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Topics - z_mentor

Pages: [1]
For Sale / Wanted / Sold.
« on: March 22, 2013, 09:34:24 am »

For Sale / Wanted / Sold
« on: October 15, 2009, 12:05:17 pm »

This is a mini HOWTO regarding connecting to the internet using either GPRS or Data calling through a Nokia mobile phone, a DKU-2 usb cable (the one provided with newer Nokia phone models) and Zaurus SL-C3000 (it might work for other mobile phones and/or SL-C3100).

The reason for all this is battery consumption both for the mobile phone and the Zaurus (as using bluetooth quickly drains power from both devices).

I have tested it with Nokia 6230, Nokia 6680 and Nokia 9500 Communicator and it is working fine with all of them. My guess is that it should work with most Nokia mobile phones.

I used the patches for acm.c from the kernel 2.4.23 and a small modification. Many thanks to all the hard working people who are developing the kernel.

First of all we must make sure that the needed devices are created at boot time.

Download the attached file and then as root:

1. Copy the file acm_devices into /etc/rc.d/init.d/

2. # chmod 775 /etc/rc.d/init.d/acm_devices

3. # ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/acm_devices /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S99acm_devices

4. In order to create the devices for the first time either reboot the Zaurus or

   # cd /etc/rc.d/init.d
   # ./acm_devices
Now we will use the modified kernel module acm-nokia.o:

1. Copy the file acm-nokia.o into /lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/drivers/usb/

2. # depmod -a

3. Plug in your mobile phone using the USB cable.

4. If you run lsmod you should see acm and acm-nokia loaded and if you run dmesg you should see a line saying

   ttyACM0: USB ACM device

5. If you want to be absolutely sure that it worked, download minicom from: (direct link: and follow the instructions: for installing it.After its installation edit the file /etc/minirc.dfl and replace on the second line whatever device there is with /dev/ttyACM0. Run minicom. It should initialize the modem-mobile phone and if you type ati3 you should get the model of your phone.

Now comes the last part: the internet connection itself.

1. Create one new IRDA connection from Settings --> Network or use an existing one. (for GPRS instructions look here:

2. We now have to modify it so that it looks for the new modem /dev/ttyACM0. Find a file in /etc/ppp/peers/IRDA******* (where * are random digits) and edit it

   Insert a new line with:

   And also just to make sure, go to the line which starts with connect '/usr/sbin/chat and delete the portion which says:


You should now be able to browse the internet.

If you can get connected but cannot view web sites,

check /etc/resolv.conf

and make sure it looks like this:

# Domain name searches will fail until you point this to a real DNS server.

(where the ip addresses and are your provider's DNS servers)

Good luck with your efforts.

Please report back if you are successful (don't forget to include your mobile phone brand and model) so that others can benefit.

Software / Howto: Tickypip (with Bugfix)
« on: April 24, 2005, 06:11:37 pm »
The latest version of Tickypip 0.1.2 has a small bug. It doesn't look in the correct directory for the level files (/opt/Qtopia/share/tickypip/levels).

I cross-compiled it using the bug fix located at

and fixed the ipk with the new tickypip binary.

So in order to have a full working Tickypip:

1) Download the ipk attachment on this thread.

2) Install the tickypip_0.1.2_arm_patched_for_levels_directory_bug.ipk package using Add/Remove Software on your Zaurus

3) Download the levels at

4) Execute the following command to unpack the levels and transfer them to your Zaurus:

    $> tar xjbf tickypip-levels_1.1.tar.bz2
    $> scp levels/* root@

5) That's all. Enjoy Tickypip!

Thanks to Christian Hammond for the Tickypip, Jason Haslup for the bug fix and Marcin Juszkiewicz for the Tickypip levels.

Please do not hesitate to respond to this thread with your observations and remarks.

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