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Messages - raybert

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Cxx0 General discussions / Booting into non-GUI runlevel
« on: February 08, 2004, 03:09:25 pm »
I believe that booting (possibly requiring the battery to be removed for a moment) while holding down D+G will boot you to a cmd prompt.  I\'ve done it once (and my instructions are from my possibly-flawed memory) and it appeared as though nothing was mounted yet except \'/\', I think.  It\'s the same as flashing except you use D+G instead of D+M.  I got this from the C860 startup guide prepared by



I\'m having a great deal of difficulty getting Opera 7.3 to work correctly. Lots of folks seem to have gotten it to work so I\'m hoping someone might be able to see what I\'m doing wrong.

My environment: I\'m running tkcrom 2.5.1 on a c860. I *think* I\'m running the sash kernal.   Long story short: I d/l\'ed a file from ZUG called which contains zImage.bin, 1074616 bytes, dated 2/8/04 11:22 am. I installed it when I flashed tkcrom 2.5.1 and everything seems fine with it. The version tab says \"compiled by sash@sash\" so, I\'m assuming that this is sash\'s kernal.

I d/l\'ed Opera 7.3 from the IBM site, extracted opera_arm.ipk and installed it. Before doing so, I uninstalled an older version and cleaned away all of the opera dirs by hand.

When I run it from Qtopia, it appears for about a second and then quits with no messages. When it appears, I can see that it is missing its toolbar icons.

If I run it from konsole, it runs fine!! (toolbar icons and all.)

I had previously installed version 6, right after flashing, but never ran it (networking not set up). When I got connected, the first thing I did was install stuff from proto\'s feed. Among them, Opera 7.11. This version would run from Qtopia but had no toolbar icons! It also ran fine from konsole. Later, I tried 7.3.

Wondering if the problem had something to do with which user it was being started as, I tried two things. I tried running it as root (had to modify the .desktop file to allow the checkbox to be visible). No dice. Next, I had noticed that there was a .opera dir in both /home/root and /home/zaurus and they were slightly different! So, I combined them both into /home/root/.opera, and replaced /home/zaurus/.opera with a symlink to the other. This made no difference at all.

Another strange thing that happened: when I first upgraded from 6 to 7.11 using proto\'s feed, it installed with a nice, new stylized Opera icon on the Network tab. Later, thinking that the upgrade from 6 was the problem, I had tried removing this version and installing fresh from the proto feed (same version, AFAIK). But this time it installed an icon (that looked more like the older version 6 icon) in the Applications tab! Did proto post a new version in between? I dunno, but strange.

Anyway, that\'s all of the details I can think of at the moment. Thanks in advance for any help,


Software / The best console app so far
« on: February 06, 2004, 12:22:01 am »
I have mailed the author about this, I don\'t see what is so hard about typing exit.

Yes, and ctrl-d is even easier...  


Software / The best console app so far
« on: February 05, 2004, 01:22:27 pm »
Looked good until I tried editing a file with vi: ESC (Cancel) caused qkonsole to exit and left my vi session hanging!!  


Sharp ROMs / tkcrom download
« on: February 01, 2004, 03:30:05 pm »
There\'s also a file in that dir called (IIRC) which contains a zImage.  Which kernal is this?  I didn\'t think that proto had released a kernal but I may have just missed it.


Deals and Great Z Buys / Brand new camera card for $14.95
« on: January 23, 2004, 02:34:40 pm »
Note that Opie-Camera also can take videos and supports more formats/resolutions. I never tested this on a C7x0 though.

Looking at the update rate of the preview screen last night I was thinking that it might be technically possible to capture movies with it.  Of course, the Sharp software doesn\'t do this.  It might be worth playing around with Opie-Camera though.


Deals and Great Z Buys / Brand new camera card for $14.95
« on: January 23, 2004, 02:31:39 pm »
I\'ve read that it is very hard to focus and has trouble with low light, but for $42 I don\'t really care if its up to snuff with a dedicated digital camera.

I don\'t find it hard to focus (assuming that you have enough light) but then again I\'m used to manual focus cameras.

It IS virtually blind in low light.


Deals and Great Z Buys / Brand new camera card for $14.95
« on: January 22, 2004, 02:14:10 pm »
Well, just got my camera card.  It\'s a pretty neat little card but, as expected, the picture quality isn\'t great.  The Sharp SW is pretty decent too.  You get a live preview on the GUI that updates pretty fast and cleanly.  You can choose from 480x320 or 240x160 resolution in landscape mode or 480x640 or 240x320 in portrait mode.  The lens rotates 180 degrees forward (towards the subject) or backwards (towards you) and you can flip the preview display to match.  The lens uses manual focus (turn the lens ring).  There\'s a shutter button on the card itself as well as one on the GUI.  You can set the compression quality between \"normal\" and \"fine\".  You can save either to internal memory or SD.  There\'s also a SW zoom function (2x, I think) that only works at the lower resolutions and a full screen preview that only works in portrait mode.  Other than the limited quality, the only other problem (albeit, a minor one) is that the card blocks the stylus garage.  All in all a pretty cool toy, especially at the minimal price paid.


Accessories / Best bluetooth card?
« on: January 22, 2004, 01:50:50 pm »
hmm.... yup, that\'s the one I bought.  Which ROM were you running when you tried to get it to work?  Maybe there\'s new stuff out that will let it work now?  Oh well....  Thanks for the Dell tip; might come in handy...


Accessories / Best bluetooth card?
« on: January 21, 2004, 11:25:41 am »
Thanks, I\'ll be sure to post something.  I found the manual on the Belkin site but there wasn\'t any info on the chipset.  I also did a web search: nada. So, we\'ll see.  I guess I\'ll have to wait to get it and query the card ident, etc.

Impulse buys?  Tell me about it!  I\'ve been a sucker for them lately!! :|  I think it started when I finally convinced myself to plop down $750 on a C860 (still waiting for it).  Yesterday I dropped $40 on a Hawking 56k modem that I found in the return bin at microcenter (a good buy but I\'ll probably never use it!).  The day before it was $30 on a camera card (again, a good buy and I\'ll probably even get some use out of that one).  Last week it was $35 on a Hawking 10/100 LAN card (another good deal and one that I will definitely use).  Hey, at least I\'m getting good buys!


Accessories / Best bluetooth card?
« on: January 20, 2004, 11:29:02 pm »
hmm...  well, I took a chance with it.  Actually, I kinda screwed up. :|  I searched the holtmann list and found a Belkin card, but didn\'t realize that the search had paged past the CF section (doh).  Error #2 was when I misread the model number and thought it was the same card (double doh).  So I went ahead and bought it, and THEN realized my mistakes.  Oh well.  Can only return it for store credit too.  The final cost, including shipping, was only $42 though.  So, if I can\'t get it to work, it won\'t be the end of the world, I guess.  Wish me luck........  


Accessories / Best bluetooth card?
« on: January 20, 2004, 09:58:56 pm »
Does anyone know if the Belkin card works?  There are good prices on it and I\'ve been thinking about buying one to use with my Sony/Ericsson T616.

e.g. ~$36 + shipping from here:


[edit: sorry for the humungous url the first time; posted from my Z using clipboard and didn\'t realize how long it was]

Deals and Great Z Buys / Brand new camera card for $14.95
« on: January 19, 2004, 11:52:04 pm »
Just noticed that they raised the price to 28.95, think they noticed a run on them

Real nice.  Obviously a highly ethical organization that truly values its customers.


Deals and Great Z Buys / Brand new camera card for $14.95
« on: January 19, 2004, 11:49:38 pm »
I ordered one but don\'t have it yet.  I wouldn\'t expect much from it; it\'s not a serious camera, IMO.

The resolution is low: 640 x 480, IIRC.

I figure the thing will be useful for quick snapshots of stuff if I\'m out comparison shopping or something.  If I want to take real photos I\'ll break out my Nikon digicam.

If I\'m surprised when I receive mine I\'ll post something about it.

FYI: Here\'s a link to the manual for the camera:


Deals and Great Z Buys / Brand new camera card for $14.95
« on: January 18, 2004, 10:17:21 pm »
I was a little irked that they wanted $15 to ship a $15 item.  I don\'t need 2nd day shipping; why should I have to pay for it?!  So I called them and asked about this.  The operator told me they were \"contracted\" to ship that way and he couldn\'t anything about it.  (I guess their shipping is outsourced?)  I asked for basic ground shipping but they wouldn\'t do it.  I complained more and he offered to take $2 off the shipping charge; said that was the best he could do.  I declined his offer and said I had to think about whether I still wanted to buy the item.  Later I decided $30 was still a pretty excellent deal so I went back to the site and ordered one.

One other thing he told me: he said most people buy multiple items per visit and that the shipping costs then averaged out.  Cheap way to get me to buy more stuff...

I think their attitude/policy is pretty poor.  They should at least have a basic ground shipping option for cases like this.  When I placed my order I complained one more time in the comment field on the order form.  


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