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Topics - SteveConley

Pages: [1]
5x00 General discussions / Sl5600 Can't Execute Rc0.d, Rc6.d ?
« on: January 20, 2006, 07:33:29 am »
I am using the Watapon (1.6.1) ROM, an ext2 SD, a swapfile on same and putting the Python ext2 image.

With minor changes to some of the published scripts I have this working.

When I manually execute the scripts in rc0.d or rc6.d and the rc.5 everything works fine and the ext of the python image and the sd come up clean.

Unfortunately if I execute "shutdown -r now" or the reboot gui app, both ext systems come up not clean.

This matches the problem that I had with using a fat on the SD - eventually I would loose files.

On digging into this, I find that "apparently" the real rc.d is in /home/root/etc. This one is readonly and its own rc0.d and rc6.d that have only one entry "halt" and it is the halt in the /home/root/etc/init.d.

So it is my belief that the /etc/rc.d/rc0.d and rc6.d are not being executed at all when using shutdown or the gui app.

Is there a way around this? I can't figure out a way to really figure out what is executed in a power down (specifically on a Zaurus). I find plenty of docs on the specific startup, but not on shut down.

Does anyone have some clues I can follow?

5x00 General discussions / Zaurus and the Pocketop and Diet Coke
« on: February 29, 2004, 08:52:52 pm »
My contribution for the day. You don\'t need a screen rotator.

Just put the Zaurus in any suitable stand for viewing such as the charge stand. Set a Diet Coke can on the left (the silver one).

Set the keyboard flat on the table about 6 inches in front of the Zaurus and type away. Works beautifully.

I found this necessary because I consume far more Diet Coke than Hershey\'s Chocolate. I found it is necessary to do that so as to not require multiple airline tickets.

Besides - I live in Atlanta, not Pennsylvania.  

5x00 General discussions / Can\'t find some install files
« on: February 29, 2004, 07:47:32 am »
I have a  SL5600 ROM 1.21.

For some reason, SOME ipk  files are not seen by the installation.  in particular:

They just don\'t show up in the list. I can see them with file manager, but when I try to install them from there with thr menu option it doesn\'t work either.
Also, some of the packages are provided as tar files. It is unclear to me how to re-package or unpackage those to be seen by the installer. I thought they are gz of tar of gzs of control and data files. gz\'ing the provided tars, such as zsafe_2.1.2_arm.ipk.tar doesn\'t seem to work.

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