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Messages - Nils

Pages: [1]
Hi, I decided to sell my German Gemini via Ebay. Auction starts at 1 €. There does not seem to be much attention at the moment. I also offer various accessories (HDMI adapter, USB hub, charger, two leather pouches) each starting at 1 € as well. I thought somebody wanting just an accessory could bid for it then. Why do I sell the gemini? I was able to buy a 5mx pro in an unopened box ("new old stock") and realized that this is what I wanted...  for the Gemini for the original pouch for an alternative very high quality pouch for the USB-C hub for the HDMI adapter for the EU charger

Of course I would also ship to locations outside Germany.

And stay healthy!!!!

Gemini PDA - Android / Which Office App to use?
« on: July 26, 2018, 07:03:48 am »
Hi, SoftMaker`s Office programs are definitely worth a try. They have desktop features, work nicely in landscape mode, maintain a high MS Office compatibility
and are availabe in free versions.
Regards Nils

Pages: [1]