed on ?

I dont seem to be able to get to the feed today ? It redirects to the site
http://bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/ (http://bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/)
which shows nothing at all.

Where is the final feed then ?
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: maslovsky on January 10, 2005, 04:32:38 pm
allright, is the Cacko feed on ?

I dont seem to be able to get to the feed today ? It redirects to the site
http://bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/ (http://bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/)
which shows nothing at all.

Where is the final feed then ?
everything is there, you just don't see it with the browser

But I sugest to still use official feed name anyway:

http://cacko.biz/cacko/feed (http://cacko.biz/cacko/feed)
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: flens on January 10, 2005, 05:28:42 pm
I am interested in an C-SDK, which works with less problems on the zaurus. I think installing it with cramfs etc. is not stable enough.
Thanks flens
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on January 10, 2005, 05:38:47 pm
allright, is the Cacko feed on ?

I dont seem to be able to get to the feed today ? It redirects to the site
http://bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/ (http://bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/)
which shows nothing at all.

Where is the final feed then ?
I have directory browsing disabled.  If you want a current list of packages look at:

http://www.cacko.biz/cacko/feed/Packages (http://www.cacko.biz/cacko/feed/Packages)

I'm trying to tighten things up a bit around the site.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: jerrybme on January 10, 2005, 09:30:58 pm
Have you prevented wget from downloading the feed as well? I like to keep a copy of the feed on my CF so I can install when I don't have an internet connection. Or am I doing something incorrect with wget?
Code: [Select]
wget -l 1 -r http://bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/
--20:25:26--  http://bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/
           => `bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/index.html'
Resolving bryandeluca.com...
Connecting to bryandeluca.com[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 0 [text/html]

    [ <=>                                 ] 0             --.--K/s

20:25:26 (0.00 B/s) - `bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/index.html' saved [0/0]

FINISHED --20:25:26--
Downloaded: 0 bytes in 1 files
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: ScottYelich on January 10, 2005, 11:45:43 pm
If it's a Package dir... you can be cheap and parse the Package file and wget off that :->

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on January 11, 2005, 12:20:05 am
Wow, imagine if everyone copied the entire package feed every day to their hard drive.  I would have to shut the feed down.  Please try to keep this in mind.  Here is a crude example of a script that uses the Packages file to replicate the feed and then only copies the new files.

# Remove old Packages file
rm Packages

wget $FEEDBASE/Packages
for pkg in `grep ^Filename: Packages| awk '{print $2}'`; do
  if [ ! -e $pkg ]; then
    wget $FEEDBASE/$pkg

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: waalkman on January 11, 2005, 02:06:41 am
Wow, imagine if everyone copied the entire package feed every day to their hard drive.  I would have to shut the feed down.  Please try to keep this in mind.  Here is a crude example of a script that uses the Packages file to replicate the feed and then only copies the new files.

# Remove old Packages file
rm Packages

wget $FEEDBASE/Packages
for pkg in `grep ^Filename: Packages| awk '{print $2}'`; do
  if [ ! -e $pkg ]; then
    wget $FEEDBASE/$pkg

I try not to do this, but I have been guilty of it in the past  

As for your script, it works very nice. Thanks!

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: tovarish on January 11, 2005, 05:41:59 am
on the first days of the cacko release i had installed microsoft true type fonts (verdana, georgia etc..). they arent there now . were they removed for copyright reasons.

If so cvould you share how the conversion was done so that i could privately make the fonts myself from ttfs

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: jerrybme on January 11, 2005, 08:24:45 am
Wow, imagine if everyone copied the entire package feed every day to their hard drive. 
Thanks for the script. I promise not to do it more than once a week. But as I've been going back & forth between pdaXrom & Cacko it's very handy to have a copy of the feeds locally.

Of course, now that you've published the script you may have enabled the very thing I assume you're trying to avoid -> extreme bandwidth usage

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on January 11, 2005, 12:20:52 pm
on the first days of the cacko release i had installed microsoft true type fonts (verdana, georgia etc..). they arent there now . were they removed for copyright reasons.

If so cvould you share how the conversion was done so that i could privately make the fonts myself from ttfs

I grabbed those fonts from this guys site:

http://only.mawhrin.net/~geometer/zaurus/ (http://only.mawhrin.net/~geometer/zaurus/)

Apparently the MS license for the "Web fonts" states that they can be freely distributed unmodified.  So, they had to go.  Sorry.  You could ask him how he did it.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on January 11, 2005, 12:31:07 pm
Wow, imagine if everyone copied the entire package feed every day to their hard drive. 
Thanks for the script. I promise not to do it more than once a week. But as I've been going back & forth between pdaXrom & Cacko it's very handy to have a copy of the feeds locally.

Of course, now that you've published the script you may have enabled the very thing I assume you're trying to avoid -> extreme bandwidth usage

We are currently operating within my bandwidth allotment.  So, I'm not immediately concerned with that.  I don't mind if people want to copy just the changed files, but downloading the entire feed everyday is out of control.  It is the individual's option if they want to abuse it.  I'll give what I can to keep spiralling out, but no resource is limitless.  
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: clofland on January 11, 2005, 03:36:00 pm
Some quick ideas on Cacko ROM 1.22 - mostly package related, so I put them here.

1. Maybe you should include smbpasswd in the build so that we can set up security on SMB sharing. I use my Z on a public network, and I don't want just anyone that can ping my Z to start browsing my files.
(You also have to make quite a few changes to smb.conf to get any kind of security.)
At least, that is what I've done. Is there any easier way to set up some security for the SMB sharing?

2. I was not able to make the set password work on the VNC server package from the Cacko Feed.

In fact, the only way I was able to set a password was to copy my .fbvncpasswd file to my Z from my backup.

The package I have always used in the past appears, from the name, to have a newer version. It is called:
which seems newer than the one on cacko feed:

and had a working vncpassword script (though no GUI).

3. Your verison of opie-reader seems out of date. It does not hanlde MobiPocket files. I use opie-reader_0.7h_arm.ipk from the opie-reader web site.

Just some input. Overall, it is working great, and I've worked around these minor issues.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: clofland on January 11, 2005, 03:56:38 pm

Just as an FYI, if you are looking to make your feed more "comprehensive," here is a list of the packages that I have installed and use on my Z that are not in your feed:

Freenote (FreeNote_1.11.0.pre_arm.ipk)
gutenbrowser (gutenbrowser_0.7.43_arm.ipk)
lirc (lirc-sl5600_0.6.6_arm.ipk)
petitepeinture (petitepeinture_1.4a-1_arm.ipk)
qpsword (qpsword_0.5.2_arm.ipk)
smbpasswd (smbpasswd_0.1-1_arm.ipk)
strace (strace_4.4.98-1_arm.ipk)
visiscript (visiscript_0.3.2_arm.ipk)
zipsc (zipsc_latest_arm.ipk)
zroadmap (zroadmap_1.0-2_arm.ipk)

If you want to add any of these and have trouble finding them, just PM me and I can send you a link or send you the IPK if the links are dead.

Thanks for all of your hard work!
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on January 11, 2005, 04:05:08 pm
Some quick ideas on Cacko ROM 1.22 - mostly package related, so I put them here.

1. Maybe you should include smbpasswd in the build so that we can set up security on SMB sharing. I use my Z on a public network, and I don't want just anyone that can ping my Z to start browsing my files.
(You also have to make quite a few changes to smb.conf to get any kind of security.)
At least, that is what I've done. Is there any easier way to set up some security for the SMB sharing?

2. I was not able to make the set password work on the VNC server package grom the Cacko Feed.

In fact, the only way I was able to set a password was to copy my .fbvncpasswd file to my Z from my backup.

The package I have always used in the past appears, from the name, to have a newer version. It is called:
which seems newer than the one on cacko feed:

and had a working vncpassword script (though no GUI).

3. Your verison of opie-reader seems out of date. It does not hanlde MobiPocket files. I use opie-reader_0.7h_arm.ipk from the opie-reader web site.

Just some input. Overall, it is working great, and I've worked around these minor issues.
Building Samba is on the TODO list.  You might want to edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf:

hosts allow = 192.168.

To better control who can connect to your share.  You could also look at setting iptables rules, but like I said this is on the todo list.

Do you mind uploading your fbvncserver package here:

http://www.bryandeluca.com/cacko/uploads.php (http://www.bryandeluca.com/cacko/uploads.php)

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: tovarish on January 11, 2005, 04:13:01 pm

Apparently the MS license for the "Web fonts" states that they can be freely distributed unmodified.  So, they had to go.  Sorry.  You could ask him how he did it.
its a bit strange because the linux boxes in my univ also have these fonts as part of rh9.
imho verdand is the best microsoft product ;

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: clofland on January 11, 2005, 04:22:51 pm
Ok, I have uploaded the VNC ipk file that I have used in the past. Not sure which is better, but at least I can set the password with this one.

As for SMB security, just FYI:

SMB security is simple to setup once you figure it out. Just modify smb.conf and use smbpasswd (which I have an IPK for, or I can just copy over the file) to set passwords for the users, and that is it. I don't understand it all, but for some reason SMB server doesn't use the same password database as linux, you have to set up a separate user/password file for SMB, and that is what smbpasswd does.

My "open network" is my company network. While it is "secure," that doesn't keep other snooping empoyees from prying.   With a simple password being required from windoze I can access my Z's files from any workstation in the company, without worrying about other employees doing the same.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on January 11, 2005, 06:17:24 pm

Apparently the MS license for the "Web fonts" states that they can be freely distributed unmodified.  So, they had to go.  Sorry.  You could ask him how he did it.
its a bit strange because the linux boxes in my univ also have these fonts as part of rh9.
imho verdand is the best microsoft product ;

That is because they are unmodified as in they are still TrueType Font (TTF) files.  The files that were on the feed were change from TTF to QPF files.  That modifies the original font files distributed in the package and violates the license.  Distributing the files unmodified is fine and there are several projects that do this like This one (http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/).
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: cmpayc on January 12, 2005, 05:16:18 am
2. I was not able to make the set password work on the VNC server package from the Cacko Feed.

In fact, the only way I was able to set a password was to copy my .fbvncpasswd file to my Z from my backup.
2 clofland:

You can use

/home/root/usr/local/bin/vncpasswd YOURPASSWORD

The VNC-Server is running on my c860, but the VNC-client is not responding to kb and mouse. Any idea?
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: clofland on January 12, 2005, 09:22:39 am
The VNC-Server is running on my c860, but the VNC-client is not responding to kb and mouse. Any idea?
I assume you still have to tap on the upper left and lower right corners of the screen after you reboot to get the vnc screen capture driver to "calibrate"? (Or is that upper right and lower left? Just tap at all four corners.)

If it is as it always has been, until you tap in the corners of the screen the driver doesn't "move on" and let you do screen taps. Maybe it affects the keyboard too, I can't remember.

I just always tap all four corners of the screen after Qtopia boots up the first time after I install vnc.

You won't see any response, and Qtopia might respond by doing what you tap in, but that is ok, the driver is "in front of" Qtopia, and IS seeing what you are doing.

That said, is anyone else getting an error that the kernel modual is compiled for the wrong kernel version at each boot?
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: maslovsky on January 12, 2005, 10:20:13 am

Apparently the MS license for the "Web fonts" states that they can be freely distributed unmodified.  So, they had to go.  Sorry.  You could ask him how he did it.
its a bit strange because the linux boxes in my univ also have these fonts as part of rh9.
imho verdand is the best microsoft product ;

Yes, but unmodified, while they have to be converted into another format for Zaurus Qtopia.

You can always create any fonts you need from True Type by following a HOWTO on this site...
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: maslovsky on January 12, 2005, 10:25:54 am
The VNC-Server is running on my c860, but the VNC-client is not responding to kb and mouse. Any idea?

You may need to set VNC server to "Run as root".

That said, is anyone else getting an error that the kernel modual is compiled for the wrong kernel version at each boot?

Yes, I was getting it even in 1.21b version...
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: clofland on January 12, 2005, 11:34:43 am
That said, is anyone else getting an error that the kernel modual is compiled for the wrong kernel version at each boot?

Yes, I was getting it even in 1.21b version...
Hmm, I didn't get that error before, but then, I was using a different VNC server IPK. I sent stupkid a copy of the ipk for a vnc server that I have used for some time (I collect IPK's for a hobby I think), that I don't think gives that error.

I'll wait for stupkid to check it out and maybe he will use it to make a new IPK for VNC server for the Cacko feed.

That said, I am VERY impressed with the Cacko Feed. It is nice to have a very comprehensive and growing list of IPK's that we know work on one ROM and that is getting so much attention.

And finally, Cacko ROM 1.22 is AWESOME! Thanks so much.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: tovarish on January 12, 2005, 11:41:32 am
the opie rader in the fedd is not the latest version (even though the number is greater). the one here has more features. i think it should be present in the feed.

http://www.timwentford.uklinux.net/ (http://www.timwentford.uklinux.net/)
http://www.timwentford.uklinux.net/opie-reader_0.7h_arm.ipk (http://www.timwentford.uklinux.net/opie-reader_0.7h_arm.ipk)

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on January 12, 2005, 11:46:03 am
The VNC server package needs some testing before I put it on the feed.  I noticed that there are some some differences between the files included in clofland's package and the one that I have on the feed.  It is on the TODO list, in KO/PI I might add...
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on January 12, 2005, 11:47:57 am
the opie rader in the fedd is not the latest version (even though the number is greater). the one here has more features. i think it should be present in the feed.

http://www.timwentford.uklinux.net/ (http://www.timwentford.uklinux.net/)
http://www.timwentford.uklinux.net/opie-reader_0.7h_arm.ipk (http://www.timwentford.uklinux.net/opie-reader_0.7h_arm.ipk)

I'll put it up tonight.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: tovarish on January 12, 2005, 11:55:44 am
another thing, xqt2 is available for testing at
http://xqt.sourceforge.jp/feed-testing/ (http://xqt.sourceforge.jp/feed-testing/)
it worked withouth much bugs in cacko 1.21b. i didnt install it in 1.22 but presume it will work well in 1.22 too. i am hoping to keep X out of my c860 for fear of bloat but others could benefit.

the great thing is gtk2 is available for it enabling many new possibilities. i think many programs from the old pdaxrom feed (<RC5) could work out of the box so you you have lots more stuff to try and add to your feed

on the emulators front sega master system and pcengine (tg16) emulators are missing and are available here

http://ehe.s57.xrea.com/index.php?SMS%20plus%20for%20Zaurus (http://ehe.s57.xrea.com/index.php?SMS%20plus%20for%20Zaurus)
and here
http://mmo-zaurus.hp.infoseek.co.jp/zpce/index.html (http://mmo-zaurus.hp.infoseek.co.jp/zpce/index.html)

how could you live without the tg16 emu i wonder . in order to make sms_sdl work in piro's sdl one needs to set SDL_FB_DIRECT=0.

btw how well does gaim-qpe work, the libgaim used there is old and probably doesnt work with yahoo. i'll try and update libgaim to the latest and see if that works.

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on January 12, 2005, 02:14:58 pm
I was reading that people were having problems with xqt2 So, it went to the bottom of the todo list.  qpe-gaim has been working fine for me, but I only use it for AIM.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: ralfk on January 23, 2005, 05:52:22 am
I would like to run phpwiki (1.2.7 or 1.3.x) on my Zaurus by using a GDBM database (because this is the fastest storage option).

Therefore, I am looking for

1) an "Apache+PHP" package including php compiled with the option "--with-gdbm".
The current available Apache ipk's don't habe gdbm support.

2) the GDBM library compiled for Sharp-ROMs.
GDBM is currently only available for pdaXfrom.

Maybe you can add this stuff to the feed.

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: waalkman on January 24, 2005, 06:45:37 am
Me wants Ruby
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=61407\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: sbbloom69 on January 24, 2005, 08:17:00 pm
I have a specific application question.  I've tried to install the zroadmap.  It installs, but when I start it up, I get an error (can't open trip file), and the application just quits.  Any ideas?

SL-C700 with 1.22 Cacko ROM

Me wants Ruby
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=61407\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=63713\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on January 25, 2005, 12:47:16 am
You have to install map files.  They are too huge to be packaged.  You can get the maps here:

http://roadmap.digitalomaha.net/maps.html (http://roadmap.digitalomaha.net/maps.html)

I put a reference to this site in the package info.  Run 'ipkg info zroadmap' from the command line.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: sbbloom69 on February 01, 2005, 05:36:04 pm
I did download some maps, unpackaged them, and placed them into the correct subdirectly as specified in the docs.  I still get the same error.  The application frame comes up, but the error screen pops up, and when I answer the popup, the application quits.

I'm also having some ipkg issues.  I tried to install an alternate mapping program (jmap), and I can't get the uipkg applet to recognize it.  When I run the ipkg applet manually, it has errors (same type of problem the first year of the C700, when many 5500 ipkg's wouldnt work).

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: clofland on February 03, 2005, 01:12:52 pm
for zroadmap, I have a series of .rdm files in /mnt/card/QtPalmtop.share/roadmap

Do you have a bunch of rdm files?

Do you have the usdir.rdm file? (That is VERY important)

If you ran it from a terminal prompt. what errors does it give?

You might also search the forum, there are some other threads for zroadmap.

I don't remember "jmap," where did you get it? I might give it a try.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: Miami_Bob on February 04, 2005, 12:28:13 am
I'll put it up tonight.
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=62128\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

You are doing one fantastic job, Stupkid. THANK YOU!!
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: petya on February 11, 2005, 11:08:05 am
Hi! I saw mutt on the feed, and it works great (easy to sync with anything with scp), but i cannot send mail with it, because there is no smtp server for the z. Is it possible to add for example ssmtp on the feed? It's a small simple smtp server, only for relaying.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: petya on February 11, 2005, 11:29:22 am
And fetchmail and procmail would be great too, for ownloading and processing the mails, and reading them with mutt:).

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: silvio on February 16, 2005, 04:43:53 am
PS: Anton forgot to put the quake-engine into the Package file.

It can be downloaded directly from feed:
Cacko feed (http://bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/quake-engine_1.00-5_arm.ipk)
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: suid on February 28, 2005, 12:15:33 pm
Hi !

Just been looking for redundant files on flash to try and clear some space. I noticed in /home/QtPalmtop/lib a number of versions of the same libraries, from kmicrokdelibs. No, they are not links !

I have been using the Cacko Feed/Upgrade via the Package Manager and would have expected the pre-install process to remove any earlier versions of the libs. For example, I now have the following files in /home/QtPalmtop/lib :


I'd like to get rid of earlier versions of the libraries if possible, as some of them are pretty big!


Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: kahm on February 28, 2005, 06:49:11 pm
I'd like to get rid of earlier versions of the libraries if possible, as some of them are pretty big!


[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=68869\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

Pre-install for a new package is a very, very bad place to remove old file versions.

Removal of old files should probably only be done when you remove the old package.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: Jen on March 01, 2005, 02:14:31 am
FBReader has a new version out now- 0.5.2 released Feb 21, 2005.
The feed has version 0.5.1.

Can you add Frotz and ScummVM?

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: silvio on March 01, 2005, 03:29:41 am
I would like to see lufs (http://lufs.sourceforge.net/lufs/) in cacko feed - mounting everything everywhere via ssh, ftp etc...
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: cyl on March 01, 2005, 06:52:08 am
Can include portabase? Thanks.

I have too many portabase database I created that I am not able change my SL5500 to my new C760 for this reason.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: bor on March 02, 2005, 06:26:40 am
how to get all source packages for cacko 1.22?
(I have obtained all the compiled packages using the script
given by Stupkid, but I would like to compile some packages
from the source.)

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: ev1l on March 02, 2005, 07:23:16 am
The VNC server package needs some testing before I put it on the feed.  I noticed that there are some some differences between the files included in clofland's package and the one that I have on the feed.  It is on the TODO list, in KO/PI I might add...
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=62126\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]
Any chance of you updating the KDEPIM packages regularly? Puuhlease?
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: ev1l on March 02, 2005, 07:36:17 am
I'd like to get rid of earlier versions of the libraries if possible, as some of them are pretty big!
Uninstall/reinstall the klibs, it should do the trick.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: craigtyson on March 02, 2005, 07:39:15 am
Is is possable to lisk whats already installed on the ROM aka OZ. The ability to remove / reinstall builtin apps and libs whould be usefull also (spammed my rom installing 5500 libs and cant seem to get them back without reflashing)
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: suid on March 02, 2005, 10:30:52 am
Uninstall/reinstall the klibs, it should do the trick.

What I ended up doing (if I can remember correctly) was :

1. Removed all old libs, which screwed up the apps good 'n proper (probably too liberal with my wildcards).
2. Uninstalled all my Kde-Pim/Pi packages.
3. Removed a number of broken links that were still hanging around the libs directory.
4. Re-installed.

Everything now fine and freed up around 2Mb. However, I'm a little wary of using "Upgrade" now if redundant files aren't being removed.

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on March 03, 2005, 01:21:09 pm
Everything now fine and freed up around 2Mb. However, I'm a little wary of using "Upgrade" now if redundant files aren't being removed.

Upgrade does not have proper behaviour in ipkg.  It just installs the new package on top of the old one instead of removing the old package first.  Should be able to change this behaviour in ipkg as it is just a shell script.  I'll put on the Cacko bug list.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on March 03, 2005, 01:29:27 pm
Is is possable to lisk whats already installed on the ROM aka OZ. The ability to remove / reinstall builtin apps and libs whould be usefull also (spammed my rom installing 5500 libs and cant seem to get them back without reflashing)
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=69084\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]
Many of the apps that ship with the ROM cannot be removed.  That's why is is called a ROM (Read Only).  This was the reason behind Cacko lite.  All the software that we could easily remove from the ROM was pulled so that you can upgrade/change apps after the install.  The trade off is that the ROM data is compressed whereas the writable sections are not.  So, you will end up requiring much more space if you have all the same apps installed on Cacko lite as on the Full Cacko ROM.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: craigtyson on March 03, 2005, 02:01:46 pm
Granted ROM means read only but if apps were / libs were listed in package manager atleast you'd get a warning when an older version was being installed no?  Didnt know about the compression though.  Does this have any effect on speed ?

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on March 04, 2005, 11:03:58 am
how to get all source packages for cacko 1.22?
(I have obtained all the compiled packages using the script
given by Stupkid, but I would like to compile some packages
from the source.)

[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=69074\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]
Much of the Sharp ROM and therefore Cacko is not Open Source.  I certainly have the sources for the packages that I have built, but in 99% of the cases the only changes where to the Makefiles and/or configure scripts not the actual sources.  What sources are you looking for?
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: kahm on March 07, 2005, 07:54:36 pm
Can include portabase? Thanks.

I have too many portabase database I created that I am not able change my SL5500 to my new C760 for this reason.
[div align=\"right\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div] (http://index.php?act=findpost&pid=68952\")

Check out [a href=\"http://portabase.sourceforge.net/download.html]the portabase homepage.[/url] You'll be looking for the  portabase_1.9_new_sharp_roms.zip package, which is what I'm using on 1.22a lite.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: bor on March 08, 2005, 06:18:54 am
Thank you very much for explanation.
I am very surprising that Cacko is not Open Source (what reason is for it?; I would expect that
there are packages *src* somewhere...)
I am loking for
and vim-full_6.3.1.
"Makefiles and/or configure scripts not the actual sources":
I have compiled kernel for Cacko 1.22 (as described in  my-zaurus.narod.ru/; I have applied all patches in the given order, except hostap-driver..) a week ago. But my zImage has different size than the original one.
I have obtained:
108 4580 for boxer-cacko-j
104 2874 bytes  for boxer-cacko.

The original Cacko zImage.bin has 104 2788 bytes for C860.

So, I am not sure if my kernel could be safely (for my Zaurus) installed.
What do you think about it? How to compile the kernel to get exactly
the same file as in Cacko (as the first safely step to use my own kernels)?

3)I think that file updater.sh is very important for starting the system.
I do not know what is this (I have seen some information about this file,
but on sites not connected with Cacko- and Cacko is the best:P...),
where are sources of this file and what to do to get "compiled" updater.sh.
(I think that better all to know about it before installing a new kernel)
 Thanks in advance
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: maslovsky on March 08, 2005, 10:55:41 am
Thank you very much for explanation.
I am very surprising that Cacko is not Open Source (what reason is for it?; I would expect that
there are packages *src* somewhere...)

Because Cacko ROM includes some applications, which are not open source. I'd say that Cacko ROM has no license at all.

I am loking for

This is a closed source application from Sharp C3000 ROM

and vim-full_6.3.1.

I'm sure google will help you.

"Makefiles and/or configure scripts not the actual sources":
I have compiled kernel for Cacko 1.22 (as described in  my-zaurus.narod.ru/; I have applied all patches in the given order, except hostap-driver..) a week ago. But my zImage has different size than the original one.
I have obtained:
108 4580 for boxer-cacko-j
104 2874 bytes  for boxer-cacko.

The original Cacko zImage.bin has 104 2788 bytes for C860.

You mentioned that you didn't apply hostap drivers patch, maybe that's why kernel image is different.

So, I am not sure if my kernel could be safely (for my Zaurus) installed.
What do you think about it? How to compile the kernel to get exactly
the same file as in Cacko (as the first safely step to use my own kernels)?

Yes, if your kernel built without errors, you can flash it.

3)I think that file updater.sh is very important for starting the system.
I do not know what is this (I have seen some information about this file,
but on sites not connected with Cacko- and Cacko is the best:P...),
where are sources of this file and what to do to get "compiled" updater.sh.
(I think that better all to know about it before installing a new kernel)

updater.sh is a shell script encoded with a simple algorithm. There is a small utility written by sash to encode/decode it.  You maybe able to get it at pdaxrom.org site. I can put it on my web site also.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on March 08, 2005, 11:10:55 am
I am very surprising that Cacko is not Open Source (what reason is for it?)
We do not have the source for any of the Sharp packages because Sharp has not made these available.  Since Cacko is the Japanese Sharp ROM, which is not OSS only parts are OSS like bash, we cannot give source that we don't have.  So it's not anything against OSS we just don't have the source.  This is also why Cacko doesn't have a Sourceforge page.  Kino2 is GPL and most likely any other software that we write for Cacko will be.

1)I am loking for
and vim-full_6.3.1.

Try running 'ipkg info <package_name>' example:

$ ipkg info vim-full
Package: vim-full
Priority: optional
Section: Console
Version: 6.3-1
Architecture: arm
Maintainer: Helmut Kolb <zaurus-vim@0x13.com>
Installed-Size: 9.4MB
Filename: vim-full_6.3-1_arm.ipk
Size: 3141641
MD5Sum: 2d40f5c2766428d425df5cb6879b9196
Description: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
 Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.  Many new
 features have been added: multi level undo, syntax highlighting,
 command line history, on-line help, filename completion, block operations,
 folding, unicode support, etc.
 This package contains all of the vim software, tutor, syntax, and online

I would email Helmut Kolb for source.  In the case of the file search tool this is from Sharp and we don't have source.  If you want the source talk to Sharp.

2)"Makefiles and/or configure scripts not the actual sources":
I have compiled kernel for Cacko 1.22 (as described in  my-zaurus.narod.ru/; I have applied all patches in the given order, except hostap-driver..) a week ago. But my zImage has different size than the original one.
I have obtained:
108 4580 for boxer-cacko-j
104 2874 bytes  for boxer-cacko.

The original Cacko zImage.bin has 104 2788 bytes for C860.

So, I am not sure if my kernel could be safely (for my Zaurus) installed.
What do you think about it? How to compile the kernel to get exactly
the same file as in Cacko (as the first safely step to use my own kernels)?

This is probably best addressed by Maslovsky as I mostly handle the package feed.

3)I think that file updater.sh is very important for starting the system.
I do not know what is this (I have seen some information about this file,
but on sites not connected with Cacko- and Cacko is the best:P...),
where are sources of this file and what to do to get "compiled" updater.sh.
(I think that better all to know about it before installing a new kernel)
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=69738\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

Again PM Maslovsky.

Hope this helps,

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: bor on March 09, 2005, 04:36:02 am
Thanks very much for detailed explanation  !
(The situation is much worse that I have imagined   ).
I will e-mail to sharp (I do not expect any succses);
but if everybody would email about sources to sharp...

I have catched some information about boot and updater.sh yesterday
(by Anton M;dated December 2004; the text consists mostly of "?"-signs...)-
probably not much is known about it....  .

Maybe AM will send me some information about kernel?

Maybe vim will be in the form that I will be able to recompile (probably I do not have
also most header files and libraries for arm architecture).

  Thanks again  
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: bor on March 09, 2005, 05:18:31 am
the text "TBVBoot Sequence" about boot and updater.sh was by sash@cacko.biz (not by AM,sorry).
Thanks also to AM for (all except one) information .
so I must force to apply  hostap-driver patch;
without errors - I will try  .

"I'm sure google will help you."
I have sources for vim (in debian unstable distribution).
One way is:
looking on the whole Internet what to do to obtain arm-ELF
from this sources, looking for the headers files, libraries,
without actual documentation, looking for correct versions, etc....
Another way is:
There is compiled version in Cacko distribution.
So, I suppouse that somewhere on the hard disk is complete
set of all files and someone sometimes simply changes configuration files
and do make....
So, I think that answer about google is "political one" (with great respect to AM) - am I right?
thanks for putting it (with this source shell script???   ) on your site.

  Thanks again
maybe i should harder search.....
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: marshmn on March 09, 2005, 09:03:54 am

Just curious... why are you after the whole source for cacko and everything contained in it?

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: maslovsky on March 09, 2005, 11:25:55 am
I have catched some information about boot and updater.sh yesterday
(by Anton M;dated December 2004; the text consists mostly of "?"-signs...)-
probably not much is known about it....  .

You probably found some posts in Russian, which you cannot read with your browser.

Maybe AM will send me some information about kernel?

Exactly what information do you need? I already replied to your question about different kernel sizes - it's not a big deal, don't worry.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: bor on March 09, 2005, 11:54:03 am
Thanks Anton once again  !
But I am worry!!!!
I think that I have done a mistake.
I have compiled the kernel in the way:

1)I have unpacked file linux-c860-20031107-rom1_10.tar.bz2
2)The sources are on /tmp/linux
(eg. /tmp/linux/Documentation, etc)
3)I have copied all patches from the file
on /tmp/
(eg. /tmp/bluecard_cs-c300.patch)
4)I have applied command
patch -p1 <./name_of_patch.patch/diff
from the path /tmp
for all patch-files in the order given in the file
.applied-to-1.22 .
For all files except
6)I have compiled the kernel

Maybe I should also apply (as step 0) patch
linux-c860-20031107-rom1_10 ????
How? (patch -p5 < ???; if yes:what answers should I give for
"many questions " Assume -R?)
I do not know how to apply patch
Could you give exact form of patch-command?
File hostap-driver-0.2.4-to-0.2.5.patch contains
non-existent paths hostap-driver-0.2.x  ???
(also file linux-c860-20031107-rom1_10 cannot "produce" these paths)

Please, give me exact hint-
I am sure that something is wrong.

all! namely:
shell script (from Cacko 1.22)
how encode/decode (exact link if you please - I do not believe in "my searching")

 Thanks in advance
I dont think: I can display russian letters and I can read (not too complicated texts   )
maybe it was some kind of scratch, and the actual text is in another place;
my copy has many many questions marks
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: bor on March 09, 2005, 11:57:24 am

Just curious... why are you after the whole source for cacko and everything contained in it?

[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=69890\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

Hi Matt,
maybe we should to debug all the starting procedures in ROM?
What do you think?
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: Stubear on March 09, 2005, 08:59:12 pm
Sharp does NOT have to give you the source (and most probably will not) for any apps they created using their version of qtopia. They bought qtopia from TrollTech so they don't have to relaes anything that wasn't already GPL.

They are quite good about releasing stuff that is GPLed (although they can be a little slow).

Also just because something is available in the Cacko feed doesn't mean it was compiled by the cacko team. A lot of people have supplied stuf to cacko and the cacko team are very active in searching the net for new and interesting apps to put in their feed (and not all of those apps are or need to be GPLed)

If you want a specific apps source then contact the author/maintainer of that app, you will have better luck and get better instructions on compiling it than just posting here.

Being open source doesn't mean others have to do all the work for you

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: maslovsky on March 09, 2005, 11:27:13 pm
bor, I'll check the kernel patches some time this weekend. As far as I remember all of them should apply properly.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: bor on March 10, 2005, 05:12:53 am
Thanks Anton  .

"As far as I remember all of them should apply properly."
this is why I think that I have done a big mistake
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: bor on March 10, 2005, 06:10:01 am
Sharp does NOT have to give you the source (and most probably will not) for any apps they created using their version of qtopia. They bought qtopia from TrollTech so they don't have to relaes anything that wasn't already GPL.

They are quite good about releasing stuff that is GPLed (although they can be a little slow).

Also just because something is available in the Cacko feed doesn't mean it was compiled by the cacko team. A lot of people have supplied stuf to cacko and the cacko team are very active in searching the net for new and interesting apps to put in their feed (and not all of those apps are or need to be GPLed)

[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=69947\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]
Tnanks for explanation  
If you want a specific apps source then contact the author/maintainer of that app, you will have better luck and get better instructions on compiling it than just posting here.

I will try, thanks  
Being open source doesn't mean others have to do all the work for you
I did not ask anybody to do the work for me....
But, if someone has done a fine package for Cacko (or for other Linux-distribution)
and his point of view is:
"only I will this compile, the sources are mine; if you want something to change
in MY package you should do all from the scratch" (or something similar) -
I think such a Package-Author shoud annouce this.
Maybe a big banner" Hands of MY Package"???
If such information would be known for everybody (maybe in Package file - "secret/top secret/etc")
then every user could decide if he want to use this package.

Cacko is a set of excelent packages (I think) and many Authors have done great and tedious work.
However, it was very strange for me that i cannot find sourcec
(if someone wants to destroy   a given package - why not?). Now I know (from you
   ) about TrollTech licence and Sharp's point of view.

However, "hidden sources" will always strange for me and unusual in Linux.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: bor on March 10, 2005, 06:22:50 am
Hi Stu (once again)  
do you know any reason to do things that
was made by anothers ? (if these "things" are not "top secret" ?)
Thanks for your great help  
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: Stubear on March 10, 2005, 09:33:13 am

I agree with you about the availability of source and think that ipks control file should include a license field that states what license the app is released under.

That way if it's not open-source license I don't have to waste my time searching for the source if I want to make a change.

A lot of the stuff that is available for qtopia is available either in the qtopia source files or the openembedded cvs.

There are a lot of apps however that have been abandoned by their original developer and the source is no longer easily available (often cause the site has closed down). This is also a concern as it is a lose of "knowledge".

Too often I think part time coders misunderstand the GPL and think that if they make a change and send their change upstream then they aren't required to make the source available with the binary.

My refernce to "having others do the work for you" was not directed at coding - I think it is silly to reinvent the wheel - but at your reluctance to "google". It sounded like you expected to get all the source and all the instructions without doing any reading yourself. I'm sorry if I misunderstood.

This forum has a huge wealth of knowledge about the zaurus and qtopia but it doesn't always have all the answers - sometimes you have to look somewhere else. However the people here are usually very good at giving useful pointers and links when asked.

Check out openembedded - www.openembedded.org - their cvs has almost all the source that is freely available for opie/qtopia and zaurus apps.

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: clofland on March 10, 2005, 01:05:12 pm
First, thanks for the Cacko Feed, it is GREAT!

Just wanted to throw a quick note. Some of the packages have extraneous text in the dependancies field, which causes the command line ipkg install to throw off warnings. These warnings do not hault the install, so it is not a big deal.

Here is some examples:

When I install lib-gaim-ssl or lib-gaim-protocols I get:
Warning: 0.73-1 mentioned in dependency but no package found in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists = mentioned . . .

qpealarmclock gives:
Warning: qpe-base mentioned in dependency but no package found in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists = mentioned . . .

(several give the qpe-base warning)

Warning: libopie mentioned in dependency but no package found in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists = mentioned . . .

Like I said, no big deal. Thought I'd mention it if you want to fix it. If not, I understand too. After all, if I can't deal with warnings, I should use the GUI package manager, right?
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on March 10, 2005, 01:22:46 pm
First, thanks for the Cacko Feed, it is GREAT!


Just wanted to throw a quick note. Some of the packages have extraneous text in the dependancies field, which causes the command line ipkg install to throw off warnings. These warnings do not hault the install, so it is not a big deal.
Hmm, I'll fix that I see what is wrong.  It was an oversite on my part.  Thanks for the report.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: zakaluka on March 11, 2005, 05:07:54 am

This is my first post here (just got introduced to the forum today).  It really is a great resource.

Having said that, this message is aimed mostly at stupkid.  I would like to know if there is some place that has directions on how to compile ipks for packaging/installation/distribution.  I want to create some (specifically for programming languages/environments) and don't want to keep adding to your list.

Thank you,

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: bor on March 11, 2005, 06:56:26 am
I am very sorry (to everybody).
But a week ago I was sure that there is a set of sourcec packages somewhere.
(Maybe not straight way, like script by Stupkid, but I did not expected that
sources are not accessible at all).
(I think I was "a little like an elefant in china collection" - sorry once again)
Now, due to answers by Stupkid and you (and lack of other's answers),
I know that there is no set of sources.

This forum has a huge wealth of knowledge about the zaurus and qtopia but it doesn't always have all the answers - sometimes you have to look somewhere else. However the people here are usually very good at giving useful pointers and links when asked.

Check out openembedded - www.openembedded.org - their cvs has almost all the source that is freely available for opie/qtopia and zaurus apps.

Thanks  - I will try.

I agree with you about the availability of source and think that ipks control file should include a license field that states what license the app is released under.


I could imagine that if there IS a set of (very fine) compiled packages there is also
a set of sources packages, there are *.tar's of needed libraries and so on...
And this why I gave my answer about google - sorry!
On the other hand I can imagine (very easy   ) that hard working Maintainer
do not "like" to have sources in the form readable to others
(I think that this could take much time of administrative work).

But, I am intresting how many Cacko-Users have compiled from scratch eg. vim?
(except maintainers). (from scratch: 1)get sorces- eg. from debian, 2)using GOOGLE
get all others needed files-eg. libraries, 3)make arm-ELF)
It is possible but if someone has already done it - why others should do the same
things again?

I have compiled the kernel because on the Cacko-page are all needed links
(patches- my mistake) but I think that other packages is not so simple
(maybe I am wrong?).

My refernce to "having others do the work for you" was not directed at coding - I think it is silly to reinvent the wheel - but at your reluctance to "google". It sounded like you expected to get all the source and all the instructions without doing any reading yourself. I'm sorry if I misunderstood.


I am sorry.
Google - example(I was looking for updater.sh).
1. Townsends "copy updater.sh to cf"
2.AM said that this is coded shell script - now it was possible to find something
(so I will have next questions   )
3.Russian letters  
everybody can test if has correctly installed fonts -
simply go to http://cacko.biz/~sash (http://cacko.biz/~sash)
and take a dictionary (printed version).
If you find words from this page in the dictionary all is ok,
if not - you should reinstall your fonts.
(Mine are ok - this is inactual address - I stated this after Alt+F updater.sh  )
Thanks for great help
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: bor on March 11, 2005, 07:35:03 am
1)does anybody know where resides (in zaurus)
2)Is this accessible only in some stage of booting?
(I have seen that other readers are using this -
they are really brave  ).
3)If it is ROM (realy read-only not Zaurus writable-Rom)
where can I find documentation from Sharp
for nandlogical? (this shoudn't be connected with
Troll Tech licence, I think).
4)How to etxract from zaurus (or compile) to get
ELF-file nandlogical?
(I have catched somewhere on the Internet, accidentally of cource,
ELF-nandlogical, which I am keeping far away from my zaurus  ,
for the time beeing  ....)
Please, give me actual links or information.
Thanks in advance
In UNIX some peoples often say:
"look on the Internet, or look in man page".
1)I wouldn't become an expert "in unbricking" so I do not want to use
an old information from Internet - I will waite for expert's opinions.
2)zman is almost empty  
3)I usually read man pages when I all know for given topic
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: tg on March 11, 2005, 08:32:30 am
But, I am intresting how many Cacko-Users have compiled from scratch eg. vim?
(except maintainers). (from scratch: 1)get sorces- eg. from debian, 2)using GOOGLE
get all others needed files-eg. libraries, 3)make arm-ELF)
It is possible but if someone has already done it - why others should do the same
things again?

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My opinion (could off course be totally out of line with majority opinion) is that people who chose Cacko over Oz do it because they want everything precompiled and more or less working without doing any work (because ther are either lazy or to busy or whatever - does not matter). This is why for someone who wants a better organized development environment (more tailored to developers) something like openembeded is probably better (better organized sources, newer gcc, libraries, etc - there you are not stuck with some dubious decisions Sharp has made a few years ago when they released their original ROM). But of course the tradeof of Cacko is that some very nice applications only run on Sharp based ROMs (ie TextMaker, Opera, Netfront, Kino2, qpdf2, several theKompany apps, etc - I know, of course there probably is a way to get them running in Oz via some compat libs but that approach is usually too slow and unstable). Life is all about tradeoffs and until Oz has something comparable to these apps in their feed most people will probably stay with Cacko (ie if TextMaker is released for Oz and some decent media player comparable to Kino2, and browser like Firefox show up in the stable Oz feed and run as smoothly as ie Opera does in Cacko I would certainly switch to Oz and never look back - being a developer I would then probably also finally set up development environment as well as openembedded approach seems very clean).
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: Stubear on March 11, 2005, 10:02:26 am
But, I am intresting how many Cacko-Users have compiled from scratch eg. vim?
(except maintainers). (from scratch: 1)get sorces- eg. from debian, 2)using GOOGLE
get all others needed files-eg. libraries, 3)make arm-ELF)
It is possible but if someone has already done it - why others should do the same
things again?

I haven't done this for vim, but have done so gpg, openssh, nano, clit and a number of other apps that I wanted but couldn't find as ipks already.

There are a number of toolchains available for download that have almost everything you need in them, and when I work out how to get OE compiling with gcc-2.9.5 for qtopia 1.5 then I'll post instructions on their wiki for others.

Till then people will have to look at sites like https://www.oesf.org/index.php?title=Compiler_Setup (https://www.oesf.org/index.php?title=Compiler_Setup) for setting up toolchains

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: bor on March 14, 2005, 04:21:08 am
bor, I'll check the kernel patches some time this weekend. As far as I remember all of them should apply properly.
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please do not forget
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: ev1l on March 14, 2005, 11:38:05 am
What does OZ uses as its primary web-browser? Minimo?
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: bor on March 15, 2005, 05:59:20 am
tg - for your point of view;
Stu- for next link .
I will send a few words about sorces in a few days.
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: bor on March 15, 2005, 06:34:07 am
Hi Experts  (where are you  ).
So somthing "like talk to yourself".
2)Yes. Nandlogical is seen when you start Linux as if you want
to flash Cacko, but you take console  (not "Flash repartition" or "Install new Rom").
In this "stage of booting" runlevel is 6.
1)Next, copy nadlogical to the sd/cf card (which is mounted)
4) This is exactly the same ELF-file which can be catched on the Internet

And now next questions:
1)where to find describtion of nandlogical (and others this type programs:nandcp,...)?
2)where to find all information about boot process?
(mtd-devices, programs to grab and read contens of zaurus like romburst,etc)
3) What a Thing encodes updater.sh?
(in this stage of booting updater.sh is in the shell-script form on
/tmp/update/; exact the same as in Cacko distribution)
4)Where are located KernelSSSSSSSS???
(in this stage uname -a gives date: 6Nov 2003 09:29:23 -
so it is Sharp kernel, not this by Anton from Dec 2004).
From this follow that both kernels are in Zaurus- where?
(I do not like hidden things  )
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: stupkid on March 15, 2005, 11:43:59 am
Quote from: bor,Mar 15 2005, 05:34 AM
1)where to find describtion of nandlogical (and others this type programs:nandcp,...)?
Try searching the forums:

https://www.oesf.org/forums/index.php?act=S...ite=nandlogical (https://www.oesf.org/forums/index.php?act=Search&CODE=show&searchid=d4c9ba37baab5c49cb9bb10d47f996b7&search_in=posts&result_type=topics&highlite=nandlogical)

2)where to find all information about boot process?
(mtd-devices, programs to grab and read contens of zaurus like romburst,etc)

Try searching the forums...

3) What a Thing encodes updater.sh?
(in this stage of booting updater.sh is in the shell-script form on
/tmp/update/; exact the same as in Cacko distribution)

I should be able to find the utilty for this, but I'm not home at the moment.

4)Where are located KernelSSSSSSSS???
(in this stage uname -a gives date: 6Nov 2003 09:29:23 -
so it is Sharp kernel, not this by Anton from Dec 2004).
From this follow that both kernels are in Zaurus- where?
(I do not like hidden things  )
There is an embedded linux instance that serves as the firmware for the Z.

This is mentioned in the FAQ:

https://www.oesf.org/index.php?title=System...he_DIAG_MENU.3F (https://www.oesf.org/index.php?title=System#What.27s_the_DIAG_MENU.3F)

And in the forums:

https://www.oesf.org/forums/index.php?showt...38&st=0&p=64868 (https://www.oesf.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=10438&st=0&p=64868)

Please use the forums search capability you will find LOTS of information.

Hope this helps,

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: bor on March 15, 2005, 11:55:21 am
Thanks Bryan,
I will search.  
3) What a Thing encodes updater.sh?
(in this stage of booting updater.sh is in the shell-script form on
/tmp/update/; exact the same as in Cacko distribution)

"I should be able to find the utilty for this, but I'm not home at the moment."

I can encode/decode updater.sh (encsh.c or so).
I would like to know where in Zaurus is located "a Thing = a utility" which
encode/decode this file.
And from where peoples (sash?) get enctab[] for encoding?
The same forum?

Thanks again
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: bor on March 15, 2005, 12:06:46 pm

Quote from: stupkid,Mar 15 2005, 08:43 AM
Quote from: bor,Mar 15 2005, 05:34 AM
1)where to find describtion of nandlogical (and others this type programs:nandcp,...)?
Try searching the forums:

https://www.oesf.org/forums/index.php?act=S...ite=nandlogical (https://www.oesf.org/forums/index.php?act=Search&CODE=show&searchid=d4c9ba37baab5c49cb9bb10d47f996b7&search_in=posts&result_type=topics&highlite=nandlogical)

2)where to find all information about boot process?
(mtd-devices, programs to grab and read contens of zaurus like romburst,etc)

Try searching the forums...

but I have already searched this forum.
Here are very few information about nandlogical.
Do you think that here are ALL KNOWN information??? (and nothing more is to find????)

Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: gojira on May 13, 2005, 06:07:52 am
my c860, but the VNC-client is not responding to kb and mouse. Any idea?
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[a href=\"http://bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/zaurus-fbvncserver_0.3-slc700-0.4-2_arm.ipk]http://bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/zaurus-f...0-0.4-2_arm.ipk[/url] is broken, use this: http://abetuyo.net/slc700/zaurus-fbvncserv...00-0.41_arm.ipk (http://abetuyo.net/slc700/zaurus-fbvncserver_0.3-slc700-0.41_arm.ipk), http://abetuyo.net/slc700/vnc.htm (http://abetuyo.net/slc700/vnc.htm)
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: ferdinauta on June 10, 2005, 04:07:50 am
Hi all,

I've got a problem upgrading my packages. It's the first time it happens.
When I type ipkg upgrade, this error appears at kopiemail:

Upgrading kopiemail (root) from 2.1.4-1 to 2.1.5-1
filename - kopiemail

Downloading http://cacko.biz/cacko/feed/kopiemail (http://cacko.biz/cacko/feed/kopiemail) ...
--08:02:35--  http://cacko.biz/cacko/feed/kopiemail (http://cacko.biz/cacko/feed/kopiemail)
           => `//home/tmp/ipkg/kopiemail'
Resolving cacko.biz...
Connecting to cacko.biz[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: http://bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/kopiemail (http://bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/kopiemail) [following]
--08:02:35--  http://bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/kopiemail (http://bryandeluca.com/cacko/feed/kopiemail)
           => `//home/tmp/ipkg/kopiemail'
Resolving bryandeluca.com...
Connecting to bryandeluca.com[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
08:02:36 ERROR 404: Not Found.

ipkg_download: ERROR: Failed to retrieve http://cacko.biz/cacko/feed/kopiemail (http://cacko.biz/cacko/feed/kopiemail), returning
ipkg_get_install: Perhaps you need to run `ipkg update'?

And ipkg update is already done without errors. And the status file there is no fails neither errors. Any suggestion?
Title: Cacko Feeds
Post by: ferdinauta on June 13, 2005, 07:45:06 am
Stupkid has already checked it, and all works fine now!