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Topics - poplav

Pages: [1]
Security and Networking / Bing Weirdness
« on: May 06, 2006, 03:17:28 am »
Here is the situation, my Z and my windows XP laptop are connected to at various times to a wireless router that has DHCP activated to get to the internet. If I want to telnet either way though I have to walk over  to the XP machine and read the IP address. I would like to not need to do that.

So I installed BING on my Z. It sees the router (WRT54G), and the other Z, but not the laptop. Any ideas why?

I can telnet Z to Z no problem. BTW both are 6Ks, both Sharp 1.12, it seems that the variable is the laptop. All machine can see the internet fine.


General Discussion / Offline Forum Browsing
« on: April 21, 2006, 03:20:49 pm »
Is there a way to save all of these old posts so that they can be read on the Z when there is no hotspot? I tried to use wget, but it didn't get the actual posts. Obviously replies would not be possible, but so many things have already been answered and solved that most of the time just searching can yield the needed info.
     Idealy, not needing to set up a server to localy host the site would be great. Sort of like the offline version of the wikipedia. Maybe this is not possible, but any suggestions would be great.

6000 - Tosa / Bottleneck?
« on: August 09, 2005, 02:52:05 am »
I just recently noticed this and it struck me as odd. Perhaps others may be able to point out the significance(if any), to the fact that when the internal wireless is on, it shows up as a device under the usb host. Is there a potential speed penalty here? For example, a usb HDD used to save files download from wireless internet connection. Or possibly when using a usb hub with keyboard, mice, and multiple storage accesories, to include a swap partition.
     I know that the speed of the usb 1.1 specification is somewhere around 12 Mbit/sec, which is faster than most internet connections, even cable or dsl, but with lots of expansion can the usb traffic get to be to much of a burden for the 6k?

Just a thought

6000 - Tosa / Confirmed Impact Resistance
« on: April 26, 2005, 05:31:59 pm »
Here is some info.

      My 6k sustained a fall to concrete as I was stepping out of a pickup truck. Which is certain to be at the upper extreme of the published 3 ft level. I was worried at first because both the SD and CF cards were knocked out of it, as was the flip screen cover knocked off. The only permanent damage seems to have been the plastic case surrounding the socket for the stylus, which was dented. However, once I got the stylus out, I shaved away the caved in section and it works fine again.

I just thought I'd post this little testimonial pertaining to the durability of the Z. :)

Software / In a pickle
« on: November 02, 2004, 03:18:04 am »
Hi All,

I have a 5500 w/sharp 2.x ROM that has a broken screen. The unit still works including the touchscreen part, you just can't see anything but the lower righthand corner of the LCD. I have replaced this(now virtually unusable unit) with a shiny new 6000. The ploblem lies in the fact that I always used the Z as a standalone unit, in other words I hardly ever sent any of it's data anywhere.

Now, I would like to retrieve my data, and I don't remember the procedure, and can not see what the screen looks like to know where to tap or anything like that.

I understand that the data fromat of the PIM apps from that far back is different from that of the 6K. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I do have an old backup (somewhere) that I could dig up. But that was made with a different computer than the one I use now with the qtopia desktop software compatible with the old 5500.

Any suggestions? I tried to include as many details as I could think of relating to my crazy quandry. Thanks much.

Michigan / Hello, is their anybody in there?
« on: November 02, 2004, 02:51:49 am »
This is just a post to anyone who may or may not be a part of the Michigan ZUG. I can't seem to find any info as to whether or not this group is even active. If anyone knows, please respond. Thanks, BTW this post hails from Lapeer County, MI.

General Discussion / Upgrade from ZR-5000
« on: January 01, 2004, 08:42:08 pm »
Hi All,

I just ordered a 5500 from eBay and will be expecting it in a few days. I currently use a ZR-5000 and am trying to find out if I can beam the old data to the new Z. Thank you.

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