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Messages - Bertram Wooster

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Accessories / Experiences With Fellowes Stowaway Usb Keyboard
« on: February 11, 2005, 08:45:54 am »
dear people here at oesf.

has anyone in here had any experience with the fellowes stowaway usb keyboard. the C3000 has an awesome keyboard for most purposes, but sometimes i'd still rather use a bigger one. the fellowes looks good, its description sounds good and dream theatre mentioned in another thread ( that it would work with the c3000's usb host.

on the other hand it is (probably) impossible to get hold of it in germany (i already posted in "for sale/wanted" without any replies), so this would not be the cheapest accessory (keyboard + delivery + taxes(?)) and the big question is whether it's worth it...

any comment is very welcome!

For Sale / Wanted / Wanted: Fellowes Stowaway Usb Keyboard
« on: February 09, 2005, 05:29:14 am »
does anyone know a shop/seller which stocks the fellowes stowaway usb keyboard in germany or other european countries?
many thanks in advance!

Security and Networking / Wifi Scan
« on: January 29, 2005, 08:02:28 am »
irongeek's site has a very detailed description for some software which might be useful for you:
however he's using openzaurus - nevertheless some of this software will also work with other roms, so you might want to check at the specific software's homepage  (or as well...
i personally use wellenreiter on my c3000 (original sharp rom):

C1000/3x00 Hardware / What Case Do You Have For Sl-c3000?
« on: January 23, 2005, 06:51:02 am »
and the search goes on...
for the more sportive ones:

there's a similar thread nearby: neopren case (for the 860):

and this one here should work fine as well

Python / Python On Zaurus - Newbie Questions
« on: January 22, 2005, 02:49:02 pm »
many thanks fpp and shula (and an excuse especially for you fpp, as i didn't reply earlier in this thread...). after a few days of playing around with it i can say a few things you might not need. however it might help other green newbies ...

on a c3000 with an original sharp rom (i don't think any alternatives exist yet, except openbsd and no-one daring to test it...) i can say that kopsis distribution is by way the easiest to install, work with (and definitely very extensive). vanille is unfortunately not as straight forward to install.

when it comes to the editor i do like visiscript very much. the list of languages it supports (highlighting etc) is not as large as the one in tkceditor, but it's free and easy to handle. also it will output python in a seperate screen!

i guess this was not my last question in here, but python still feels like the right decision!

Software / Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe (openttd) 0.3.5 Avail
« on: January 22, 2005, 08:30:55 am »
all you needed to do was to ask jeeves
[div align=\"right\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

after all i wasn't too happy with the slightly messy installation (i don't like error messages - even when things seem to work afterwards).
i expected libsdl-image to fix this problem, but it didn't (no libpng... after installation in usr/lib).
this morning i found a better (and more recent) alternative to the libpng from my last post:
[a href=\"][/url]
works perfectly. i just wonder whether this was/is a problem of c3000 or rather of the libsdl.
at the moment i'm using
are there other versions which are more recommendable?

this actually brings me to my next problem: no midi in openttd (music files are in /data and track names are shown in the game - sound is perfectly ok though). i thought libsdl-mixer should take care of that, but somehow it doesn't.
has anyone (maybe jeeves  ) got an idea on how to fix that problem? many thanks already

Software / Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe (openttd) 0.3.5 Avail
« on: January 21, 2005, 01:31:50 pm »
cd /opt/QtPalmtop/openttd
./openttd -m null -d 5

could you tell me the debug info printed to the console window
[div align=\"right\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

./openttd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot load shared object file: No such file or directory

ok. so i got libpng from
[a href=\"][/url]
though the installation didn't work properly - some files couldn't be installed. nevertheless openttd now works fine (for a few minutes, at least .

Software / Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe (openttd) 0.3.5 Avail
« on: January 21, 2005, 10:30:24 am »
installed it on c3000 (internal memory) with original sharp rom but unfortunately it doesn't run. it will load (hourglass) and that's it. hourglass vanished, nothing happens.
even more unfortunate that also didn't really work.

has anyone managed to get openttd run on a c3000?

Accessories / Whrere Can I Get A New Stylus?
« on: January 21, 2005, 10:17:10 am »
Does the top pop up like the Tungsten T3 stylus, or do you have to pull it or twist it to extend it?   I really like my Tungsten one, but I'd enjoy having a pen available too.
[div align=\"right\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]
i have to admit that i don't know the t3 stylus, but the pentopia's back has to be pulled out manually. it will however lock at the end. that might help you to imagine what i mean:
[a href=\"][/url]

Python / Python 2.4 Zaurus Image Available
« on: January 21, 2005, 10:04:28 am »
dear kopsis, many thanks for your work!
is there a certain order in which python-exe looks for the img?
i copied the img from my SD to home/zaurus/Documents on my C3000 and ran the python-exe from my SD. the installation worked perfectly, though it mounted the img which was still on SD. actually this is not a problem at the moment, as i usually always have this particular SD in my system, but i'm curious of how to change the default location for the img.

Accessories / Whrere Can I Get A New Stylus?
« on: January 19, 2005, 08:52:28 am »
got the pentopia 3-in-1 stylus via brando workshop (hongkong) and am completely convinced. the ballpoint pen is nice, but i've never used it so far. however i really like the option to extend the pen for an inch or so. also the additional weight (in comparison to the original lightweight) makes it easier to write with.

C1000/3x00 Hardware / What Case Do You Have For Sl-c3000?
« on: January 13, 2005, 01:10:11 pm »
XIGMA also have another case in their range, though at the moment only available on the japanese site:
asking them via email, they replied that they would also put this one on their english site: "Thank you for contacting us! We are sorry for your inconvenience, but SL-C3000 organizer models are coming soon also on our English site. You are kindly asked to wait for a short moment."
and wait we will... this one looks even better, though the price seems to be around $100 - nevertheless the c3000 wasn't the cheapest thing i've bought and in comparison the case seems still ok.

the case cover of the one case already available in english really seems to snap on its back, but when you look at the details it might make sense (IMHO):
if you open, you won't have it hanging in front of the z but rather hidden on its back...

Software / Essential Z Software Megapost!
« on: January 13, 2005, 01:00:52 pm »
just a few personal favourites...


KO/Pi: open source PIM application, also available for other OS featuring applications for addressbook, organizer, email and password




ZEditor: text editor, very good (free) alternative to tkceditor


Tree!Explorer QT: free version still good enough!


mooview: cons: only jpg, pro: cursor up/down change images

tximage: more fileformats (jpg, gif, png)
couldn't find its homepage, download at:


qpdf2: pdf reader

justreader: ebook reader


crimson fields: strategy

Accessories / What Wifi Cards Work For Sl-c3000?
« on: January 12, 2005, 01:28:04 pm »
D-Link DCF-660W works fine. just plug it in and connect...

However keep away from Sandisk Connect Plus (WIFI + 128MB)

Python / Creating Python 2.4 Zaurus Image
« on: January 11, 2005, 03:06:42 pm »
it's definitely worth a try, though i'd be thankful for your "semi-detailed instructions"- i'm not new to computers however to linux and especially unix commands are quite unknown to me.

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