« on: May 16, 2007, 01:55:15 pm »
Hi sdjf:Once thanks,I´m pasting here the answer to the things you asked me in the prior mail.
Opening the documents tab for CF there are 5 folders: Applications,Documents, local, QtPalmtop, Screen files.It has also some books in PDF, musics,and 2 backups I ever have, also appears a file(journal) belonging to Kopi and 2 icons of text Editor:my calendar and std (belonging to Kapi, that is addresses), as I said to you the Kopi and Kapi where installed in the SD card, so I think that this are older files
The folder Applications is empty
The folder Documents have the following folders: Applications,Audio,Chemical,Install_files,Image,Textfiles,Text, have also some files about theSharp Motion Art.
The folder Application have the folders: Excel, Hancomword, Ipkg, msword,octet-stream, portabase, rtf, x-gzip, x-htest, x-msdos-programs.
If you want I can send everythings is on each folder, but you can suppose that is a long list perhaps not interesting for you.
I think is interesting the folder chemical, it was created by a book that a friend of mine send by IRDA ,from their PalmTreo content a file in pdb not possible to open.
Think that you want to know the folder QtPalmtop: it has this others folders:apps, help, pics, bdicty, i-ching, pics 144, bin, i18n, plugins, demo, java, qtmail, dtm, lib, share, etc, man.
About the commands:
Cardctl ident:
Response: Socket0:
Product info: “SanDisk”, “SDP”, “5/3 0,6”
Manfid: 0x0045, 0x0401
Function: 4 (fixed disk)
Socket 1:
No product info available
Cardctl status
Response: Socket 0:
3,3 V 16 bit PC Card
Function 0: (ready), (bat dead), (bat low)
Socket 1:
No card
Response: no such file or directory
About the long command that I repeat many times
Excuse me if I delay a little, I´m learning as never. I passed the hole yesterday working in this
Best regards