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Messages - prahs

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C1000/3x00 General discussions / Xmms And Pdaxtrom
« on: August 31, 2006, 04:05:07 am »
Firstly, and as many others have said, thanks to meanie for a great package - so far all seems good, except for one problem....

I can run xmms fine and listen to music, BUT when i try to change the graphic equalizer, for example the pre-amp and bass adjustments, the xmms application closes immediately with no warnings or errors displayed.

Has anyone else experienced this ?

C1000/3x00 General discussions / C3100/cacko/apache/mysql No Go
« on: April 23, 2006, 09:15:04 am »

I'm running apache 1.3x and mysql 3.x on SHARP ROM with no problems - got many php sites up and running....

I know you are running CACKO but is there anything you need - e.g. file permissions for mysql as i set them to 777 after initial connection probs...or anything else...

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Runnig Out Of Space
« on: March 16, 2006, 02:56:25 am »
This is what i did

# su
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/hdd3/expansion.ext2 bs=1048576 count=128
# echo y|/sbin/mke2fs /hdd3/expansion.ext2
# mkdir -p /home/expansion
# mount -o loop -t ext2 /hdd3/expansion.ext2 /home/expansion
# echo "/hdd3/expansion.ext2 /home/expansion ext2 loop,rw,noatime 0 0" >> /etc/fstab

and then

# mkdir -p /home/expansion/my new directory
# cd /directory under home i want to copy e.g. doom

used treeexplorer to move dreictory

# ln -s /home/expansion/new directory /home/moved directory name

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Best Way To Backup?
« on: March 13, 2006, 03:20:21 am »

Try this from Meanie's web site, it worked for me...

Since /hdd3 is quite large, you either need to get a big CF card, or mount a Samba or USB drive that has enough space to hold your data. A USB drive would be the best (cheaper than CF drive and faster than Samba since its connected directly and not over a network unless you have got a fast network).

Assuming you have your USB disk mounted as /mnt/usbdisk1 you could do the following to backup /hdd3:

# tar cf - /hdd3 | gzip - > /mnt/usbdisk1/hdd3-backup.tgz

If you are paranoid you can backup /hdd1, /hdd2 and /home as well:

# tar cf - /hdd1 | gzip - > /mnt/usbdisk1/hdd1-backup.tgz
# tar cf - /hdd2 | gzip - > /mnt/usbdisk1/hdd2-backup.tgz
# tar cf - /home | gzip - > /mnt/usbdisk1/home-backup.tgz
# tar cf - /root | gzip - > /mnt/usbdisk1/root-backup.tgz
# tar cf - /mnt | gzip - > /mnt/usbdisk1/mnt-backup.tgz

The Zaurus backup tool basically shuts down Qtopia so all open files are closed and then tars up /hdd2 and /home which become the backup image. This is much safer than the above approach while Qtopia is still running. You should, however, gzip the backup image to save some space. There is no real need to backup /hdd1 each time since it is a read-only partition and does not change unless you have changed something on it manually or applied an update via flashing.

I have written a script called hdbackup which will backup /hdd3 by archiving and compressing each directory separately and datestamping them so regular backups can be made by simply running a single command.

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Duke Nuke 'em 3d
« on: March 08, 2006, 04:45:47 am »

This appeared under PDAXROM

It would be fantastic to get this to run under SHARP ROM on DOSBOX

I will give it a try and let you know...

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Runnig Out Of Space
« on: March 06, 2006, 03:59:39 am »


I have a SL-C3100 running Sharp Rom - i do not want to change to PDAXROM as it is currently causing some issues with CF wireless cards e.g. DLINK model.

I don't see the advantage of changing to Cacko (maybe my ignorance).

I am running Apache, PRBOOM, XQT (meanie's IPK), MYSQL with Mambo, PHPBB, PostNuke, Powervision, TKCPLAYER, TREEEXPLORER, Firefox, ABIWord, Wireless sniffng, LBreakout and LUSScreensaver.

I followed Meanie's guide on Apache to create symbolic links for web pages.

Works great - BUT...

The home folder is now 91% full, my HDD3 holds all my music (1.8gb) - i cannot create an ln -s as HDD3 is FAT and of course the other partitions are not.  

I can't install anything else..

I'm not that familar with Linux, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Is The End For Sharp Linux Handhelds
« on: January 24, 2006, 03:42:37 am »

This is the new sharp phone/pda and it's windows based. Does it mean the end for the Linux PDA from Sharp.

Considering the work they put in to produce a world leader in PDA development - where is this device going to take sharp ?

I know this may be the wrong forum but i've got a 3100 running pdaxrom and certainly would never consider running a constrictive operating system such as Windows Mobile...

Any thoughts..

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Prboom For Zaurus
« on: January 08, 2006, 12:05:00 pm »

If you want WAD files goto

but please only use them if you have the ACTUAL game..also on this site are the tnt wad files from final doom for windows 95, all of these run fine under prboom...and indeed improve graphics...

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Qtmail And English Fonts
« on: December 08, 2005, 07:51:13 am »

Many thanks....would never have spotted it..

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Qtmail And English Fonts
« on: December 07, 2005, 03:44:03 am »
Got a SL-C3000 running mysql, apache, mambo, phpbb, wireless cf, xoops opera etc. These all work fine with links to HDD3 for storage.

BUT, when i use QTMAIL or if i install Kopiemail i cannot set them up or send emails. Why, because red squares appear when i type the letters (gotta be a font prob). I have looked at locale.inf and it is set to 'en'. All other applications work fine...

I have looked at qtmail.conf and could not see anything there to change other than the font size.

Any ideas - as this is outta of my depth.....


If anyone is interested i will post a document on the following

Installing mambo 4.5.1
insalling phpmyadin 4.5x
installing phpjob engine
installing phpbb (this drives this website)
configuring apache, mysql so it doesn't use all your memory
setting up zaurus as a server using CF wireless
what to kill in process manager

From my point of view, i would move to another kernel if i can prove all of this runs fine in Cacko, OZ etc, to date they don't and to help i have donated money to both of these to keep them going...please do the same, i for one do not have the expertise to do what these guys are doing.

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Qtrdesktop Probem
« on: June 25, 2005, 09:31:27 am »
wow, many thanks for your post - i will let you know how it goes....

by the way has anyone seen qtrdesktop 1.41+ looks very different but someone would have to convert it to english.....

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Qtrdesktop Probem
« on: June 24, 2005, 06:04:27 am »
Could  not open translation file /home/QtPalmtop//i18n/en/libsl.qmid
Qlibrary open failed: /home/QtPalmtop/lib/, cannot load shared object file: No such file or directory

I have links to those files on hdd1, which is stock.  Come to think of it, I don't recall what tweaks I made after installing the packages. and are linked at /hdd1/usr/QtPalmtop.rom/lib/.  I also have libsl.qmid linked to /hdd1/usr/QtPalmtop.rom/i18n/ja/libsl.qmid in /home/QtPalmtop/i18n/ja/, and nothing in the /home/QtPalmtop/i18n/en/.  In short, just search hdd1, for those files; it's probably there.

For turning on the remote desktop. I turned it on, but do not have a clue what user to add for this service.
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I've tried what you have listed but i still get the same error - please help. Could you list the links more clearly in case i'm doing something wrong...

Many thanks....
XP remote desktop doesn't require user accounts, only the ip address of the XP machine itself.
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C1000/3x00 General discussions / Cacko3k Feedback
« on: May 02, 2005, 04:31:42 am »
ok, i know i'm gonna get a lot of flack for asking this...

but, i'm using sharp rom, i've got mysql, apache, php, phpadmin, mambo, phpbb, phpnuke and mono running with great performance. I use it foe demo's and i could sell these units by the bucket - i meawn can a pda get any better than this..

In addition I'm running opera, wireless sniffing, openoffice etc..

I downloaded the beta, and wow the work you guys have done is amazing, hats off to you people.

I could'nt get wireless to work and mysql crashed.

The question i'm asking is..what will i gain by moving to these other O.S's. If it means i am able to use ipkg search etc and basically make this PDA a true linux desktop, then wa-hey !!!!.

Thanks in advance....

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Cacko3k Feedback
« on: May 02, 2005, 04:22:14 am »
Sorry for delay in posting reply...ok, here is what i did

1. install apache and php and link files to hdd2 rather than leave in rom as you will run out of space (this www and everything below)

2. install mysql and edit my.cnf to make sure database directory is on hdd3

3. install phpmyadmin

4. run this and create database mambo and user mambo

5. download mambo unzip it on your pc to folder called mambo

6. now copy to zaurus to sit under htdocs

6. chmod 777 -R on all folders below mambo

8. create configuration.php and assign 777 to it..

9. now run http://localhost/mambo/installation/install.php

10. make sure your http and mysql is running - mysqld and httpd

if i can be anymore help please let me know

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