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Topics - Serge

Pages: [1]
Linux Applications / Mplayer Development And Optimization For Arm
« on: December 05, 2006, 05:43:15 pm »
Probably it is a good idea to consolidate efforts and try to submit some of the useful ARM related patches upstream:

I can only test MPlayer on Nokia 770, so can't be sure if any ARM9E (that's the core used in Nokia 770) specific optimizations are also good for Zaurus. So people who are able to compile MPlayer from sources and test it on zaurus are welcome in this thread. One of the examples is the new armv5te optimized idct in MPlayer 1.0rc1, can anybody benchmark it on Zaurus?

Also this is not quite ARM architecture related, but libmad based decoder in MPlayer seems to have troubles with variable bitrate audio (it loses sync with video). Some more details can be found here and in the followup messages. Any volunteer to investigate this problem?

All in all, ffmpeg optimizations for ARM are not nearly as good as for x86, so investing some time in it may provide some performance improvement.

Nokia Tablet / Nokia 770 Software Update
« on: November 02, 2006, 11:40:09 am »

Nokia is publishing a new software image for the Nokia 770 Internet
Tablets today. This is an update to the latest OS 2006 software edition.

The update includes improvements in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections,
Internet calling audio quality and browser functionality, among other

For updating your software using a Linux computer, please visit [1].

Release Notes

Internet Call
o Volume level improvements
o Improved microphone background noise filtering

File Manager
o Improved file handling operations:
  e.g. moving files from folders between local device & MMC
o Added function to rename folders

o Local playback of MPEG video improved
o Streaming of WAV improved

o Improved stability
o Improved handling of streaming audio formats
o Patch for certificate signature verification

o Improved quality of Bluetooth connections
o Improved quality of WLAN connections

RSS Feed Reader
o Added image support to previously saved feeds
o Fixes to memory leaks

Internet Search home applet
o Pre-installed Wikipedia search engine added

Memory Card
o Capability to use 2GB RS-MMC memory cards
o Possibility to rename the MMC-card

General Improvements
o Improved device SW stability
o Finger usage improvements
o Localization fixes
o Improved stability of hand-writing and teaching of hand-writing

On behalf of the whole Maemo Team,


Did anybody try it already?

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