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Messages - xjqian

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6000 - Tosa / Making Angstrom Work On Tosa
« on: October 20, 2007, 04:00:13 pm »
Quote from: adf
No, but I'd love to hear how it works.  Is Angstrom anywhere near approaching stable?

Nowhere near stable. No major issue (suspend/resume bug, corrupted screen etc) was resolved in the recent months. Tosa also becomes unsupported in Angstrom. I've also heard people in the mailing list complain about unusable altboot and corrupted keymap in the recent images. I don't have any time to test though.

6000 - Tosa / Sd Limit
« on: July 13, 2007, 05:35:09 am »
So, if I stick to the stock ROM , is there any way around the 1GB limit:

- Availability of a new open source driver that works with the 2.4.18 kernel?
- Kernel update + maybe a new driver?
- Would a particular type of 2Gb SD work with the stock ROM and kernel? That's what the vendor at the link I posted previously seems to imply.

I have researched all the posting and information I could find on the internet, but I have not been able to draw a final conclusion. A lot of the suggested "remedies" I found are for the clamshell Zs, the SL-Cxxx series, and I do not know enough about the differences with the SL-6000 to be able to say if any is applicable in my case.

I have been using Linux on my desktop and notebook PC for over two years now, so I'm not afraid of Command Line based updates, hacks and manual editing of config files. I just need some guidance on the specifics for the SL-6000. It is the best pocket computer I have ever owned and I do not want to brick it (although it might be a good excuse to get one of those SL-C1000 that can be found for less than $400.... )
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I think if you want to stay with stock or other 2.4 kernel bases ROM, you probably have to live with the 1GB limit. >1GB limit in 2.4 kernel is something theoretically possible, but nobody having the skill (not me) is interested in backporting. The driver for clam-shell Cxxx first came out from a company named C-guy. Obviously they hired somebody to do the hard work in backporting in order to support their SD products. I wish Tosa was more popular in Japan. But the reality is nobody except only the community is backing Tosa.

One thing I can never understand is: if you can live with Sharp stock ROM, why can't you live with 1G SD limit. When I was on stock ROM, 1G SD is more than enough. You can always use huge XXGB CF for storage. And unlike other Z, we don't have to swap CF for wifi card.

6000 - Tosa / Sd Limit
« on: July 10, 2007, 03:17:22 am »
If you are using 2.4 kernel (e.g. Sharp ROM, pdaXrom 1.1.0 beta1 and etc), you will hit the 1G limit because of the SD driver. If you are using 2.6 kernel (recent OZ> or Angstrom), so far 4G (non-SDHC) works fine here.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Usb Gps
« on: May 17, 2007, 11:05:25 pm »
portalgod: thanks for sharing your experience, could you put your experience with gps into the wiki page @
If you don't have time, I will copy/edit the content over.

General Discussion / Oesf Wiki Needs Love And Care
« on: May 17, 2007, 11:01:26 pm »
everybody knows the situation, without further adieu, I volunteer to take care of the following sections: SL-6000, VoIP, "Secret" Key Combinations, GPS, and will likely spill over as time permits. I will encourage people to contribute and glean information from the forum and digest them into the wiki.

Somebody will argue the wiki server (ibilio) is shaky due to the recent outages. However it is still very useful for lots of users.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Kphonesi / Pdaxii13 / Scratchy Noise
« on: May 17, 2007, 10:49:12 pm »
thanks for sharing your experience, could you put your experience with kphone/pi into the wiki page @
If you don't have time, I will copy the content over.

General Discussion / Potrable Harddrive With The Z
« on: May 17, 2007, 10:13:41 pm »
Anyone know if we could rip the drive from one of these and swap it for the 4Gb inside a 3000/3100? Even a 30Gb internal drive would keep me happy - but 100Gb would be awesome.
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The microdrive in 3000/3100 are 1" drives not 1.8".

General Discussion / Potrable Harddrive With The Z
« on: May 17, 2007, 03:38:10 am »
The consensus is that Z don't have enough power for 2.5" drives but can power 1.8" drives. Apricorn makes very good 1.8" drives confirmed  working with Z in the 6000L harware forum.

General Discussion / How Many Kernel Branches For A Single Device
« on: May 02, 2007, 09:29:45 pm »
I do not plan to even look at 2.4-crapix kernel.
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Do you think if studying sharp 2.4-crapix kernel would help to fix (or work-around) the bugs in the Angstrom 2.6 kernel (i.e. suspend/resume, screen issue (16bit write), and sled battery, etc. for Tosa)?

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Help New Kernel For Pdaxrom
« on: May 02, 2007, 06:35:38 am »
I got as far as linking kernel again:
drivers/built-in.o: In function `tosaled_amber_set':
ledtrig-ide-disk.c:(.text+0x70d30): undefined reference to `tosascoop_jc_device'
drivers/built-in.o: In function `tosaled_green_set':
ledtrig-ide-disk.c:(.text+0x70d68): undefined reference to `tosascoop_jc_device'
make: *** [.tmp_vmlinux1] Error 1
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Those are specific to tosa (6000l). Tosaled_amber/green_set are probably the functions to control the led light behavior. You can certainly comment those out if you don't care about tosa support or take a look at [a href=\"][/url]. Maybe you are missing some tosa specific patches.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Help New Kernel For Pdaxrom
« on: May 02, 2007, 05:42:35 am »
Really I did not want to start a holy war like Torvalds/Tanenbaum on whether or not to use OE. Obviously anything that will make the build of future kernels, for the pdaxrom distribution, easier is absolutely wellcome (but is not the main objective of this thread).
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Sorry for hijacking your thread. My intension was just to point out one possibility, since 2.6 kernel gives us an opportunity to unify things and avoid reinventing-the-wheel. For the record, I'm not an oe developer and I will shut up now.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Qt Can't Input Chinese On Scim
« on: May 02, 2007, 05:25:42 am »
I don't think people has successfully built qt immodule with scim. Well, if Meanie hasn't, then it's probably broken at the current stage.

edit: well, I sort of remember uim-qt is also not-working well.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Help New Kernel For Pdaxrom
« on: May 02, 2007, 01:01:48 am »
hmmmm. what in particular prevents one from grabbin pdax source and putting it all in OE, or putting all of Angstrom through the pdaX builder? Other tha the simple pain of rounding up the sources in a useable fashion, that is.  It seems to me that if they are getting that close, and it has seemed that we are looking at pretty much the same kernel for 2.6, then it would simply be a matter of time and ambition yes? no?
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good communication skill and open-minded developers.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Help New Kernel For Pdaxrom
« on: May 02, 2007, 12:58:54 am »
One thing I am pretty sure about is that at the end of the day using which distro or "rom" simply doesn't matter, let alone any ego war. What he wants is simply a usable and stable working environment, and no mere hacker's dream toy.
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What benefits would there be to switching to OE?
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It isn't like pdaXrom doesn't have a build tool yet or its current tool doesn't do the job properly, so there isn't really a point in moving to OE.
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The benefit or point is that finally the Z community (mostly developers or developers wannabe) can see the light of of a unified builder, single kernel tree + patches, and etc. Yes (with my reservation), this may be less of a concern for the users.

Not many people here can keep up with every development like Meanie. Although I'd like to help both sides but keeping track of both oe and pdaXrom builder at the same time will drive me insane.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Help New Kernel For Pdaxrom
« on: April 29, 2007, 09:34:19 pm »
does it make sense to incorporate pdaxrom as a distro into the openembbed build environment?

I'm sure it's possible and would benefit both sides but not sure how much political issues, if any, it will arouse.

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