Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Android 4.0.3
« on: June 18, 2012, 04:17:48 pm »
First I must admit I didn`t test it yet...
Tested it and it works!
Sometimes a bit slow but overal no problems.
A minor sitback is that the keyboard layout isn't correct with Android, but you will figure it out while typing.
This is only for the special characaters.
Played for it for an hour... to slow for me...
How to put this on your netwalker:
First, please install gparted into your NetWalker, and make partitions in your SD card.
To install gparted, please try the command "sudo apt-get install gparted,"
and if it does not work, please find gparted_0.4.3-0ubuntu1_armel.deb from the Internet, and install it with "dpkg -i gparted_0.4.3-0ubuntu1_armel.deb".
The following two partitions are required.
1GB of ext3 (for kernel and android system), label = rootfs
remaining of FAT32 (LBA) (for SD card area), label = media
Then mount the SD card by re-inserting the SD card.
Then, install the android as follows. You should have write permission in the working directory.
Download http://mit.sharp.co.jp/os.tar.bz2, and extract it in ext3 area of your SD card.
Erase all the lines in /media/rootfs/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules in order to fix the Wifi device as "eth0".
For example, please use gedit.
Rename /media/rootfs/etc/rc2.d/S01upfirm as /media/rootfs/etc/rc2.d/~S01upfirm.
Edit the console option in /media/rootfs/boot/boot.conf as "console=tty1"
For example, please use gedit.
Copy the kernel zImage ($ANDROID_ROOT/jaunty-arm/arch/arm/boot/zImage)
into the boot directory. You cannot use the kernel for gingerbread.
Put the android system in /media/root/android/ics
Edit the /media/rootfs/etc/rc.local, and put a line /usr/sbin/chroot /android/ics /init
before "exit 0".
For example,
Then, unmount the CD card.
And shutdown Ubuntu. Please unmount the SD card everytime before you shutdown Ubuntu.
To launch android, please press two mouse buttons and power button simultaneously.
If small black square appears at the left side of Sharp logo, the launch is successful.
Here a little status overview:
Wifi works, but sometimes it is disconnected.
First, enable Wifi. If your network does not appear, add your network manually. Then please toggle Wifi ON/OFF serveral times,
We confirmed that Buffalo BSHSBD02 works. However, we had to insert the device directly to NetWalker without bus-power USB hub.
You can use BluetoothChat in android SDK.
In kernel, Video4Linux is enabled, but CameraService does not work yet. We added TKCam2Webcams.apk which aquare images directly from kernel.
You can use the devices with FTDI driver and PL2302 driver.
Not working.
NetWalker sleeps by pressing the power button, but display is always ON.
You can choose "Never timeout" for sleep mode.
You cannot use the console of android nor linux.
Other problems
LiveWallpaper does not work
Battery always show 100%
The frequency of CPU is always set maximized because "on demond" mode seems not to work.
How to can be found HERE
Tested it and it works!
Sometimes a bit slow but overal no problems.
A minor sitback is that the keyboard layout isn't correct with Android, but you will figure it out while typing.
This is only for the special characaters.
Played for it for an hour... to slow for me...
How to put this on your netwalker:
First, please install gparted into your NetWalker, and make partitions in your SD card.
To install gparted, please try the command "sudo apt-get install gparted,"
and if it does not work, please find gparted_0.4.3-0ubuntu1_armel.deb from the Internet, and install it with "dpkg -i gparted_0.4.3-0ubuntu1_armel.deb".
Code: [Select]
sudo gparted /dev/mmcblk0
The following two partitions are required.
1GB of ext3 (for kernel and android system), label = rootfs
remaining of FAT32 (LBA) (for SD card area), label = media
Then mount the SD card by re-inserting the SD card.
Then, install the android as follows. You should have write permission in the working directory.
Download http://mit.sharp.co.jp/os.tar.bz2, and extract it in ext3 area of your SD card.
Code: [Select]
wget http://mit.sharp.co.jp/os.tar.bz2
sudo tar xf os.tar.bz2 -C /media/rootfs
Erase all the lines in /media/rootfs/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules in order to fix the Wifi device as "eth0".
For example, please use gedit.
Code: [Select]
sudo gedit /media/rootfs/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
Rename /media/rootfs/etc/rc2.d/S01upfirm as /media/rootfs/etc/rc2.d/~S01upfirm.
Code: [Select]
sudo mv /media/rootfs/etc/rc2.d/S01upfirm /media/rootfs/etc/rc2.d/~S01upfirm
Edit the console option in /media/rootfs/boot/boot.conf as "console=tty1"
For example, please use gedit.
Code: [Select]
sudo gedit /media/rootfs/boot/boot.conf
Copy the kernel zImage ($ANDROID_ROOT/jaunty-arm/arch/arm/boot/zImage)
into the boot directory. You cannot use the kernel for gingerbread.
Code: [Select]
wget http://brain.cc.kogakuin.ac.jp/research/files/ics/zImage
sudo cp zImage /media/rootfs/boot/
Put the android system in /media/root/android/ics
Code: [Select]
sudo mkdir /media/rootfs/android
wget http://brain.cc.kogakuin.ac.jp/research/files/ics/ics4.0.3-20120102.tgz
sudo tar zxf ics4.0.3-20120102.tgz -C /media/rootfs/android
Edit the /media/rootfs/etc/rc.local, and put a line /usr/sbin/chroot /android/ics /init
before "exit 0".
For example,
Code: [Select]
sudo gedit /media/rootfs/etc/rc.local
Then, unmount the CD card.
Code: [Select]
sudo umount /media/*
And shutdown Ubuntu. Please unmount the SD card everytime before you shutdown Ubuntu.
Code: [Select]
sudo poweroff
To launch android, please press two mouse buttons and power button simultaneously.
If small black square appears at the left side of Sharp logo, the launch is successful.
Here a little status overview:
Wifi works, but sometimes it is disconnected.
First, enable Wifi. If your network does not appear, add your network manually. Then please toggle Wifi ON/OFF serveral times,
We confirmed that Buffalo BSHSBD02 works. However, we had to insert the device directly to NetWalker without bus-power USB hub.
You can use BluetoothChat in android SDK.
In kernel, Video4Linux is enabled, but CameraService does not work yet. We added TKCam2Webcams.apk which aquare images directly from kernel.
You can use the devices with FTDI driver and PL2302 driver.
Not working.
NetWalker sleeps by pressing the power button, but display is always ON.
You can choose "Never timeout" for sleep mode.
You cannot use the console of android nor linux.
Other problems
LiveWallpaper does not work
Battery always show 100%
The frequency of CPU is always set maximized because "on demond" mode seems not to work.
How to can be found HERE