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Topics - ThirtyOne

Pages: [1]
Zaurus - pdaXrom / Pyqt For Rc12
« on: November 19, 2005, 03:24:41 am »
I would like to be able to write gui python apps for my SL-5500 and my C760 with pdaxrom.

It looks like PyQT is the best bet, but I have read that the available version is for 2.3.  RC12 and kopsis' image is 2.4.  I took a shot at compiling it myself but no luck.

Could someone recompile PyQT 2.4 for rc12?


SIMpad forum / Video On Simpad
« on: October 25, 2005, 04:26:53 pm »
I use mplayer to play videos on my zaurus.  I would love to have a bigger screen and higher resolution.

Any experiences with mplayer or any video player on the Simpad?  What formats/resolution/fps does it support?

I am thinking mostly in terms of OPIE, but I would be open to whatever OS was most conducive.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Nxrun
« on: June 27, 2005, 07:33:27 am »
I maintain the nxrun client for NX.  When paired with an NX server or FreeNX server, it allows you to create low-bandwidth x-based connections to a linux server.

Generally speaking, a connection uses about 20k and is more responsive than a remote X session and certainly faster than VNC.  

NXRun is a command line client and very small and portable.  It does require the open source nx libraries.

more info here:

I wish I had time to set up a pdaXrom development environment and get this ported but I don't.

If anyone is willing to help with the port I can provide all the details.



Zaurus - pdaXrom / Request: Mrproject
« on: March 18, 2005, 10:44:40 am »
I would like to try out MrProject for pdaXrom so I have everything I need for work on my zaurus.

It looks like all the dependencies are already in the feed.

I would be very grateful if someone could try and compile it.


Cxx0 Hardware / Bottom Line - Charging 860 In Us
« on: March 08, 2005, 09:30:38 pm »
I have read all the threads, but they just left me confused.

If I buy a Japanese 860, what charger should I get with it.

I want the most compatible with US power so I won't have problems down the road.

Off Topic forum / Rumor: Apple Zaurus Killer
« on: March 08, 2005, 09:02:10 pm »

For Sale / Wanted / Wanted To Buy: C760/c860
« on: March 02, 2005, 10:02:26 pm »
I am a long-time SL-5500 owner who is ready to take the plunge on a C-series.

I am looking for a good deal on a C760 or C860.

I actually prefer a C760 if I can get it.

You can PM me on the site if you have one you are willing to part with.


Sharp ROMs / Need Help with TKCRom
« on: May 11, 2004, 09:29:41 pm »
I have a SL-5500 with TKCRom 1.0

I really like the ROM, but I need home on SD.  A battery applet that actually works wouldn\'t be bad either.

I have read the forums , but now I am confused.

I know I need some combination of the following:

TKCRom 1.0
TKCRom 2.0 alpha 3
derekp home on sd script 5
async kernal
fast sd driver from the downloads
new cacko kernal
derekp custom 60/4 kernel

Which of these will be the most stable with the best performance?

What should I do about temp?  With the new drivers is it faster on SD, or in RAM?

What is the best way to configure the swap?

Is it possible to use the oz battery applet with the ROM so I can get better battery readings?

What version of opera should I use?

Will X/QT work with this ROM?

How about KO/PI?

Should I just use cacko instead?

Will all this stuff ever be rolled into a new ROM?

Thanks for the help.

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