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Messages - zi99y

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 19
Zaurus - pdaXrom / Icewm - The Ultimate Configuration
« on: May 01, 2007, 04:46:25 am »
That's interesting, I've not noticed any bugs, is there anything specific you were concerned about?

I wanted to do some more testing and suggesting but have been busy with RL   :s

Ta for the new packages

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Minimo 2
« on: April 30, 2007, 05:42:40 pm »
There's an old ipk of Minimo floating around - it's not very good but as version 2 has now been released, I wondered if it was possible to compile it for pdaxrom?

There can never be too many browsers for pdaxrom

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Icewm - The Ultimate Configuration
« on: April 26, 2007, 09:32:42 am »
good stuff.

I have changed the new window sizes when switching to portrait so that they only fill 3/4 of the screen, then the virtual keyboard sits nicely below the above window. Also I have the far right silkscreen button mapped to fullscreen so a quick click maximises the current window. very profesh

Also when switching to landscape xvkbd gets killed as it's not needed in that mode.

I removed mb-applet-blanker from ~/.icedock as I don't use it, can someone tell me what use it is, if I use the blank screen option it turns the screen off and I don't know how to turn it back on!!! It would be very useful if I knew how to turn back on and it locked the touchscreen, is it possible?

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Icewm - The Ultimate Configuration
« on: April 25, 2007, 04:59:56 pm »
Another small problem worth mentioning- in x11scr there is a test to see if ROX-Filer is running, which it the runs rox-bset. However if you aren't using the pinboard but have a rox window open (which is how I use it), it runs rox-bset and loads the rox pinboard! I have commented this out for my needs.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Icewm - The Ultimate Configuration
« on: April 25, 2007, 03:50:56 pm »
Ok I have my preferred suspend cmd working now - great! A couple of 'bugs' to report-

need execute permission for non-root user:

/usr/bin/ does not point to above script

The keyboard launcher command does not work in the x11scr script:

Code: [Select]
if pidof xvkbd >/dev/null; then xvkbdlauncher; fi
I have replaced with:

Code: [Select]
if [ -z `ps aux | pgrep xvkbd` ]
    then xvkbd -geometry 480x175+0+440 -iconic -no-keypad -modal

and also have removed the xvkbd titlebar in ~/.icewm/winoptions like so

Code: [Select]
xvkbd.XVkbd.dTitleBar: 0
This all works brilliantly when I rotate the screen the keyboard loads in the tray and when you click it appears positioned perfectly at the bottom of the screen- no titlebar so resize not possible, and clicking the tray icon minimises again.. nice.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Icewm - The Ultimate Configuration
« on: April 25, 2007, 11:31:23 am »
many thanks, will test asap

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Icewm - The Ultimate Configuration
« on: April 25, 2007, 04:47:50 am »
The apm suspend is almost a showstopper for me as pdaxrom has locked solid 3 times now using this method - unfortunatly I am so accustomed to using the menu option that I forget when I need a quick suspend on the train or whatever, and when I turn back on the problem occurs.

Are you likely to make another ipk soon, so I can change this? Let me know if I can help at all

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Icewm - The Ultimate Configuration
« on: April 25, 2007, 03:13:01 am »
I've looked into the flashing rox task prob before and had not joy- I would expect this to work but it doesn't
Code: [Select]
ROX-Pinboard.ROX-Filer.ignoreWinList: 1
ROX-Pinboard.ROX-Filer.ignoreTaskBar: 1
The same thing happens on my debian server using the icewm/rox combo, so we are not alone (

I suspect that the WM_CLASS of the initial process that shows the task flashing is of a different class to the desktop process that finally loads, as all I have to discover WM_CLASS is xprop which only shows current window properties.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Icewm - The Ultimate Configuration
« on: April 24, 2007, 07:31:36 am »
I wondered if they were hardcoded as I tried grepping for them.. Could you not just leave them out of the code and add them by hand to ~/.icewm/menu ? I'm guessing you didn't do this so you could position them at the bottom...

If you have to leave them hardcoded, could you have them point to a script that we can modify say /etc/icewm/sysmenu/rotate /etc/icewm/sysmenu/suspend or something like that?

Could you tell me which rotate script is being called from the menu?

Here is my winoptions:

Code: [Select]
# IceWM custom winoptions by zi99y for pdaxrom
# File should be placed in ~/.icewm/winoptions

xterm.icon: xterm
rxvt.icon: xterm
nxterm.icon: xterm
Gimp.icon: gimp
fte.icon: fte
emacs.Emacs.icon: emacs
AcroRead.icon: pdf
Netscape.icon: netscape
Navigator.Netscape.icon: communicator-browser
MailThread.Netscape.icon: communicator-mail
MailFolder.Netscape.icon: communicator-mail
Editor.Netscape.icon: communicator-composer
AddressBook.Netscape.icon: communicator-abook
AWTapp.icon: java
xv.icon: xv
xv.nonICCCMconfigureRequest: 1
xload.icon: xload
mozillaComponentBar.icon: netscape
mozillaComponentBar.layer: OnTop
mozillaComponentBar.ignoreTaskBar: 1
mozillaComponentBar.allWorkspaces: 1
mozillaComponentBar.dSysMenu: 0
xeyes.ignoreWinList: 0
xeyes.ignoreTaskBar: 1
xeyes.allWorkspaces: 1
xeyes.dTitleBar: 0
xeyes.dBorder: 0
xeyes.dSysMenu: 0
xeyes.dResize: 0
xeyes.dClose: 0
xeyes.dMinimize: 0
xeyes.dMaximize: 0
xeyes.ignoreNoFocusHint: 1

XClock.ignoreNoFocusHint: 1
Vim.icon: vim

applix.ignoreNoFocusHint: 1
XDdts.noFocusOnAppRaise: 1
Wingz.noFocusOnAppRaise: 1
WingzPro.noFocusOnAppRaise: 1

gkrellm.Gkrellm.allWorkspaces: 1
gkrellm.Gkrellm.ignoreTaskBar: 1
gkrellm.Gkrellm.layer: Below
#gkrellm.Gkrellm.doNotCover: 1

MainWindow.licq.allWorkspaces: 1
MainWindow.licq.ignoreQuickSwitch: 1
MainWindow.licq.ignoreWinList: 1
MainWindow.licq.layer: Below
#MainWindow.licq.doNotCover: 1

xvkbd.XVkbd.layer: OnTop
xvkbd.XVkbd.allWorkspaces: 1
xvkbd.XVkbd.tray: Exclusive
xvkbd.XVkbd.fClose: 0
xvkbd.XVkbd.dClose: 0
xvkbd.XVkbd.dResize: 0
xvkbd.XVkbd.dBorder: 0
xvkbd.XVkbd.fMaximize: 0
xvkbd.XVkbd.dMaximize: 0
xvkbd.XVkbd.dSysMenu: 0
#xvkbd.XVkbd.geometry: =400x200
xvkbd.XVkbd.ignoreWinList: 1
xvkbd.XVkbd.ignoreQuickSwitch: 1

feh.feh.dBorder: 0
feh.feh.dTitleBar: 0

mrxvt.XTerm.tray: Exclusive
mrxvt.XTerm.icon: xterm

rightmouse.rightmouse.tray: Exclusive
rightmouse.rightmouse.icon: xload
rightmouse.rightmouse.geometry: =1x1+1000+1000

rightmouse is a custom script of mine to switch to the right mouse button and switch back again, useful when the keyboard is folded away. A tray icon shows when mouse button is switched. If needed I can post details of this (it's pretty basic).

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Icewm - The Ultimate Configuration
« on: April 24, 2007, 04:40:21 am »
I forgot the other question I wanted to ask!

In the rotate script ( /etc/sysconfig/clamshell/scripts.d/x11scr ) I can't seem to find which part reloads the tray apps, when it returns to landscape it always loads glipper and screen blanker, which I don't want.

Also I had an idea to make xvkbd load when switching to portrait and killing when in landscape, as this is when you need to use it. I have tweaked winoptions so that xvkbd only appears in the tray, pretty sweet

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Icewm - The Ultimate Configuration
« on: April 24, 2007, 04:32:54 am »
Nice new packages, thanks for these meanie!

I notice that it runs faster than the older ipk I used from the start of this thread, especially scrolling up and down the menu.

Is it possible to tweak the menu items at the bottom like Rotate/Exit/Reboot/Suspend - These aren't shown in my menu file and I would like to change them, if I add my own in ~/.icewm/menu they are then duplicated.

The suspend option from the menu seems to work differently to my normal suspend command (xset dpms force off ) and has crashed on resume a couple of times, I would like to change the suspend command for this menu item.


Zaurus - pdaXrom / Calgoo / Google Calendar
« on: April 18, 2007, 05:11:51 am »
hmm so that's a no then, I wasn't sure as there has been some successes running java in pdaxrom. searching around all I can find are other java apps using the gcal api.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Calgoo / Google Calendar
« on: April 17, 2007, 05:00:34 pm »
I just discovered Calgoo ( which uses the google calendar api so you can use your calendar online/offline. Is it possible to compile this for pdaxrom, or does anyone know of a suitable program that we can use with google calendar?

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Icewm - The Ultimate Configuration
« on: April 15, 2007, 06:19:21 am »
how naughty  

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Gpe-mini-browser_0.19_1 Questions And Notes
« on: April 13, 2007, 12:14:02 pm »
Dude, meanie isn't developing this software, he's just compiled it!

and I imagine it's just a frontend to the same engine as osb-browser, similar to firefox using the gecko engine....

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