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Messages - Totesz

Pages: [1]
Hardware Mods / Sl-c760 Screen Problem
« on: November 15, 2006, 07:03:22 am »
I've had problems with my 6000 and it flipping the screen left/right, and the backlight dropping out too. I took it apart, cleaned the contacts, and reassembled, and no luck.

Did you clean the LCD cable connectors when you dismantled? I am wondering whether the connectors are really sensitive to dirt or grease? They also seem very flimsy, so that they can only be opened and closed once or twice reliably.
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Well, I didn't clean the connectors, but I'll give it a try as soon as I'll have some time. :S


Hardware Mods / Sl-c760 Screen Problem
« on: September 29, 2006, 11:17:25 am »

I've got some problems with my Z. The model mentioned in the topic went strange a few months after I bought it. Some colors become a red tone and I don't know why. Sometimes the colors come back and than it's wrong again.
I thought that it's a contact-problem so I got it into pieces but found nothing.
Here is a sample, a pic (from me  ) and the other shows hot it looks on the Z.


On the Z:
 [ Invalid Attachment ]

I could use any help, I'm in kind of dispair.


Cxx0 General discussions / C860 Charging Problem (not Battery)
« on: June 19, 2006, 01:05:56 pm »
I have tested some cell phone chargers that gives 5.2v DC. Like Samsung and LG litium chagers and they work perfectly with may zaurus C700. This kind of chagers use a circuit to giveyou exactly 5.2v DC no matter the AC voltaje Input (>100vAC).

Thanks for your help, i will buy a phone charger.

Btw, what about USB?  It's voltage is 5V and devices can draw 400-500 mA current from a USB port, but correct me if im wrong.


Cxx0 General discussions / C860 Charging Problem (not Battery)
« on: June 04, 2006, 07:51:14 pm »
My fuses arrived a few days ago, i just put one of them into the Z, and now it works fine, charges the battery.
Now there is only one thing left to do: buy a better charger - this one is only 500mA, and the Voltage is really crazy one.
I've got an adapter that can produce 3, 4.5, 6 V outputs, but at 3 V i can measure 5.5 V. With this voltage, the Z only charges the battery to 50%. With the next step, at 4.5 V i can measure 7 V, and if i put this voltage in the Z, the charging led blinks.
Anyone idea?  

Cxx0 General discussions / C860 Charging Problem (not Battery)
« on: May 22, 2006, 03:39:25 am »
I just got my z apart, and the 630mA fuse is blown.  I ordered the fuses from the K.. sg. web site (mentioned on the previous pages), hope they'll arrive in a few weeks.
Anyway, thanks to this topic, there is still hope, that i don't have to send my z to service...
Thanks a lot!
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Did you order the fuses to Hungary?  Will they actually ship there?  If not, PM me your address.
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Yeah they ship to Hungary and they have some representatives in Hungary too. They wrote that they will ship out the samples this week so thanks for your offer very much but i hope i will get the samples soon. Btw i got a mail from a representative asking about my company... I hope it doesn't affect shipping if i don't write back.

Cxx0 General discussions / C860 Charging Problem (not Battery)
« on: May 03, 2006, 07:36:14 am »
I just got my z apart, and the 630mA fuse is blown.  I ordered the fuses from the K.. sg. web site (mentioned on the previous pages), hope they'll arrive in a few weeks.
Anyway, thanks to this topic, there is still hope, that i don't have to send my z to service...
Thanks a lot!

Pages: [1]