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Topics - mpak

Pages: [1]
Zaurus - pdaXrom / simple question
« on: July 25, 2004, 10:34:32 am »
only i want is to flash my jornada 720 with pdaxrom cause ce that possible?( project has stopped since 2002)..

For Sale / Wanted / wanted c760 for trade with toshiba e800
« on: June 23, 2004, 10:22:54 am »
Excellant condition Toshiba e800 upgraded to windows mobile 2003 SE.
With the original box and all the accesories.
Im located in Greece and ill ship everywhere.
I was a confsed sl5600 owner after many ppc's and i went back to ms but i think my heart belongs to linux...

Software / ppc\'s applications on Z?
« on: April 18, 2004, 07:05:47 pm »
Just a question.Lets say i like an application that runs on ppc\'s.Can i ported it to linux Z?Or i have to rewrite it from the begining?Is there any connection between them?
its noobie question but i just want to know

For Sale / Wanted / Selling or trading my sl5600!
« on: April 15, 2004, 05:06:33 am »
I want to try clamshell design so i decide to sell my sl5600.
Boughted brand new (not refurbished) and is two months old in excellent condition.
I will trade it with a c750-c760-c860 (plus the difference from my side) if someone want to.
Ill ship it to its original box with all  the thinks was in it,like new.
I ask for this 230$.
Im locatd in Greece and ill ship worlwide.
Ill MAYBE cover shipping costs -depends the destination- if we use the national mail service (ups-fedex e.t.c. charge ALOT)

Try to install various applications or games but nothing.Im on the install-uninstall screen,  tap to install the packge and it just get me to main menu.I try to install the package through the console i get ipkg found-unzipped and nothing else.

5x00 General discussions / Any good games?
« on: March 09, 2004, 08:52:49 am »
For 5600 and i mean GOOD ppc\'s level games cause all the other games ive seen on Z are crap.

5x00 General discussions / Can we change the resolution of 5600
« on: March 04, 2004, 12:15:46 pm »
at ppc there is some progrs that you virtual change pdas resolution until 1024x768.Is anything available to our zaurus?

5x00 General discussions / is anyone have cf-gps on his 5600?
« on: March 03, 2004, 04:12:25 pm »
i bought a bc-307 cf gps and i have lost my sleep.i install qpegps followed the instructions providen for bc-307 to make it work with no luck.i try rikalline instructions with no luck either.the gpsd button in the qpe gps menu is green and the the gps is ???.above says \"no gmt signal recieved\". i did that on tkc alpha3 rom on sl5600.i reflash it to sharp, no luck and tkc 1.1 but its very buggy, when i plugged in the card Z stucks.!!!
i test the card on a laptop running xp and worked perfect.
all of the instructions are for 5500(nothing for 5600).
is anyone had the same prob???

5x00 General discussions / Cant install packages
« on: March 03, 2004, 08:42:07 am »
sl 5600 with tck.I cant install any packages from sd or internal flash.the installer sees the packages but when i press ok to install it just get back to the main menu screen.i did reboot, hard reset but nothing i think i need format!

General Discussion / Why i cant do anything on this damn thing?
« on: February 27, 2004, 06:03:36 am »
I bought a 5600 after ppc i got.Im noob on linux, know only some basics.Now i need your knowledges, i bought a cf gps card that need to edit some files....
 I open the dir, found the file i want to edit  with afexplorer(very strange the way it works,is not copy-paste on i think).Try to edit the file.Cant edit.
Take text editor (zeditor) found the file, open it, edit it and NOT save it cause it give me an error message.I thought is the permissions.Go at set permissions on afexplorer set 777 , take message \"cant change wrong user bla bla ...\"
 After this i had to paste a -new driver for pcmcia-file.I copy it on documents from my %M box open afexplorer, copy it and cant paste it anywhere.Two different mistakes,probs. a) It dont paste it (just dont have paste button)  Take cant paste error if i use hardware copy paste buttons.
 Except this solution it was another available by adding a patch on kernel(kernel is the route files? :? )But didnt try anything yet.

I think there is some thinks im missing on messing with Zaurus.Must i go back to ppc?Just need to make it read/write Greek and have a working GPS.


5x00 General discussions / 640x480?
« on: February 25, 2004, 04:42:49 pm »
Some progrs(i think opies)they dont fit in the screen of my 5600(tk rom) you can see that there is more thinks of the screen.Like, buttons you cant press.I think they need 640x480 resolution to work.Can we do that?Whats wrong wit this?

5x00 General discussions / help Wanted
« on: February 21, 2004, 11:11:52 am »
Can i make a second mapping on the hardware keyboard?I want to use greek characters on, or at least to make zaurus read unicode characters to support greeks cause i take empty boxes everywhere is greek.Is anyone knows?can he show me the way?

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