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Messages - gdog

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C1000/3x00 General discussions / Gnumeric On My C1k
« on: March 11, 2006, 06:08:37 pm »
Hmmmm. I'm hoping to hear that I can just install an ipk and have it work. I have a stable system and don't want to risk having to start over again. Probably won't happen that way, but.....I'll see if I can find what Meanie has.

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Gnumeric On My C1k
« on: March 11, 2006, 01:13:16 pm »
So can anybody tell me what I would need to do, (and if it's even possible), to install gnumeric on my C1K running the stock Sharp ROM?

I have some large spreadsheets that just refuse to open with Hancom Sheet.

Thanks in advance!

C1000/3x00 Hardware / Great Hard And Waterproof Case For Sl-cxxxx
« on: February 14, 2006, 11:45:29 pm »
Another one that works great is the fairly new Pelican 1020 case. Fits my C1000 like a glove.

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Is It Really Worth It?
« on: December 20, 2005, 02:53:39 pm »
Out of my cold, dead hands my friend  Or until they finally come out with a &$^# wi-fi model.

Aw, it wasn't all that hard to get your C1K from you  I'll just bide my time until you tire of it, or I come up with something you can't resist, like I did with the 6K. BTW, I hope it has treated you as well as your C1K has me!!!

I only picked up the 3100 because my engineer buddy got called back to Japan for a week by the company he was working for - with the exchange rate in my favour I couldn't resist. (By comparison, the 1000s cost me about $470 and $430, and about $690 for the 3000. )

Sure wish I had a buddy like that! They have nearly all the cool stuff over there in toyland

And if you're using it for mp3s, you owe it to yourself to get your hands on the CE-RH2 remote. No more opening the Z to play music
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Hmmm. Another gadget? It is Christmas...... think I'll start surfing. Thanks Kahm!

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Is It Really Worth It?
« on: December 20, 2005, 02:47:28 pm »
Just 1 quick question about the default japanese language if I get a C1000 from .
TIA =)
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There are many different ROMs you can use to flash your C1K. If you're interested in a Sharp ROM, you might consider buying from someone like Streamline CPUs because they have excellent customer service and support, as well as well-built NANDs. If this sounds like an endorsement it is, but there are also other good vendors out there that will help to make your experience enjoyable and supportive.

It's also true that many of these places offer their NANDS for download without requiring you to purchase your device from them. That is what I did, although I later did business with Streamline when I needed accessories. But for those who buy from them the device is already converted and ready to be used (provided an English language Sharp ROM is what is desired).

The C Series devices can be tricky to maintain and support, so it's good to use this board and any help you can get from the vendors when trouble arises. At one point I thought I had killed my C1K, but a free NAND restore had me back up and running, and I've had no trouble since. The help I have gotten here has been excellent!

Just my $.05

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Is It Really Worth It?
« on: December 13, 2005, 10:28:42 pm »
I just had a friend pick one up for me in Japan - $513 Canadian
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When you tire of it perhaps we can make another trade  

I'm running a 6Gb Microdrive and a 1Gb SD card on your old C1K and it's still running great.  Just recently started using it to hold and play my mp3's. Best PDA I've ever owned!!!

Software / Mediaplayer Playlist Maker Script
« on: December 08, 2005, 07:46:27 pm »

Great job! I just recently started using my C1K for an MP3 player and am planning on writing a similar script in Perl. Mine will be a bit different though as the Genre tag did not come over when I converted the cuts from WMA to MP3, and so I plan to allow for command line options for Groups, and/or Album and/or concatenation vs. overwriting (the last so that I can add to and existing list if I want as opposed to overwriting).

This is off-topic but I'll keep it short. I was amazed at the increased sound quality of MP3 over WMA at the same bitrate.

Software / Kde-pim/pi 2.1.0 Available!
« on: November 29, 2005, 06:07:11 pm »
Hmmm. I do have the pim apps running from flash, but I also have them configured to save to my CF card. And unless I'm mistaken, the automatic backups are saving the data to the std.vcf file. Where that file is should not be an issue, or so I would assume. But then, what I know about these Apps and what I assume may just be at opposite ends of reality.

If there's any comfort in all of this it's that so long as all the fields are included when exporting to an xml file, I could pluck them out with Perl at some later date, if in fact whatever new PIM Suite I mirgrate to would not accept them any other way. Although it would be hard to manually reenter the number of contacts I have, it would be even harder to do it from memory (mine that is, not the IC type).

Sorry, didn't know it was a breach of web etiquette to sign a post. Just shows my age I suppose. When I compose a Business letter, my name is at the top and the bottom...    


Software / Kde-pim/pi 2.1.0 Available!
« on: November 25, 2005, 02:46:01 pm »
I inadvertently (aka stupidly), deleted my kabc directory from my CF card.

Then when trying to import both the xml and csv exports I had previously created as backups, the process would recreate my categories, but even with No Filters selected I could not actually see any of my 300+ contacts. So I found an old copy of the std.vcf file and put it into place in the kabc/apps/kabc directory. This gave me a starting point, but in further attempts to import the backups it seemed to bring in all but a few entries, most of which were in one category.

I believe that I've learned the std.vcf file is the "right" way to save a backup copy (so long as you're not intending to import the data into a different PIM). But does anyone have any idea why the xml and/or csv file would not import properly?

One further thing to note is that I had recently upgraded from 2.0.14 to 2.2.5, and the backups were created with the earlier version. Was there a change to the internal structure of the core app that would make the later version unable to read some of the data in the backup files that were created with an earlier version?

Strangely the import of the ics file for Organizer worked just fine...

Thanks in advance,


The trim around the C1K screen is dark grey. The outside of the unit is black with a silver trim ring, as someone else mentioned. The screen does not take up the whole of the inside of the top cover.

I had a 6K that I traded here to get my C1K. I wouldn't go back, but that's just because this form factor fits my needs more than the loss of the marginally bigger/better screen and the builtin wifi on the 6K can overcome. Great little pocket powerhouse!!!

Oh, and the wheel under the OK and Cancel buttons is indeed a jog wheel. Works as arrow down and up in the word processor and Page Up and Down in Opera. I don't have a book reader and I'm running the Sharp ROM, if that helps.



C1000/3x00 General discussions / Is It Really Worth It?
« on: November 23, 2005, 03:55:40 pm »
I've owned more than a dozen different PDA's since 1994 (started with an HP200LX). My C1K is the best by far. I'm not bragging, just trying to put my C1K in the proper perspective. That being said I don't think you could go wrong with any of the C series if you're into clamshells, or the SL's if you're not. Before I had this I had the 6K. The only thing I miss about that is the screen, which was marginally larger and better, but not enough to overcome the clamshell form factor of my C1K, at least for me. I'm using a 4Gb microdrive and a 1Gb SD card. I may upgrade to a 6Gb microdrive, but primarily just to hold more music.

With careful handling and lots of reading on this Board (along with the friendly, timely assistance to be found here), you just can't go wrong with a Z.

The Web (with a Wifi card), Perl, a Linux CLI, and MP3/WMA playback out of the box, what more could you want?

Just my $.02


Software / Kde-pim/pi 2.1.0 Available!
« on: November 22, 2005, 11:40:24 pm »
I upgraded to 2.2.5 because I thought I had read somewhere that it fixed the annoying problem of the details view not staying set. But I've found that this is still a problem for me. Is it just me? Is there a way to keep the view split between names and details after I've suspended and then turned my C1K back on?



Eureka I think I've found it! If I turn on my C1K with the On/Off button the KDE Address app stays in Details view. But if I use the Address Hotkey to turn the unit on the view switches from Details to Names-only view after a second or two. I can live with that ;o)

Software / Kde-pim/pi 2.1.0 Available!
« on: November 21, 2005, 10:45:43 am »

Generally speaking you should always back up before you install new software, on virtually any system.

I just installed the 2.2.5 version of KO/Pi and KA/Pi yesterday (upgrading from 2.0.14 just like you).  Those are the only major components I use, but first you must uninstall the old versions, including the libs and the alarm applet, and then install the new versions, starting with the libs followed by the organizer and address book and the alram applet. Your actual data is saved to a different location, so when you start the new versions your data will already be there for you.

Oh, fwiw I did this on my C1000.

Good luck!


C1000/3x00 Hardware / Apple Ipod Mini Microdrives
« on: November 17, 2005, 10:47:15 am »
Apple may have dumped some of these also. I'd be surprised if they'd stand by and let Hitachi put them out there with the apple logo on them, which is how some of them are showing up. Either way it sounds like it's not a plug and play scenario.



C1000/3x00 Hardware / Apple Ipod Mini Microdrives
« on: November 17, 2005, 01:12:57 am »
Found this:

Looks like we're good to go.

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