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Messages - zaurick

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / Working Tomtom Nav On Angstrom
« on: November 03, 2006, 04:03:09 pm »
I'm searching people who can help me to port the tomtom sound driver module to zaurus.

We have sources of tomtom original driver ,they use the WM8711 soundchip and we use the WM8750 (on SLC3000) (they must not be too different).

I have tried to get all syscall from ttn about the sound, but i can't use them to output sound trough /dev/dsp.  

I think that the solution is to write a kernel module driver to have the tomtom sound on zaurus, but i don't know how to do that.

Current state is :
- Display of ttn on SLC3000 OK
- Touchscreen is OK
- GPS via any serial gps device is OK
- Planning route is OK

- SL-C3000
- OZ3541
- Update kernel with QVGA mode
- USB host cable
- Bluetooth D-LINK DBT-120 dongle.(i'm going to try a CF bluetooth card)
- A GPS bluetooth receiver from ebay.

Zomtom is already useable, i have used it many times in my car.  
The only thing that is missing is the sound.

Thanks to Speculatrix and for their help !

escuse my poor english, i'm french.

I hope that some people can do someting for zomtom sound.


Deals and Great Z Buys / Bt Compact Flash (europe)
« on: October 29, 2006, 02:04:29 pm »
This CF BT Card is like the belkin. It is identified as a "dell truemobile 300" with the cacko rom 1.23.

Works like a charm.

it is a french web site.

Cette carte est reconnue comme une "dell truemobile 300" et fonctionne parfaitement sous la cacko 1.23.
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Has anybody try this card with OZ opie on spitz ?

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