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Topics - obscurite

Pages: 1 [2]
For Sale / Wanted / C860, Months Old, Extras Extras Extras
« on: January 25, 2005, 05:46:55 pm »
What a great opportunity to own a C860 and all the trimmings for a bargain!  

I've purchased a laptop and it's going to meet my mobile computing needs, so I want to give my awesome C860 a new, loving home.  

It's only 4 months old, and I've kept it in perfect condition in a PDAir leather case. I'm selling it along with several extras (I know I can sell the extras separately but don't want to go through the motions). The warranty is still good for another 8 months (for warranty info see

I misplaced the stylus somehow, and ordered a replacement, and subsequently lost that one too, so I've been using a thin Sony stylus in the mean time. Brand new stylus replacements can be had for $15 or less from a number of stores, if needed.

Items for sale (as a group):
. C860 (original charger, box, documentation, software)
. Socket RevG Bluetooth CF Card (works great with my T610 GSM phone)
. Linksys WCF-12 802.11b WIFI CF Card
. KingMax 1GB 60x SD Card
. PDAir leather case
. iPDA Sync & Charging cable

I paid over $1000 USD for these items. I'm asking for $650 USD (+shipping). It's been flashed with Cacko 1.21b, and I can change that to another ROM if you're not sure how.

Email me: zaurus - at - psionik - dot - com, or post here.

NYC / Nyc Zaurus Addicts Roll Call!
« on: November 23, 2004, 10:56:14 am »
Everyone in the house with a zaurus stand up, say hi, and show some pride

My name's Daniel, I'm a computer programmer/administrator and (returning) college student. I bought my first Z, a gleaming new 5500 around then turn of the century (haha), and bought my second Z, a new C860 a couple of months ago.

Right now I'm doing the following things with my Z:
- trying different ROMs
- exploring what is involved in setting up a custom OS
- experimenting with the Qtopia SDK
- using the Z to take notes (FreenoteQT)
- using the Z for remote SSH access (and VPN if I get to it)
- recording audio on the Z

I use my Z with GPRS all the time, which is very handy for a quick email check or ssh session.

It'd be nice to have a meeting some day for the NYC ZUG (maybe possibly as a SIG within a linux user group or 2600 meeting or some such thing) but in the mean time, represent!


Qt/Qtopia / qtopia sdk problem
« on: November 08, 2004, 04:21:44 pm »
My goal is to get the qtopia sdk going so I can start playing with code.

I'm on redhat 9. I've followed the HOWTO to the letter, but when I get to the point where I try to compile the example...

[root@localhost root]# source
Altered environment for Sharp Zaurus Development x86
[root@localhost root]# cd example/
[root@localhost example]# tmake -o Makefile
[root@localhost example]# make
gcc  -o example main.o example.o examplebase.o moc_example.o moc_examplebase.o  -L/opt/Qtopia/lib -lqpe -lqte
main.o(.text+0x1d): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `QPEApplication::QPEApplication[in-charge](int&, char**, QApplication::Type)'
main.o(.text+0x3e): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `QPEApplication::showMainWidget(QWidget*, bool)'
main.o(.text+0x46): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `QPEApplication::exec()'
main.o(.text+0x59): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `QPEApplication::~QPEApplication [in-charge]()'
... etcetera etcetera

Any ideas?


howto link:

Qt/Qtopia / libsl - porting tips?
« on: October 18, 2004, 02:16:38 pm »
Hi guys,

I've seen several posts where people wanted to run their QTOPIA apps on X, or pure QT but couldn't because of dependencies on libsl or other proprietary sharp libraries where source is unavailable.

Can anyone either give tips/tricks on how to port these specific library calls to QT/X11 libraries, or can someone point me to a good thread/forum/resource that would give me a good starting point?

The application I'd try to work on first is FreenoteQT, which I love. I haven't contacted the author yet, because I don't know what I'm looking for in the source code yet. Your help is appreciated.


Security and Networking / Zaurus as serial terminal?
« on: October 18, 2004, 02:06:23 pm »
Anyone using the ZThinCable or other serial cable plus terminal emulation software (minicom, zconsole, JeTermZ, etc) with their Z?

Personally I own a C860, and I'd like to use it to connect to and admin several types of devices, including PC's, Sun's, Cisco and Checkpoint boxes, and other random appliances.

Please share your reccomendations/stories on serial connectivity. Thanks.


zThinCable/JeTermZ -

Accessories / Who needs an SL-C3000? 2GB SD!!
« on: October 16, 2004, 08:56:57 pm »
Hadn't heard about a 2GB SD card before but...

I was browsing around my local electronics superstore's site ( and I noticed a 2GB Sandisk Ultra 2 Secure Digital card for about $200.00 available for pre-order.

I feel a lot less jealous of the new SL-C3000 and it's 4GB internal drive now that I can increase my SD storage by A GIG on my C860. Thank goodness my 1GB Kingmax card is "defective" so I can return it and get one of these whenever they're available. I saw it for as low as $181.00 on

Happy shopping!


Cxx0 General discussions / Just ordered C860 from pricejapan
« on: October 06, 2004, 10:17:56 am »
Hi everyone. I've just ordered a C860 from for $552 all-inclusive. (paypal CC, EMS shipping to NY, NY). I also ordered a 1GB 60x Kingmax SD card from ZipZoomFly.

I am also the proud owner of a 5500, which I used for several years and which still works.

Besides daydreaming of my new C860, does anyone have any suggestions for things I should do in the meantime while my unit is shipping? Any vital accessories, software, etc. that I should be looking into?

A non-leather case would be great, and I've seen some nice stylus replacements (, nice cases (, and a cool USB sync/charge cable out there.

I'm mostly looking forward to FreenoteQT, but pdaXrom seems to have some nice software and I know FreenoteQT won't run on pdaXrom because of QT incompatibilities. I'm also looking forward to running some kind of x86/dos emulation (probably freedos on pdaXrom or Xqt)... anyway, I have no idea what I'm talking about so take this with a grain of salt.  

Can't wait to start using and (time permitting), developing some software.


Zaurus - pdaXrom / FreenoteQT vs pdaXrom. Tough call?
« on: October 05, 2004, 05:24:27 pm »
Hello. I'm about to buy a C860 from Dynamism.

I'm a little concerned, because I want to run the best rom (apprently pdaXrom), but I also want desperately to run FreenoteQT ( As a software developer with some C++ and QT experience, I plan on trying to help with FreenoteQT development if I end up using it alot, and if I can understand the code.

With pdaXrom, it seems you have to port apps to get them to work, where they would normally work fine on the stock/cacko roms.

1) I would like to be able to contribute code/fixes/etc to the pdaXrom code base
2) I would like to have a clear path to porting apps to pdaXrom such as FreenoteQT should I want to do that

I took a look at the pdaXrom site and didn't see any source available - is this a closed source project? Sorry if the answer is obvious.

Thanks for your help in advance!


PS. Please feel free contact me directly if you use FreenoteQT extensively on a clamshell zaurus, particularly if you got it to run on pdaXrom! We can compare notes and have our own note-taking mini user group  Thanks.

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