Yes, please. I knew the problem with Sharp\'s kernel. I\'ve thought a workaround of this, but haven\'t tried yet. However I have some doubts about parameters location (I\'ve found it, but not sure if I can change the right way).
So, please tell (me) more about your solution. And again, if someone can tell me where are the actual kernel sources, would make me happy ;-)
Ok, here it is.
Usual warnings apply here: make a full backup before trying, do it on your own risk etc.
I can not guarantee that all I wrote below is absolutely correct, for I cannot test it at the moment. It should be close to the truth though
Note that you\'ll lose all the current contents of \'root\' and \'home\' of course.
You should use \'/sbin/nandlogical\' tool to perform read/write operations, with /dev/mtd1. That tool lives in the maintenance initrd, boot with pdaxrom installer and go shelling, you\'ll see it.
Do not use nandcp, as Sharp introduced a sort of hack to implement wear leveling with mtd1, so the physical offset would be different when it is accessed directly. For mtd1, use the \'nandlogical\' tool only.
The part of flash you need to modify lies at 0x209F4, it is 80 bytes long. NOTE that this applies to SL-C760 only, as I haven\'t tried it on other models. Maybe it is the same, or maybe not.
First, read that block using the \'nandlogical\' tool.
Do something like
# /sbin/nandlogical /dev/mtd1 READ 0x209F4 80 mtdparts
Be sure that the resulting file (mtdparts) is the same as the one I attached. It contains some data that is used to construct kernel parameters. We can tweak it. I attached tweaked result. Look inside and see what changed
Next, you put that modifications back, with the same \'nandlogical\' tool.
# /sbin/nandlogical /dev/mtd1 WRITE 0x209F4 80 mtdparts_tweaked
That\'s all. Next time you boot into maintenance mode, inspect /proc/mtd, and if everything was right, now there will be no \'home\' partition there, only the one big \'root\'. You\'ll need to erase it of course, as it no longer matches the original filesystem size.
These modifications do not neccessarily apply to the kernel that is used in normal boot mode. I do not know if the same data is used to construct kernel parameters for the normal kernel or not. You can always compile-in all the parameters to your kernel to be sure, or otherwise you can find it out yourself
Hope this helps.
Update: the attachments do not seem to work here, at least for me
Here go uuencoded files =)
begin 644 mtdparts
begin 644 mtdparts_tweaked
Use standard \'uudecode\' tool to decode them. There should be no spaces in the \'end\' lines, or it might not eat it.