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Messages - solighten

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Zaurus - pdaXrom / Pdaxrom 1.1.0beta 4 And New Bootloader
« on: August 24, 2006, 04:01:05 am »

I wonder why there are two threads about the same issue (Beta4)???

My Z is now running beta4 and I have the same problems that were already reported. Using the mentioned alsamixer I now have sound   and the Fn-key works as right mouse button after I made the mentioned changes to /etc/sysconfig/x11mousebutts    

The Ctrl and Alt keys still do not work at all    any solution so far??

I found another strange thing: When I read a book using pdf-viewer and then turn my Z off and on again the pdf-viewer starts to turn pages like pressing (Fn-Up) and the only thing I could do is to kill xpdf.

I am not going back to my previous Beta1. Beta4 is just too nice

Short update:

I found another problem: After turning my Z back on when it was shut off for a longer time (e.g. over night) the SD and CF cards are not accessible any more. Any attempt to read from either one results in a green cpu panel (cpu stays busy) and the only solution is to kill the reading provess. I have not yet discovered how to make the cards work again without a reboot. Eject and reinserting the cards is not sufficent.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Pdaxrom 1.1.0beta 4 And New Bootloader
« on: August 23, 2006, 04:47:18 am »
Sashz has released some new beta4 stuff:

Downloads avalible from:

U-Boot buttons during power-up:
[OK] - emergency system
[1] - pass to kernel: root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 (root filesystem on SD/MMC card)
[2] - pass to kernel: root=/dev/hda1 (root filesystem on CF, need special kernel)
[3] - pass to kernel: root=/dev/hdc1 (root filesystem on HD, need special kernel)

[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=137991\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

I installed this (latest) version Beta4 on my C860 and after going through some install-problems I got it running.
After installation of the new U-Boot I thought my Z was bricked or at least I couldn't find a way to get it started. CD Keys just gave blinking led and MD didn't work anymore (they still don't). The easy solution to just remove the battery, unplug power, hold OK and insert the battery I gladly found somwhere.
Now, that I have it running, I detected some problems. The most annoying one is the issue with the keys. Ctrl and Alt keys both don't work, mouse buttons do not work, backlight increase and decrease do not work. Looks like a major problem with all special keys. Any solution so far?

Apart from that it looks great and it seems to me that it is faster. My 1GB SD card with Ext2 fs was not recognised in the first place, I had to unplug and plug it several times but now it works.

The package-manager starts up with no options in "Install on", the first install fills the list but this first install fails and has to be redone.

After exit from X the a-key doesn't work anymore, so you can't type "startx" after that. You can get around this by just typing "!!" which repeats the previous startx.

The sound doesn't work on my C860. XMMS runs fine without sound  the mixer starts but unable to increase volume, same with the volume applet in the taskbar.


Sharp ROMs / Ok, No More Major Issues In Cacko 1.22?
« on: January 12, 2005, 04:44:03 am »
I can't find the hostap.conf file - where is the file please, and how do I work out what to put into it to ID my card?
Hi Ian,

the filename is hostap_cs.conf and it is located under /etc/pcmcia

If your card is reported as "Zcomax Xi-325H 200mW" it has the same manfid as many other cards (for example my D-Link 660W).

You can just edit the Zcomax entry.

Use the command

cardctl ident

to find out what your card reports and change the entry accordingly.

Regards, Jan

Sharp ROMs / Ok, No More Major Issues In Cacko 1.22?
« on: January 11, 2005, 04:27:02 am »

the issue with charging is in fact very strange.

When my Z is turned off the charging always works fine. It is only an issue when the Z is turned on and connected to the power supply. I expect that under these circumstances the power to be used for charging and for the device itself. When charging is done the light should go off and the power should be used only for the device itself. I have an iRiver mp3 player which shows exactly this behavior.

My Z when I bought it with the original Sharp Rom usually didn't turn off the charging light when it was switched on and connected to power. With Cacko 1.21b the light usually went off and now with Cacko 1.22 it is always on when the Z is turned on and connected to power.

I also fear that my battery doesn't like it to be charged all the time and I now think about what I should do. If the problem persists I will probably don't use the Z with the power line connected but that will make everything difficult.

Any suggestions?

Kind regards, Jan

Sharp ROMs / Ok, No More Major Issues In Cacko 1.22?
« on: January 10, 2005, 09:48:22 am »

let's go back to what was asked:

I had to change the hostap_cs.conf for my D-link DCF-660W to be recognised as such. There was already an entry for a similar card and it would probably have worked with the original file but my Z reported my card to be a "Zcomax XI-325H 200mW" and I didn't like that. For both cards there was the same vendor id.
I commented out the Zcomax entry and removed the comment on the vendor id of the D-Link card and added a comment to the version in the same block. The version is what is reported on my card but it didn't work wihout commenting out. The result is:

card "D-Link DCF-660 11Mbps WLAN Card"
# version "D-Link", "DCF-660W", ""
 manfid 0xd601, 0x0005
 bind "hostap_cs"


Sharp ROMs / Cacko Rom 1.22 Is Available!
« on: January 07, 2005, 04:57:33 am »

first of all: This is a great rom and the fact that there are just a few minor problems although you guys didn't have a testing and QA department speaks for itself!    

I have only small things that I couldn't find in the FAQ so far:

1. The german keyboard layout has no '?' or it is hidden somewhere.
( see )

2. Kino2 doesn't play my video files that played well on Cacko 1.21b (Mpeg4 with mp3 sound).

3. There is a warning message whwn I use iwconfig:
Warning: Driver for device eth0 recommend version 18 of Wireless Extension, but has been compiled with version 15, therefore some driver features may not be available...


Sharp ROMs / Cacko 1.22 And Kismet/wellenreiter
« on: January 06, 2005, 05:07:50 am »

since cacko 1.22 provides different drivers for the wireless lan (hostap instead of wlan-ng) I don't think you could just use the same "how-to's" for kismet. Even with the "old" drivers there were different ways to set up kismet.

I had kismet 2004-04-R1 installed on my Z when I was using Cacko 1.21b and I didn't set up any "dummy connections". I just used the scripts from kismetQt for init and it worked fine.

Now I installed kismet 2004-10-R1 on my Z with Cacko 1.22. I set the source to


It was not successful and I didn't have time for further investigations yet.
The kismet server says:
Source0 (prismsource): Enabling monitor mode for hostap source interface eth0 channel 6...
FATAL: Failed to set channel 6 22:Invalid argument

There is also a warning message whwn I use iwconfig:
Warning: Driver for device eth0 recommend version 18 of Wireless Extension, but has been compiled with version 15, therefore some driver features may not be available...

Hopefully this weekend I will have time to check what the problem is.

Kind regards

PS: I almost forgot to mention that the wireless connection works fine apart from the problem with kismet.

Sharp ROMs / Cacko 121b - Nethack And Kino2
« on: January 03, 2005, 03:46:14 am »

I just copied the file to Documents/Install_Files on my cf card. Then it was visible in the "install software" List.

Do you see other install-files from the directory where you placed the nethack ipk?

Sharp ROMs / Cacko 121b - Nethack And Kino2
« on: December 28, 2004, 08:45:27 am »

nethack runs fine on my c860 using cacko 1.21b. There is only a small access right problem. There are two possible solutions:

1) You cold simply run nethack as root (click on the nethack icon until the setting screen apears and check the "run as root").

2) The other solution is better: Run nethack from the console. There is an error message saying that a file is not writeable. I don't remember the file name. Give the user "Zaurus" write access to that file. Now you can run it from the icon. You should also set some values in the config file to adapt to the higher resolution of the screen.

I usually use mpeg4 videos that I recoded for the zaurus. They usually even play in the "Video Player". I was not able to play "untouched" videos on the Z.


Sharp ROMs / Om/pi Fails To Launch
« on: December 09, 2004, 05:33:30 am »

I think you are missing libssl:

Regards, Jan

Cxx0 General discussions / Outlook 2003 Sync
« on: September 17, 2004, 02:32:11 am »
Hi webdave,

Yes - the Cacko-Rom works fine with sync to Outlook 2003. It is imo the best available Rom which is able to sync to Outlook.  


Sharp ROMs / What would you like to see in Cacko 1.22 ROM?
« on: September 16, 2004, 05:28:01 am »

I am also glad to see that the Cacko ROM isn't dead!  

Maybe it has been addressed before but I coldn't find it:

What I need is a bug fix in the IMAP mail connection if this is possible. My mail account at has predefined folders with German umlaut like "Unerwünscht". This causes the IMAP to creates a folder "ünscht" and then stop with an error message.

The other solution would be to use a different mail client. But this would also mean to use a different address book and so on.

Many thanks for the nice Cacko Rom      


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