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Messages - albertr

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 36
Hardware Mods / Stuffing Serial Bluetooth Module Inside C1k Casing
« on: June 20, 2006, 02:02:10 pm »
wpasupplicant doesn't require Prism chipset drivers. In fact, it can work with a broad range of hardware if appropriate WE support is implemented in the drivers. I.e. on my C1K, I have a ZD1211-based usb module doing WPA just fine...

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Looking For List Of Working Gps Devices For C860
« on: June 20, 2006, 08:38:31 am »
If you really have NO experience with GPS navigation at all, I'd suggest you to do some research before spending your money.

You can't just use any map (regardless of its quality or price, or lack of thereof). Navigation software use its own proprientary formats, so at very least maps need to be converted.


Zaurus - pdaXrom / Looking For List Of Working Gps Devices For C860
« on: June 20, 2006, 07:02:49 am »
Finding a working GPS device could be much easier than finding a mapping/navigation software and good quality maps. Unless TomTom would release their software/maps for Zaurus (and they probably never will), Personally, I use a bluetooth GPS receiver because it has it's own battery, no wires and doesn't stick out of my Z. But if you'd prefer to use a CF slot receiver, most (all?) of them would appear as serial devices, and would work as such.

Free roadmap software works, but it lacks many features. Also, finding free good quality maps might be very challenging (if not impossible). If you go with roadmap. take a look at editor cvs branch - it has nice labeling and some basic navigation support.

Hardware Mods / Stuffing Serial Bluetooth Module Inside C1k Casing
« on: June 17, 2006, 09:31:31 pm »
Go for it. Post pix when it's done.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Important Update...
« on: June 15, 2006, 08:59:31 pm »
Final result? Personally, I'd take brazilian girls over building houses or UNIX

Sash, we are waiting for girls pix!


Zaurus - pdaXrom / Important Update...
« on: June 15, 2006, 12:08:46 pm »
"If you want to have it done, do it yourself". What prevents anyone from starting developing? pdaXrom, Opie, GPE, whatever... pick the one you'd like more and improve upon it.

Software / Announce: Zbedic 1.1
« on: June 14, 2006, 04:52:01 pm »
Ok, I gave up on trying to fix it, and just commented out HelpDialog call from zbedic.cpp. Now it compiles and runs.

Software / Announce: Zbedic 1.1
« on: June 14, 2006, 04:16:56 pm »
Making some progress

Code: [Select]
g++ -c -o objs.noqpe/helpdialog.o -pipe -Wall -Os -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -fsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -mcpu=xscale -mtune=xscale  -I/opt/native/arm/3.4.4-xscale-softvfp/armv5tel-cacko-linux/include -I/usr/lib/qt/include  -DDESKTOP=1 -DPKG_DATA_PATH=\"/usr/local/share/zbedic\" -I../libbedic/include -DVERSION=\"1.1-0\" -DPREFIX_PATH=\"/usr/local\" src/helpdialog.cpp
g++ -o objs.noqpe/zbedic -L../libbedic/objs.  objs.noqpe/main.o objs.noqpe/zbedic.o objs.noqpe/moc_zbedic.o objs.noqpe/settings.o objs.noqpe/moc_settings.o objs.noqpe/keyboard_shortcuts.o objs.noqpe/moc_keyboard_shortcuts.o objs.noqpe/editor.o objs.noqpe/moc_editor.o objs.noqpe/dicproperties.o objs.noqpe/moc_dicproperties.o objs.noqpe/abstract_config.o objs.noqpe/helpdialog.o objs.noqpe/registry.o -L/usr/lib/qt/lib -lqt-mt -L../libbedic/objs/ -lbedic -L/opt/native/arm/3.4.4-xscale-softvfp/armv5tel-cacko-linux/lib -lsqlite3
objs.noqpe/zbedic.o(.text+0x6ce8): In function `ZBEDic::showHelp()':
: undefined reference to `vtable for HelpDialog'
objs.noqpe/helpdialog.o(.text+0x58): In function `HelpDialog::HelpDialog(QWidget*)':
: undefined reference to `HelpDialog::tr(char const*, char const*)'
objs.noqpe/helpdialog.o(.text+0x3dc): In function `HelpDialog::HelpDialog(QWidget*)':
: undefined reference to `HelpDialog::tr(char const*, char const*)'
objs.noqpe/helpdialog.o(.text+0x6d4): In function `HelpDialog::HelpDialog(QWidget*)':
: undefined reference to `vtable for HelpDialog'
objs.noqpe/helpdialog.o(.text+0x75c): In function `HelpDialog::HelpDialog(QWidget*)':
: undefined reference to `HelpDialog::tr(char const*, char const*)'
objs.noqpe/helpdialog.o(.text+0xae0): In function `HelpDialog::HelpDialog(QWidget*)':
: undefined reference to `HelpDialog::tr(char const*, char const*)'
objs.noqpe/helpdialog.o(.text+0xdd8): In function `HelpDialog::HelpDialog(QWidget*)':
: undefined reference to `vtable for HelpDialog'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [objs.noqpe/zbedic] Error 1


Software / Announce: Zbedic 1.1
« on: June 14, 2006, 03:36:47 pm »
Code: [Select]
g++ -o objs.noqpe/zbedic -L../libbedic/objs.  objs.noqpe/main.o objs.noqpe/zbedic.o objs.noqpe/moc_zbedic.o objs.noqpe/settings.o objs.noqpe/moc_settings.o objs.noqpe/keyboard_shortcuts.o objs.noqpe/moc_keyboard_shortcuts.o objs.noqpe/editor.o objs.noqpe/moc_editor.o objs.noqpe/dicproperties.o objs.noqpe/moc_dicproperties.o objs.noqpe/abstract_config.o objs.noqpe/registry.o -L/usr/lib/qt/lib -lqt-mt -L../libbedic/objs/ -lbedic -L/opt/native/arm/3.4.4-xscale-softvfp/armv5tel-cacko-linux/lib -lsqlite3
objs.noqpe/zbedic.o(.text+0x6c58): In function `ZBEDic::showHelp()':
: undefined reference to `HelpDialog::HelpDialog(QWidget*)'
objs.noqpe/zbedic.o(.text+0x6ce8): In function `ZBEDic::showHelp()':
: undefined reference to `vtable for HelpDialog'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [objs.noqpe/zbedic] Error 1

Any idea what's wrong? Trying to build it for pdaXrom...


I have Powernowd running on the Z. More details are here:


Software / Powernowd Cpu Frequency And Vcore Scaling Daemon
« on: June 10, 2006, 02:05:47 pm »
For the script examples, please take a look at the ipk.


Software / Powernowd Cpu Frequency And Vcore Scaling Daemon
« on: June 10, 2006, 07:48:24 am »
I think cacko already has these patches, also tetsu kernel has them, and possibly old pre-2.6 kernel pdaXrom. It would work only on pxa270-based Zaurii, i.e. C1000/3x00. The easy way to check if you kernel has them already - just take a look if there's /proc/zaurus/CCCR and /proc/zaurus/VCORE exist.

Also, I completely forgot that if you use root account and don't have sudo installed, then edit /etc/rc.d/init.d/powernowd script and change the first line from:
Code: [Select]
#!sudo /bin/sh

Code: [Select]
If you run as a non-root user, you need to have sudo installed.


Software / Powernowd Cpu Frequency And Vcore Scaling Daemon
« on: June 09, 2006, 06:53:05 pm »
Battery life should improve quite a bit. What /etc/powernowd.conf file do you use?

Software / Powernowd Cpu Frequency And Vcore Scaling Daemon
« on: June 09, 2006, 03:48:13 pm »
Sorry, link is fixed now.

Software / Powernowd Cpu Frequency And Vcore Scaling Daemon
« on: June 09, 2006, 01:14:55 pm »

Let me know what do you think...


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