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Messages - handheld-linux

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ELSI General Discussion / Announcement: New Zaurus Software Index Online
« on: February 02, 2006, 04:12:07 am »
I don't see how a new index site can be succesfull without a redirection from killefiz as a google search  for "zaurus younameit"  leads to the older index.
We have asked Killefiz but not got a response yet.

Another option is to have more links directing to the new page. This will raise its position in Google since they take the numer of pointers to a page into account.

Then, we have added some meta-keywords and finally we sponsor some Google Adwords.


ELSI General Discussion / Announcement: New Zaurus Software Index Online
« on: January 28, 2006, 05:56:30 am »
Dear Community,

there have been just 7 new entries on ELSIX since beginning of December 2005 and the last contribution in this board goes back to September, we have thought that it is time for a fresh approach we want to donate to the community.

Looking back, Killefiz was a very popular database before it was more or less abandoned by its moderator (although there have been some 10 updates in last year and 20 more this January). After that, ELSIX was started with great efforts, the killefiz dtaabase was integrated and authors updated their applications. But if you look at the statistics, it is by far less popular than killefiz.

We think this might have several reasons (as discussed here before): missing ease of use in operating the system for software developers and Zaurus user and missing links from this forum to ELSIX. We think that the main purpose must be a communication platform between people (authors and potential users) so it must be designed to ease communication.

Therefore we thought that a different approach is required and have worked on new tool and hope that it gains more acceptance. To do that we have

* copied the clean layout of Killefiz (as much information on one page - but still easy to read)
* added logins to allow users to subscribe to change requests and to write comments
* allows users to get moderator status - this allows a more community based approach in approving changes and is no longer on the shoulders of a single person
* improved management of screenshots
* imported the Killefiz data (status December - but only the approved entries) Thanks to Sven!!

After some hard work we are now happy to make it public:

So, please

* use the database
* bookmark it
* link to it on your pages
* tell everybody you know about it
* ask others to link to it
* start submitting updates and new software
* mark old entries
* note on bugs
* make proposals for improvement
* ask to become moderator
* sponsor this effort by looking at the shop

Comments welcome!

Nikolaus Schaller

Archos forum / Where Can I Buy One?
« on: December 03, 2005, 05:16:57 am »
I've hunted high and low in the UK and I can only find the AV 400 models for sale. Where can I get the PMA 430?
We have just added the PMA430 to our offer and can ship to the UK.

Nikolaus Schaller
The Handheld-Linux Shop

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Looking For European Reseller !
« on: August 12, 2005, 07:41:11 pm »
The specs of this adaptor (120g) looks to fit the Zaurus:
Sounds ok. But please verify twice (or better three times) that you have selected 5V and the correct polarity. Someone has recommended to use glue to fix the switch at 5V and the adapter part.
Here is a thread on this topic and some options:
I read threads about battpacks of 4 NiMH which should work with the SL3x00. This is great because I can charge them with a lightweight charger connected to the same Hapé adaptor.
Also, see this thread: where they mention a Socket Mobile Power Pack: I am not sure if it is avaliable in Europe but google/froogle or other search engines may help.
My question to the european resellers here is if they will warrant my Zaurus if I am going to use it with the Hapé adaptor and attach it to a 4 NiMH battpak ?
Well, the 24 months warranty in Europe is for consumer's protection against manufacturing defects, and not for damages by improper handling by the user. So, damages by using such an adaptor or battery pack is usually not covered by warranty.

The main question might be what is with other damages. Like a key falling out or a flash memory having corrupt blocks. In these cases our repair service will be able to help. If it costs a repair fee or is covered by the warranty will be decided case by case.  

Nikolaus Schaller

General Discussion / New Low-end "tux Pda"
« on: June 15, 2005, 12:33:54 pm »
Now, as a dealer I would probably rather think about spending some money in furthering development of this Linux port and convincing Acer to either give me all of their remaining stock (IIRC the n10 is no longer manufactured) or possibly ask them for a good deal on a small production run of this existing design.
Dear all,

thanks to chrget's proposal, I have looked a little more at these opportunities and I can get some final stock of HP Jornada 565 devices and resell them at EUR 279,- (incl. German VAT of 16%, 24 months warranty, shipment within Europe only).

Here are some features:
* Windows Mobile 2002
* SA-1110 206 MHz
* RAM: 32 MB (the 568 would have 64MB but is not available)
* ROM: 32 MB
* 3.5" TFT

and a review:

This device is fully supported by the Familiar distribution (Linux 2.6 kernel):

If you are interested, please contact us.

Nikolaus Schaller
The Handheld Linux Shop

General Discussion / Shirtpocket Troubles?
« on: June 14, 2005, 04:49:43 am »
shippping to the UK is no problem at all. We work all over
As of now, SL-C1000 are on stock, SL-C3000 should also
arrive today, SL-C3100 will be available early July.
The delivery to UK takes about 3 days (UPS Standard

Can Trisoft deliver in UK?How quickly?Someone please advice if I sh
[div align=\"right\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]
... If you're in Europe, I don't think there's a better option than Trisoft. [div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=84081\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

We have exactly the same situation - C1000 is on stock, C3000/C3100 will be available beginning of July (BTW through TriSoft since we are a reseller).

And we can also ship to all countries within the European Trade Union.
If you are buying for a company (outside of Germany) we can even make a tax free intracommunity delivery where the 16% of the German VAT is deduced.

Nikolaus Schaller
The Handheld Linux Shop
[a href=\"][/url]

General Discussion / New Low-end "tux Pda"
« on: May 27, 2005, 05:32:35 am »
About the information regarding this project on the handheld linux website (I assume this is the same PDA you're reffering to here):

What exactly is the advantage in having a PDA that is "comparable" to the 5500 for €300-400 without a keyboard?
Yes, although the info on that page is a little outdated. It is more a "Project Y" :-)

The advantages I have seen (before the Nokia 770 announcement):
* availability of unused devices incl. warranty etc. (the last recommended price of Sharp for the SL-5500G was 399,- EUR)
* preinstalled OpenZaurus or similar
* lower price than a C1000 to reach a broader audience (not necessarily restricted to Zaurus users) for Linux application software developers
* no keyboard: to make it a small and lightweight entry level device; but use Bluetooth to allow to connect an external keypad

Since most of these points also appy to the Nokia 770, we don't see us able to continue that project. So, we will work with both, Sharp and Nokia in the future.


General Discussion / Nokia 770 Internet Tablet
« on: May 26, 2005, 01:47:03 am »
Apart from the bigger screen and Wifi/BT, I don't see what extras it brings that the Zaurus doesnt.

Those alone make it worth considering for me!  Also, it adds a Mic, decent video support, Flash Player 6, internet radio streaming (So, mainly software benefits) and it's thinner.

No need for a keyboard?

General Discussion / New Low-end "tux Pda"
« on: May 25, 2005, 03:01:54 pm »
Other than the fact that it is a linux device this is the wrong crowd to get good projected sales info on a dedicated pda from.
Well, the forum has been renamed to OESF to be no longer restricted to Zaurus users only.
On the other hand--if we are your proposed market read the posts on new devices (like the nokia 770) see what (and what aspect of it) gets ooos and aaahs and what gets put down. that will give you a clearer picture of what this membership actually looks for.
That is already clear:
++ display (much better than my proposal)
++ Blueooth & WiFi builtin (same as my proposal)
-- no keypad (same as my proposal)
-- no CF (same as my proposal)
-- no Harddrive (same as my proposal)
++ very good price (same as my proposal)

And the last one is not to beat if Nokia is on the frontplate :-)


General Discussion / Nokia 770 Internet Tablet
« on: May 25, 2005, 01:13:20 pm »
And did you see the Supported File Formats?

Audio: MP3, Real Audio, MPEG4, AAC, WAV, AMR, MP2
Image: JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PNG, Animated GIF format,
SVG-tiny, ICO
Video: MPEG1, MPEG4, Real Video, H.263, AVI, 3GP

General Discussion / New Low-end "tux Pda"
« on: May 25, 2005, 12:25:35 pm »
You should take into account that most members here allready own a Zaurus.
That is a valid argument. On the other hand, especially Zaurus owners should probably know best what they need (would have needed).

But with the announcement of the Nokia 770 for approx. 400 EUR this project seems no longer to be competitve.


General Discussion / Nokia 770 Internet Tablet
« on: May 25, 2005, 11:27:00 am »
Nokia has announced a new Linux based PDA (Internet Tablet).

Key features:
* 640x800 display, 4.13 inch (slightly larger than Zaurus Cx000)
* 141x79x19 mm (slightly larger but thinner)
* 230g (less weight)
* touch
* integrated WLAN and Bluetooth
* processor unclear
* 1500mAh battery (3h operation, 7 days standby)
* Linux (seems to be Debian)
* uses X-Server and GTK
* own development platform
* availablility seems to be 3Q 2005 (i.e. September)
* price is rumoured to be 400 EUR (indicating availability in Europe)

I have set up an info page:


Here is a FAQ page:,,75108,00.html

General Discussion / New Low-end "tux Pda"
« on: May 25, 2005, 09:15:38 am »
Dear all,

now as the discussion has calmed down, let me try to draw a first summary.

Regarding the original question about Bluetooth or WiFi, there is a clear winner: WiFi (24:4).

That was much to my surprise - since I had expected that Bluetooth comes out better in a low-end device because it would offer more options to connect to external devices (GPS mouse for navigation, keyboard to better use PIM applications, mobile phone to sync with). But apparently, WiFi (i.e. full IP/Internet access) is more important (in a Linux PDA).

And funny enough, as we have run this discussion, I got the indication from the manufacturer, that they now even consider integrating both - so the result turns out to be of some academic importance.

The second discussion level was generally about the demand for a lower priced device. Here the discussion has puzzled me a lot, since on one hand I (think) I always read that the Sharp Zauruses are more expensive than anything else to reach broader use, but if I propose a less expensive device, it does not have enough functionality or is not extensible enough.

So, the only solution would be that we all use, promote and buy more Sharps so that they come into economies of scale and the price can go down to reach a level where Dell and others already are. So it is about strengthening and extending this community. What about a "proud Zaurus user" button on each of your home pages or a "Zaurus" sticker on your car?

Or is there really no demand for a lower priced Linux-PIM-only-PDA (with reduced functionality of course)?

Many thanks for discussing these topics,

General Discussion / New Low-end "tux Pda"
« on: May 20, 2005, 09:16:07 am »
... currently was in the market for a low cost PDA with at least a possible future Linux option, I'd definitely go for an Acer n10. They are currently sold around here at €199/$250 (SRP: €249/$315) and can be had for as little as €179/$225 (and yes, that's end price including 16% V.A.T)

While AFAIK there is no ready-to-run Linux distribution available yet, the efforts of getting Linux up and running seem to have progressed quite a bit.
The question is: what is it worth to get a comparable PDA that already comeswith Linux installed, from a manufacturer who supports Linux and where you don't run the risk that a Linux release never comes or is never complete, or comes in two years when the device is no longer available?

An other point to consider: that is a sell-out price where nobody earns money. They even might loose money because the have to clear stock. So they subsidize by the new models.

And one more: How much does it cost to add Bluetooth/WLAN (unless you get a special offer).
and convincing Acer to either give me all of their remaining stock (IIRC the n10 is no longer manufactured) or possibly ask them for a good deal on a small production run of this existing design.
That could be a general alternative - if they are willing to do. Usually such companies fear the effort of supporting such a project - or you have to pay for it.

And as a dealer you have to get the money to support the Linux development from somewhere. So you have to make it more expensive than the original (or sell-out) price. And as long as the device is still available somewhere, everybody would buy the PPC version and install Linux. So to protect, the dealer must wait until the model is no longer available anywhere. And you get offered the oldest models... Is this attractive?

And: the device I am talking is also in production. So, if NOTHING would be added, it can be offered at a lower price.


General Discussion / New Low-end "tux Pda"
« on: May 20, 2005, 09:01:50 am »
I agree with Kahm on this one. What is the market for this thing?
worldwide - whoever wants to have such a device
Who are you selling to?
All the gurus who want a Linux based PDA for daily use.
Most people on this board spend more to get more and are not interested in low end.
Not all. I have run a recent poll: whish as of today says:
12%  I love my Zaurus and will stay forever with Zaurus
38% I would like to have a low priced Linux PDA
29% I would like a Linux based Smartphone
They want a palm-sized laptop.
From the discussions I have identified three basic wishes:
* low end Linux PDA ("PIM PDA")
* Micro-Laptop
* Linux Smartphone
always assuming that they are as open for writing and installing software as the Zaurus.


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