dear people at zug. i don't want to bother you too much, especially as most people in here definitely know what they are doing (in contrast to myself). on the other hand i am sure that you know the answer to my questions (please not the plural...)
ok. i am not new to computers and programming in general, but my experience is based on many years of win and a bit of visual basic and to some assembler on my c64 (oh, yes those were the days... - visible sign of getting old?).
now i dared to venture into the promising abyss of linux on a c3000. it's a beautiful machine, without any doubt, but as soon as one starts to fiddle with it, problems start to arise.
python as a programming language still seems a good choice. i am not able to compare it with c or java, but i got it running under win and reading makes me sure i did the right decision.
now the problems start:
QUESTION1: which python distribution makes most sense on a c3000 (sharp rom)?
there is the riverbank distribution, abandoned and old, but at least i got it running on my z. however i found those different versions: which of these riverbank distributions works best (on the c3000)?
well, the pyqt is just as confusing which pyqt? the newer the better?
supposedly there is also an ide for this riverbank distribution: couldn't make it work: the icon appears, it will start (hourglass) but nothing will happen (python on the terminal however works).
QUESTION4: how can i make the ide work?
QUESTION5: do i need it at all? and which alternatives are there on the z?
well, and then there is the vanille-distribution. updated, that's fine. however i think that only the gcc2 feed makes sense for a c3000 with an original sharp rom (btw: what does the oz in the files' names stand for: open zaurus? wouldn't that be gcc3?)
anyway, i tried to install this (before installing riverbank's!), but the ipk didn't show up in the add&remove wizard. googling i found out that vanille's distribution is "ar formatted" (whatever that might mean): the other hand i also read on a completely different page ( that the new sharp rom (i guess the c3000 should have a relatively new sharp rom) is able to handle these "ar formatted" files:
"Apparently the Sharp ROM uses ar formatted ipks instead of the tar.gz version used on OZ/familier."
QUESTION6: what is "ar formatted"?
QUESTION7: how can i change it to a format able to be installed (i guess tar/ipk would be the best choice)? i know that there is a description on the zug-page mentioned above (mkdir foo; cd foo; ar x file; tar zcvf file), but please (please, please) explain... i would like to know what i'm doing...
i guess i stole enough of your precious time (and i'm afraid that this is not the last of my post here). thank you for reading this and even more thanks to everyone who will answer.