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Messages - baptista

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5x00 General discussions / How To Change Office 2003 By 2002 Xp
« on: January 01, 2010, 12:09:25 pm »
I would like a help for sustituing the office 2003 that I have now in my notebook for the 2000 XP because I need to syncroniza the collie and I can´t do it with the actual version, I would like not to loose the data I have in calendar and contacts. I work also with a wm5 ppc but I need the two machines. Thanks

Software / Kopi And Kapi
« on: September 21, 2007, 05:20:10 pm »
Hi Tux: I have a collie.But don´t bore sending the files because after you I meet a friend of us that did it. Nevertheless I thank you again.

Caro jfv: Te agradeço imenso a rapidez em ver o que eu precisava,já fiz o download. Era isso mesmo. De hecho solo dispone para o Brasil do "mirror" UFPR (UniversidadeFederal do Paraná) e já levei na cabeça várias vezes baixando arquivos com eles...
Aunque mi inglês (me parece) que va mejorando, es un alívio encontrar alguien que hable portugês.
Un fuerte abraço

Software / Kopi And Kapi
« on: September 21, 2007, 01:31:57 pm »
Thank you very very much Tux, but the matter is that only have this mirror for Brasil,I can´t change it.Perhaps you can send to me your files without corruption....

Software / Kopi And Kapi
« on: September 20, 2007, 12:46:45 pm »
Please, anybody may help me leaving the ipkg for Kopi and Kapi on the forum?. The mirror to Brasil only send corrupt files.TIA
PS. Excuse my lack of memory. The version I work is 2.2.5

Accessories / Cf Card
« on: May 21, 2007, 06:02:12 pm »
Hi sdjf:
Really I entered the Opera and post you my first replay.

I think that when I update the 3.13 ROM must be lost the settings of  Network  GUI. Nevertheless I´ll try do something by myself without boring you everytime..and taking in account everything that you say to me.
So I begin my trial and error settings and at last functioned...will pass to you my configurations:

I give a name and a fone number
Connection x Dial-up( via Modem)

Connection name
Telefone number 9,xxxxxxxx (we have a fone central)
Dialing xTone
x make mail and settings
Dialing xTone
Advance settings:Init commands: ATZ
Speed 57600
xHardware control
Wait time   11 sec ( taking in account what you said about 3 sec.)

Connection ID:
x save pasword: xxxxxxxxx

x Auto-detect name servers

Proxy  No proxy

Enter mail and settings

Account name
User name: Francisco Baptista  (now you know my complete name...)
x save password  xxxxxxxx

Account Type    POP3
SMTP server

x Autentication settings
xSame a incoming mail server
Mail address:

So I connected and entered in Opera. It is difficult to work with it by the size of collie...also de battery goes out rappidly, During this time I have the external power connected. But have the joy of sending to you the first reply in the Forums...

Ah! thee bills with the ISP are updated....
Well you make a mention to vi..give me some tips if necessary.
Of course I need and OK from you about what I done (if you want)
I hope that this weekend you could to rest something more, I don´t know if I can help in something from here but would like. Something in your site is in the air...but I don´t want to enter in your privacity.Would like to know in internet language IMNSO

Till your answer I send
my best regards

Accessories / Cf Card
« on: May 20, 2007, 05:14:11 pm »
Hi sdjf: I,m writing for my joy and the yours,I think, from Opera. I,ll explain better...waiting a kick in the ass from you....your patience is giving results,once more thanks.
My best regards

Accessories / Cf Card
« on: May 19, 2007, 03:48:16 pm »
Hi sdjf:
Excuse me again, I don't make well the things as you say, I don't leave a space between the cat and the following commands. Well I do

bash-2.05$ cat /tmp/qpe-pppd-log
May 18 18:53:50 localhost pppd[2274]: pppd 2.4.0 started by root, uid 0
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]: abort on (BUSY)
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]: send (ATZ^M)
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]: expect (OK)
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]: ATZ^M^M
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]: OK
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]:
-- got it
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]: send (ATZG^M)
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]: expect (OK)
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]: ^M
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]: ATZG^M^M
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]: OK
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]:
-- got it
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]: send (ATDT9,30095007^M)
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]: expect (CONNECT)
May 18 18:53:51 localhost chat[2276]: ^M
May 18 18:54:22 localhost chat[2276]: ATDT9,30095007^M^M
May 18 18:54:22 localhost chat[2276]: CONNECT
May 18 18:54:22 localhost chat[2276]:
-- got it
May 18 18:54:22 localhost pppd[2274]: Serial connection established.
May 18 18:54:22 localhost pppd[2274]: using channel 9
May 18 18:54:22 localhost pppd[2274]: Using interface ppp0
May 18 18:54:22 localhost pppd[2274]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS3
May 18 18:54:41 localhost pppd[2274]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x7f5589f8> <pcomp> <accomp>]
May 18 18:54:41 localhost pppd[2274]: Timeout 0x20084bc:0x203b440 in 3 seconds.
May 18 18:54:44 localhost pppd[2274]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x7f5589f8> <pcomp> <accomp>]
May 18 18:54:44 localhost pppd[2274]: Timeout 0x20084bc:0x203b440 in 3 seconds.
May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 < 00 04 00 00> <mru 1100> <asyncmap 0xa0000> <auth pap> <pcomp> <accomp> <mrru 1100> <endpoint [MAC:00:d0:52:03:b7:c8]>]
May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: lcp_reqci: rcvd unknown option 0
May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: lcp_reqci: returning CONFREJ.
May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1 < 00 04 00 00> <mrru 1100>]
May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x7f5589f8> <pcomp> <accomp>]
May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 <mru 1100> <asyncmap 0xa0000> <auth pap> <pcomp> <accomp> <endpoint [MAC:00:d0:52:03:b7:c8]>]May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: lcp_reqci: returning CONFACK.
May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 <mru 1100> <asyncmap 0xa0000> <auth pap> <pcomp> <accomp> <endpoint [MAC:00:d0:52:03:b7:c8]>]May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: Untimeout 0x20084bc:0x203b440.
May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user="f.burgos" password=<hidden>]
May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: Timeout 0x200ebbc:0x203b6e0 in 3 seconds.
May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: rcvd [PAP AuthNak id=0x1 ""]
May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: PAP authentication failed
May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 "Failed to authenticate ourselves to peer"]
May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: Timeout 0x20084bc:0x203b440 in 3 seconds.
May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: rcvd [LCP TermAck id=0x2]
May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: Untimeout 0x20084bc:0x203b440.
May 18 18:54:47 localhost pppd[2274]: Connection terminated.
May 18 18:54:48 localhost pppd[2274]: Exit.          

As you can see I'll try by myself to connect via modem card.....I beg your pardon, still don't know how to set the modem. Well I think is better no speak more...wait your words. But it is interesting to know that I don't sync the mails wit windows box.

My best regards

Accessories / Cf Card
« on: May 18, 2007, 03:59:44 pm »
Hi sdjf:
I think everythyng is ok with the collie now.
The response of the terminal to the command you said is
"no such file or directorie"

Accessories / Cf Card
« on: May 17, 2007, 03:11:56 pm »
Hi sdjf:
As ever till now you had the reason...well I deleted the 2 famous files relationed with kopi and kapi, and everything is going ok. Also I installed the lsof command and chek the CF card, nothing open. Excuse me how many headache i gave to you, but I learned many things.
Now don´t strange the fact that I visit your site frequently for learning more.

Again a thing more, the question of modem card, as I said to you is a Pocket modem card 56K V.90 brand TARGUS In the user´s Guide they say that work with Windows CE and Pocket  PC. In fact I use it, perhaps with 2.38 ROM, I don´t remember, and receive many mails. I´ll try to use again now changing the settings of the modem, now are ATDT.

You said to me that only use the collie for everythings, and what happens with the battery?

Hope you had time enough for solving your questions. Nevertheless I feel that I win a friend in USA,would like to know the city.Anything that you want from São Paulo, Brazil, take me in account.
 My best regards from your friend

Accessories / Cf Card
« on: May 16, 2007, 04:33:29 pm »
Hi sdjf:
I don´t have lsof, will see your site. What means "ps ax"?
Tomorrow will delete the file journal, and  will write again
Regards from

Accessories / Cf Card
« on: May 16, 2007, 01:55:15 pm »
Hi sdjf:Once thanks,I´m pasting here the answer to the things you asked me in the prior mail.

Opening the documents tab for CF there are 5 folders: Applications,Documents, local, QtPalmtop, Screen files.It has also some books in PDF, musics,and 2 backups I ever have, also appears a file(journal) belonging to Kopi and 2 icons of text Editor:my calendar and  std (belonging to Kapi, that is addresses), as I said to you the Kopi and Kapi where installed in the SD card, so I think that this are older files
  The folder Applications is empty
 The folder Documents have the following folders: Applications,Audio,Chemical,Install_files,Image,Textfiles,Text, have also some files  about theSharp Motion Art.

The folder Application have the folders: Excel,  Hancomword, Ipkg, msword,octet-stream, portabase, rtf, x-gzip, x-htest, x-msdos-programs.

If you want I can send everythings is on each folder, but you can suppose that is a long list perhaps not interesting for you.

I think is interesting the folder chemical, it was created by a book that a friend of mine send by IRDA ,from their PalmTreo content a file in pdb not possible to open.

 Think that you want to know the folder QtPalmtop: it has this others folders:apps, help, pics, bdicty, i-ching, pics 144, bin, i18n, plugins, demo, java, qtmail, dtm, lib, share, etc, man.

About the commands:
Cardctl ident:
Response: Socket0:
Product info: “SanDisk”, “SDP”, “5/3 0,6”
Manfid: 0x0045, 0x0401
Function: 4 (fixed disk)
Socket 1:
No product info available

Cardctl status
Response: Socket 0:
3,3 V  16 bit PC Card
Function 0: (ready), (bat dead), (bat low)
Socket 1:
No card

Response: no such file or directory

About the long command that I repeat many times

Excuse me if I delay a little, I´m learning as never. I passed the hole yesterday working in this

Best regards

Accessories / Cf Card
« on: May 15, 2007, 11:59:49 am »
Hi sdjf
Thanks for your answer.
I know that I have a long way to go (as the song...) I income in but still don´t have the password they promise...
I would like, in order, to know:
How can I eject the CF card when the applet do not permit.
Why my Targus modem card don´t function now, how to set it
Many other things I´ll go to learn as the time is going, thanks to your patience and the ways you are opening to me.
As a joke: in Brazil the language is portuguese not spanish but really my first language is Spanish...
So long!
Regards from your friend

PS What is the difference in our time?

Accessories / Cf Card
« on: May 14, 2007, 03:25:01 pm »
Hi sdjf,
 thanks by the mail you posted to me, I answer by the Forums site as you like,
I have many things to learn, so I entered many times in your site. The time here in São Paulo (Brazil) now 14 of may 2007 is 4h 25m PM, when I´m posting this mail.
You must to explain me what is respawn ( more or less I can imagine ) but is better to hear from you. Also woul like to know what is an IRC client....if it is better to go to tyranozaurus site explain me better. You see how newbie I least in Zaurus.
Another thing, really you were with all the reason in everything you said to me. Now not  ever I can eject the CF card. When I can the collie recognize the Targus as a serial or modem card. But it now don´t function. I set the modem with the same conditions I have in the account of my provider. I suppose that it where funtioning when I had the ancient ROM, then of course I took various mails.
Really I don´t use the collie ever for mails, the normal is to use the desktop at home. But would like to have it ok for if I travel or so. The WiFi card that I said to you is functioning, I prove it in a WiFi point, nevertheless it is no easy the navigation with the opera, and the battery goes on rapidly. I have for this cases an battery extender.
I remember you say to me somethings about tty. May you repeat it for me if you don´t bore too much. Of course I will make a review of all your mails, till now.
Excuse me for take many of your time.
Cheers from

Accessories / Cf Card
« on: May 07, 2007, 07:03:04 pm »
Hi sdj: I return from my "weekend" that its a kind o work that I make some months helping in some way to others, as you do, not properly nothing to do.
I´m surprise reading the link you send, and I thank you once more for your help that will not end here, I hope. I begin to study your site, and certainly I must have many things to ask about zaurus.
Thankyou once more, and excuse my poor english..
My best regards from

Accessories / Cf Card
« on: May 04, 2007, 03:39:09 pm »
Hi sdjf: Thans again and again, with your link you open to me a new world of possibilities for a newbie. I´m going out this weekend. At my return i`ll read all your site, I just begin now. I´ll be in contact with you.
In fact I use yhe I/O port for making syncronization with my notebook (windows xp).
Let me ask you why you did not have the last zaurus ROM 3.13?

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