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Messages - DonOregano

Pages: [1] 2
Gemini PDA - Hardware / Unknown Baseband / No IMEI [SOLVED]
« on: July 30, 2018, 03:55:51 am »
Quote from: xananax
I've tried every solution here and many others to no avail.

Well, I have now given up. Have contacted Planetcom support, and they had no more tips for me, so I will be sending my Gemini back to them for service...

Gemini PDA - Hardware / Unknown Baseband / No IMEI [SOLVED]
« on: July 21, 2018, 05:48:40 pm »
Quote from: bled82
I had issues with a flash got the no sim detected icon , was able to resolve with the following .

Nope, no luck with that. I had tried that before, but I've now done it a few more times, just to be sure...

Gemini PDA - Hardware / Unknown Baseband / No IMEI [SOLVED]
« on: July 17, 2018, 05:47:40 pm »

Nothing that I do seems to be able to restore my baseband. I have now flashed my Gemini more times than I can count, I have performed the TWRP/Baseband pirouette at least four times, and I've sent some AT-commands to my modems (talk about flashbacks :-) ).

Nothing seems to help.

Unless anyone comes up with any more things to try I will need to perform an RMA

The Planet flash tool didn't allow me to select 'Format All + Download', so I found another 'SP Flash Tool' which did.

I discovered that it is possible to do format+download with the Planetcom SP Flash Tool, by using the command line, at least on Linux. Try --help to find out the options.

Quote from: Eric BF
And you are right that there does not seem to be any way of getting right (or middle) mouse button clicks.

What stuff have people tried? Read about something called Touchégg ( that might be worth a shot?

My Gemini is out of commission for the time being (4G woes), so I can't try it myself.

Gemini PDA - Linux / No 4G connection
« on: July 15, 2018, 06:14:59 pm »
Nope, cannot do anything "mobile" from Android either. It would appear that I have been struck by the problem described in here:

Will attempt some of the solutions described in there...

Gemini PDA - Linux / No 4G connection
« on: July 13, 2018, 03:49:25 am »
Thanks both of you!

This means that I will have to reflash again, since I am currently running LinuxOnly :-)

I will get an Android partition running, and then report back!

Gemini PDA - Linux / No 4G connection
« on: July 12, 2018, 04:33:18 pm »
I am finally getting around to trying to get mobile data connection going on my Gemini. But I am having no luck. To say that I have been struggling would be an overstatement, since I simply have gotten nowhere at all...

What happens when I try to power on cellular in cmst is that I get an error message saying:
Error Name: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject
Error Message: Method "SetProperty" with signature "sv" on interface "net.connman.Technology" doesn't exist

So, ofono and/or connman has not registered stuff related to the cellular modem?
I really have no idea of where to go from here, and what to check for troubleshooting. I tried running ofonod in debug-log mode, and got a whole bunch of info...
When I just check the logs from ofono (with normal logging) I get:
Code: [Select]
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck systemd[1]: Started oFono Mobile telephony stack.
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding Sierra modem driver
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding ZTE modem driver
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding Icera modem driver
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding Calypso modem driver
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding MBM modem driver
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding Telit modem driver
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding HSO modem driver
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding Infineon modem driver
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding STE modem driver
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding Dialup modem driver
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding Hands-Free Profile Driver
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding SpeedUp modem driver
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding Phone Simulator driver
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding CDMA AT modem driver
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding External Hands-Free Profile Plugin
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding Dial-up Networking Profile Plugins
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding BlueZ 5 Utils Plugin
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding Hands-Free Audio Gateway Profile Plugins
nov 03 18:16:43 halleck ofonod[680]: Excluding CDMA provisioning Plugin
nov 03 18:16:44 halleck ofonod[680]: /build/glib2.0-0KXPIe/glib2.0-2.50.3/./gobject/gsignal.c:2523: signal 'DisplayPowerStateChange' is invalid for instance '0x7f942ff2b0' of type 'ComCanonicalUnityScreenProxy'
nov 03 18:16:44 halleck ofonod[680]: ofonod[680]: parse_devices_reply: found 1st battery device: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_battery
nov 03 18:16:44 halleck ofonod[680]: parse_devices_reply: found 1st battery device: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_battery
nov 03 18:16:54 halleck ofonod[680]: ofonod[680]: RIL version 14
nov 03 18:16:54 halleck ofonod[680]: RIL version 14
nov 03 18:17:03 halleck ofonod[680]: ofonod[680]: ril_0 disconnected
nov 03 18:17:03 halleck ofonod[680]: ril_0 disconnected
nov 03 18:17:07 halleck ofonod[680]: ofonod[680]: RIL version 14
nov 03 18:17:07 halleck ofonod[680]: RIL version 14
nov 03 18:17:17 halleck ofonod[680]: ofonod[680]: ril_0 disconnected
nov 03 18:17:17 halleck ofonod[680]: ril_0 disconnected
nov 03 18:17:23 halleck ofonod[680]: ofonod[680]: RIL version 14
nov 03 18:17:23 halleck ofonod[680]: RIL version 14
nov 03 18:17:32 halleck ofonod[680]: ofonod[680]: ril_0 disconnected
nov 03 18:17:32 halleck ofonod[680]: ril_0 disconnected
nov 03 18:17:38 halleck ofonod[680]: ofonod[680]: RIL version 14
nov 03 18:17:38 halleck ofonod[680]: RIL version 14
nov 03 18:17:47 halleck ofonod[680]: ofonod[680]: ril_0 disconnected
nov 03 18:17:47 halleck ofonod[680]: ril_0 disconnected

And so on forever. What should I check to find out what is going on?

(Note, I did have to reflash my device completely once, but I believe that I got the NVRAM backup back into its correct place, see separate thread of mine)

Gemini PDA - Linux / Controlling brightness from other WMs
« on: July 11, 2018, 09:58:07 am »
Quote from: Da_Blitz
the trick i use on my own systems is to use tmpfiled from systemd to change the group owner of the brightness file to that of the 'input' user that is avialbie on most modern distros and already have my user added to that group allowing myself access without root privileges

Hmm, I can't get that to work. I created a file /etc/tmpfiles.d/backlight.conf, containing
Code: [Select]
#Type Path        Mode UID  GID  Age Argument
z     /sys/devices/platform/leds-mt65xx/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness   0666 - - - -

But it does not appear to have any effect. Help?

Gemini PDA - Linux / Incredible amounts of kernel logs
« on: July 11, 2018, 06:30:52 am »
Well, to clarify what I was after, I wanted to be able to use dmesg -w without getting drowned in stuff, and journalctl -f without getting inundated.
On a "normal" debian system I have never had these amounts of logs. Also I was thinking that with the amount of logging there must be a little too much disk access being generated, which would reduce battery life...

Gemini PDA - Linux / Controlling brightness from other WMs
« on: July 07, 2018, 03:59:21 pm »
I'm trying to configure i3 to run on my Gemini, which may seem like a very strange thing to do, but I think that a keyboard-centric environment may turn out to be a really nice thing for the Gemini. Anyway, I am having trouble with the brightmess controls, and I'm wondering if anyone has any tips for me.

I have tried running the brightness control scripts that LxQt uses, but nothing happens. Looking a little bit deeper into them, I realize that they send dbus commands to the repowerd daemon. And looking at the logs:

repowerd[683]: g_dbus_connection_call_sync_internal: assertion 'object_path != NULL && g_variant_is_object_path (object_path)' failed
repowerd[683]: LogindSessionTracker: dbus_get_session_uid() failed to get session uid:

Sooo, something is going on with a logind uid?

I tried looking at the logs that repowerd spits out when i log into LxQt vs i3, and it appears that when I log into LxQt a lot of stuff happens, like logind/seat/dbus stuff. But when I log into i3, nothing. However, if I log in to LxQt and log out and into i3 without a reboot I get working brightness controls.

What is the magic that LxQt does, and how do i replicate it?

Gemini PDA - Linux / Incredible amounts of kernel logs
« on: July 07, 2018, 03:40:11 pm »
The amount of logs generated by the kernel in TP1 & TP2 is astounding. Is there any way to turn off or reduce these logs? They make the system log difficult to use for debugging other things...

Gemini PDA - Linux / Connman not saving passphrases
« on: July 03, 2018, 09:17:16 am »
Well, strangely enough I had the same problem while I had my Gemini flashed without a proper NVRAM (as described in;#entry288378). When I reflashed with my backed up NVRAM passwords got saved correctly again.

Most likely that is not your issue, though. But I thought it worth mentioning anyway...

Another update for anyone in the same situation:

As I said before the PlanetCom tech support told me to try to flash from a Windows machine, using virtualbox since I have no access to a physical Windows box. They also said that reformatting was probably not needed, and if the Windows flash did not work that I would have to send in my device.

With very low expectations I set up a Windows 7 vm (using KVM/virt-manager) and attempted to flash. I only got more error messages...

Well, fuck it, I thought. Lets reformat (as per shuntcap's instructions), so on my Linux box I formatted and tried to flash. More error messages!! Something about bad XRAM or something like that. But as a very last attempt, I tried reflashing from the Windows machine, and lo and behold! It worked! The Gemini now booted into Linux!

However, I realized that I had forgotten to add the NVRAM to the Windows flash, so I tried another flash from Linux (where I had the NVRAM backup), and now it worked without a problem!

The moral of the story? The flash tool seems to be a very fickle beast...

Thanks for the help, everyone!

Quote from: shuntcap
however, I agree that you should wait until you hear from Planet before trying.

Meh, all they are saying is that I should try to flash from Windows... I guess I'll try it from a virtualised windows, since I do not have a physical windows machine available. We'll see how that goes.

Quote from: Ifanafi
Perhaps that helps.

Nope, I have tried wiping everything and starting over, even running on a fresh Ubuntu install, and nothing I do helps. I need to do a reformat, but I am a bit scared of it, which is why I am hoping for more details from @shuntcap and/or info from tech support.

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