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Messages - brontoZaurus

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Zaurus - pdaXrom / New Pdaxrom Development
« on: June 03, 2017, 02:52:28 pm »
Hello to all!

I'm still here too (with near no free time) and my C3000 still boots Arch, Cacko and pdaXii13 beta3 from time to time...

Glad to read i'm not alone  

General Discussion / Larger Sdhc Cards On Sharp Rom
« on: February 17, 2011, 07:58:05 pm »
Quote from: koan
Doesn't Cacko have a special driver for SD cards (up to 2GB IIRC) ? Have you remembered to remove it ?
i cant remove it i think, and i solved the problem installing tetsu kernel and modules before applying the SDHC ipk.

Quote from: njefferies
It does work with Cacko 1.23 provided you have the original SD card driver and not the 4GB SD update.

However, the change to supporting SDHC has had some side effects for me:

It has made the Z much more sensitive to SD card timings - so some cheap SD cards give timeouts (type "dmesg" in Konsole to see the messages)

It seems to expect the SD card to be partitioned since it tries to automount /dev/mmcda1 rather than /dev/mmcda

MMC card support seems to have gone - can't get any of mine to mount
i really havent used an mmc on my c3000 yet and dont believe its going to happen, then it doesnt bother me.
the timeout messages are prompted with the original driver too, at least in cacko 1.23b1 on my c3000.

Thanks both for your responses!!!!
happy to see there are some Z´s users active on this forums.

General Discussion / Larger Sdhc Cards On Sharp Rom
« on: February 16, 2011, 11:01:54 am »
i cant use it with cacko 1.23b on my c3000, it handles normal sd cards but not sdhc, only ONE TIME i forgot a sdhc inserted qhen charging suspended, at resume the card worked!!!
anyone know what is happening¿?

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Want Compiled Thread?
« on: February 11, 2011, 05:29:17 pm »
i love you.
pretty simple, i´ll make my own feed with all the files i want and in a sd card, great!!
really, thank you man.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Want Compiled Thread?
« on: February 10, 2011, 07:21:55 am »
thanks ckblackm,
ok ibiblio works well but in  for example, there is no Packages file, then the package manager dont see as a feed.
I have downloaded allthe feeds i´ve encountered (6 or 7) but i want to know how to make/ge/??? the packages file that let the package manager or ipkg install find packages there.
if only i could do that i´ll make a full working feed on a 2gb SD card, meanwhile i´m stuck to ibiblio.
thanks in advance.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Pidgin Can't Find
« on: February 09, 2011, 08:59:56 am »
i´ll have a look to my local feeds backedup and tell you
sorry for the english

General Discussion / Larger Sdhc Cards On Sharp Rom
« on: February 08, 2011, 06:11:06 pm »
any chance to use this with pdaxrom¿?

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Want Compiled Thread?
« on: February 05, 2011, 09:16:22 pm »
anyone knows a full workin repo¿?
i´m using pdaxii13 for c3000 and i´m planing to make my own mirror for me and sharing.
thanks in advance.

Spain / Temas De Gtk Para Las Aplicaciones De Gpe
« on: February 03, 2011, 06:43:44 am »
que buena!
veo que sigues dandole!
yo voy a ver si retomo un poco y me pongo algo con angstrom y gentoo.
un saludo!!!

Spain / [venta] Zaurus Sl-c3200 - Como Nueva
« on: February 03, 2011, 06:37:39 am »
sigo preguntando...

Spain / [venta] Vendo Dos Zaurus Sl5500
« on: February 03, 2011, 06:36:03 am »
No estaran todavia a la venta¿? o quizas la c3100 que se comenta¿?...
un saludo!!!

Ubuntu / Zubuntu 2.0 Released
« on: November 04, 2009, 03:20:04 am »
Quote from: cortez
Quote from: brontoZaurus
Will anyone has battery problems with Zubuntu?¿?
My zaurus with zubuntu (RC1 and RC2) literally eats the battery ...
even suspended!
Please help!
is my only problem with Zubuntu!!!
I think I mentioned it before, but the Zaurus kernels have a problem charging the battery when suspended. This means you need to recharge either by keeping the device on or shutting it off completely using shutdown -h now. I know this isn't pretty, but although the problem may seem small, it's not easy to fix!

ok, but the problem is it eats the battery when it´s suspended, i have no problem about charging it halted or powered on.
sorry about my english

Ubuntu / Zubuntu 2.0 Released
« on: November 03, 2009, 11:51:25 am »
Will anyone has battery problems with Zubuntu?¿?
My zaurus with zubuntu (RC1 and RC2) literally eats the battery ...
even suspended!
Please help!
is my only problem with Zubuntu!!!

Ubuntu / Multiboot Issue
« on: September 17, 2009, 05:23:49 am »
ok the boot splash is shown but the progress bar doesnt move!
i think it hangs.
anyway thanks man!!!

Ubuntu / Multiboot Issue
« on: September 16, 2009, 04:58:40 am »
hey i cant boot from sd using multiboot,
with new image builder, how can i do¿?

sorry for my english

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