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Messages - twocargar

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Themes, Icons, and Backgrounds / Desktop screenshot thread!
« on: October 22, 2005, 07:15:55 pm »
Great minds think alike, eh?  I made this theme about a year ago and always wanted to post it somewhere.  It was inspired by a Mac OS 8 theme from


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Mac Issues / Ann: Zmacsync-1.5 Available
« on: December 07, 2004, 10:55:21 pm »
Wow!  Finally!  Great work.  Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this sync solution.  I will be sending my registration fee soon.

All I ever wanted was a way to sync OS X to my Z and this is the BEST way yet.

Thanks again for the effort!


Mac Issues / ANN: ZMacSync-1.5b1 available
« on: November 08, 2004, 11:30:31 pm »
I figured out why dtm2xml wasn't installing:  I had put the file in a folder I had created on the SD card I was using, instead of dropping the file right into the Install Files folder created by the Z.

My problems don't stop there.  Now I get this in my zMac Sync log when I try to sync:

Data from Zaurus-1 not available.



Mac Issues / ANN: ZMacSync-1.5b1 available
« on: November 08, 2004, 11:09:01 pm »
I am looking forward to using your product and will be happy to pay $10 for a working sync solution. However I am having trouble getting the software installed. I am using an SD card and USB card reader with my Mac to get the files on to my Zaurus.

The OpenSSH file seems to install correctly, but the file dtm2xml_arm.ipk will not install on my Zaurus. I get an error that says "the file name of this package includes character this application can't handle. Please change the filename and retry install."

I tried renaming the file, but I still get this error. I have also tried unstuffing the TAR file again and starting again with a fresh install file, but that doesn't work either.

Any ideas? Thanks for all the hard work on this sync solution.


SL-5500, Sharp ROM 3.13, PNY 256 MB SD, Netgear MA701 Wi-Fi, PowerMac G4, OS 10.3.6

Mac Issues / Airport....Mac...Zaurus
« on: September 22, 2004, 06:39:59 am »
Try setting your base station to a different channel.  I have a snow Airport base station (dual ethernet, non-extreme), and I had to experiment with different channels in order to find one my fridge and microwave didn't interfere with.  I finally settled on channel 10.  Since then I haven't had a problem connecting.  Speaking of 10, my PowerBook Pismo runs OS X.3 great.

Cxx0 General discussions / Where to buy a C7x0?
« on: July 11, 2004, 03:24:50 pm »
Thanks for all the great info.  In the meantime I'm going to use my wife's 5500.  She has recently converted back to using a paper & pen organizer.  She was using it mostly for PIM and Excel stuff.  Anyhew, I may buy one later.  We'll see.

Thanks again,


Mac Issues / Mac OS 9
« on: July 06, 2004, 12:51:08 pm »
With the little bit of Mac OS X support for the Z already, and without a USB extension/driver for OS 9 that would work with the Z, it is really going to be tricky getting OS 9 to recognize your Mac.  IrDA might be a possibility if you have a CRT iMac or PowerBook with infrared.  I think your best bet is to use either an ethernet CF card or WiFi card to connect to your Mac.  You will also need something like Timbuktu so your Mac can be recognized on the network by your Z since there is nothing like Samba built into 9.  A CF or SD card reader would work best for a straight file transfer.  I don't think Java would help getting you connected.

Your other choice is getting OS X.  I run it on a 400 MHz PowerBook G3 with 384 MB of RAM and it runs great (that's what I'm using right now).  As long as you don't have a beige G3 you can run 10.3 no problemo.

My 2¢,


Cxx0 General discussions / Where to buy a C7x0?
« on: July 01, 2004, 04:26:08 pm »
So I've decided to take the plunge and get either a C750 or 760.  The question is where to buy it?  I've been to, but they only sell used ones with a 3 month warranty.  K.YA Gaia Nonlocal Correlations (is this the infamous "K?") has an occasional 750 on eBay.

I don't mind buying used, but would prefer some way to add an extended warranty.  With an eBay purchase I can always add a warranty through their N.E.W. service.  I've already used this for my SL-5500 (rest in peace), so that's appealing.  They have a great service.  Anyone know of an add-on service in the US?

My last question has to do with US Customs charges.  I remember reading something about the shipper stating the item was a gift so there were no Customs fees.  Does that work?  Does anyone have any experience with this?

Thanks in advance.


For Sale / Wanted / SL-6000 like new. Two months old. For Sale.
« on: June 21, 2004, 11:26:47 am »
Hey Pete (pjlasky),

Let me know if/when you want to sell your C750...or anyone who is looking to sell a C7x0.  I just got my warrany money from N.E.W. (eBay warranty service) for my SL-5500 and I\'m looking for a replacement Z.  Thanks.


Mac Issues / New PDA
« on: June 06, 2004, 10:02:10 pm »
There are a few threads about which \"sync methods\" and ROMs are the best for Mac users.  Check the various threads in the \"Mac Issues\" forums under \"Everything Zaurus.\"  I have a few of the methods mentioned in my blog as well.  I too am a Newton user and still think most PDAs are still playing catch up to it.  The Zaurus has a strong community which is unfortunately more optimistic about the product than the manufacturer seems to be (at least in North America).  Thank god for the community of the ZUG.

Accessories / Netgear MA701 problems
« on: May 20, 2004, 10:44:08 pm »
You don\'t need a driver.  Both of the MA701\'s I\'ve had were/are tempermental.  In order for me to use mine with my 5500, I have to first turn on my Z, then insert the card.  The \"link\" light on the card stays off until I enable the card using the preset I set up in the network settings (ok, there were a lot of \"sets\" in that sentence).  Mine also does not work if I reboot while I have the card inserted.  I get best results when I plug in the card after the Z is on for a sec.

The other card I had was sent back to the manufacturer and I got a replacement.  If you still have problems, try to find someone who can test it on another Z or even a PocketPC before you go calling Netgear.  Check out my blog for more details on my dealings with Netgear tech support for my MA701.

Mac Issues / PocketMac sync software for OS X?
« on: April 23, 2004, 12:45:39 pm »
I\'ll email them as well to show interest.  Since we didn\'t get much out of our emails with \"The Missing Sync\" guys, it can\'t hurt.  Nice work Mark.

Mac Issues / Mounting w/ smbmount
« on: April 08, 2004, 10:33:56 am »
I\'ve actually had better luck using the USB connection to mount my SD card on the desktop.  See if this helps:


General Discussion / Need Help w/ SL-5500 & Netgear MA701
« on: March 31, 2004, 11:14:16 pm »
I remember my MA701 wouldn\'t hardly work until I upgraded from Sharp ROM 2.38 to 3.10 or Open Zaurus.  Also, the first MA701 card I got was bad.  I had to RMA it and get a replacement.


Mac Issues / VNC between a C750 and a Mac
« on: March 27, 2004, 11:41:50 am »

I\'ve used VNCDimension ( on my Mac with my Z running Sharp ROM 3.1 w/FB VNC Server and it works ok.
There\'s also Chicken of the VNC for OS X (, but I haven\'t tried it yet.


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