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Topics - nykodemus

Pages: [1]
Accessories / Accessory Compatability Differences Between Roms
« on: September 18, 2006, 12:15:30 am »
Hi, I've run OZ/GPE, OZ/Opie, pdaXrom, and Cacko.

I was wondering how one would go about determining what causes one distro to recognize a piece of hardware or not. For instance, Cacko likes my usb keyboard where no other ROM recognized it. OZ/Opie and GPE both liked my wifi card, but not Cacko.

I can't seem to get one ROM that likes both my keyboard and my wifi card at the same time.

Is there some command I can execute to see what driver is succeeding in making these devices work, then try and get that driver for the ROM that it doesn't work in?

Any help would be much appreciated,


User Request for Applications / Smalltalk
« on: June 08, 2006, 01:37:53 am »
Hi there, I'm new to the Zaurus, and linux in general. I have tried for the past week or more to get OE to build GNU Smalltalk for me, but I apparently don't know what I'm doing. I get lost pretty quickly, but somehow stumble around without crashing until the instructions assume I have .bb files, which I don't know how to make or aquire. I really don't understand why this is so much more difficult than just executing './configure' and 'make'.

So anyway I give up and I now beg for an .ipk of both GNU Smalltalk and Squeak Smalltalk for Open Zaurus/GPE.

Thank you in advance for whomever can make this happen.

Accessories / C1000 + Twiddler
« on: May 26, 2006, 05:36:58 pm »
Hi everyone, new C1k owner here.

It's been mentioned a few times on this forum and elsewhere, but I don't think anyone has actually reported success with a C1k and the Twiddler one-handed chording keyer.

I recieved both items today. I plugged in the Twiddler to the USB host cable for the Z, and it just automagically worked (the keyboard). The mouse doesn't work quite yet, but I haven't installed anything to give me a cursor. Since I just got the Twiddler, I can't vouch for every single function (macros, etc) but I imagine it should work fine.

A-Z and all punctuation seems to work fine, no mis-mapped keys.

This is on stock Qtopia. I'll try it with OZ asap.

Sorry for the crappy photo...  [ Invalid Attachment ]  ... if it works, anyway.

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