« on: January 19, 2005, 11:12:17 am »
Hello hns,
I have now got Rel 1.5.2 installed and "working" for my SL5600 as per the User manual. However, it is quite slow (lots of spinning beach balls) and does seem to slow the iBook right down when trying to open other apps. The good news is that it does sync but misses some calendar appointments. The Log window looks very similar to the sample in the User manual, it just that it takes 6-7mins to get the sync done. Is this normal? (less than 100 names and only 3 weeks of ICal appointments.
PS: On another matter, I managed to blow away all my original Zaurus Address info when first experimenting. No big loss, as I have it backed up on a USB HDD, but need a get a Wintel PC to reload the info again. In order to avoid this, is there any way I can see the raw address files in the Z? i.e via the command line? Where can I get information of the formating of the Zaurus user data?