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Topics - fluffybob

Pages: [1]
Accessories / Usb Gps
« on: August 09, 2005, 06:34:44 am »
Hi all.

I have a Deluo usb gps receiver which I would love to get working with my C1000. I've looked on the forums but there is very little discussion about usb gps devices. I don't really mind which ROM I use at this stage but I imagine the initial problem won't be rom specific anyway...

Should this work? Does any ROM support usb gps devices? Can anyone point me in the right direction to start with?



Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Vnc With Oz
« on: August 01, 2005, 05:10:44 am »
I know this has been mentioned before but it all seems to be out of data posts. I can't seem to get a vnc server working under OZ (specifically the latest hentges ROM release). I've downloaded the fbvnc ipk in the feed but if has certain dependencies that arn't in the feed.

These are:


I'd have thought there were loads of people who would want to use vnc at least while they setup their zaurus as it can really save time.

Someone must have this working...



Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Libx11-6
« on: June 15, 2005, 05:10:17 pm »
Iv been trying to install scummvm on a C1000 using the OZ rom. I'm new to all this but I seem to be making some progress. I've got stuck with one required package libx11-6. I have installed a version (6.2.1-r2 from the 3.5.3 OZ feed) but still get the problem. I've seached for a long time for a newer version and found one on IpkgFind but I still get the error. The version it is asking for is >= 6.2.1cvs20050403.

Anyone got any ideas where I can find this or has anyone got scummvm working on a C1000? I'm trying to install scummvm version 0.6.1b-r0 from the OZ feed.


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