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Topics - ducttape

Pages: [1]
5x00 General discussions / Collie + Audio + 2gb Sd
« on: August 19, 2007, 05:50:28 pm »
I'm trying to figure out what to do with my 5500, and I'm sure your advice could help not only me but other people looking for a similar solution.

I frequently use otrplayer to listen to news downloads, and I'd like to upgrade my storage capacity to at least 2GB with a SD card. Based on the searching around I've done, I understand that my options are:

1.  Use a Sharp 3.13 ROM, modified for 2GB SD support.
PROS: 2GB SD, audio
CONS: distro is no longer active

2. OZ 3.5.4
PROS: 2GB SD (?), audio
CONS: distro is no longer active

3. Angstrom
PROS: 2GB SD, distro is under active development
CONS: no audio

Am I right about this? Any other options? Should I just go for 1 or 2 until Angstrom has audio for collie? Thanks for any tips.

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