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Messages - Leinadmx

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Please quit posting your problem in numerous forums, please be patient you should receive a suitable response posting this in one forum only.
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Ok, I am sorry, it just that I feel really nervous.
By the way I check the DC current with a multimeter and it is 5.18 volts and the battery is 3.8 volts.

Best Regards

Thanks for the advice but it does not work
I tried with the battery and te with the AC, but nothing happend.

another idea please??

Spain / Ayuda Por Favor, Mi Sl-c3100 No Enciende!
« on: June 09, 2006, 01:02:57 pm »
Hola, buen día.

Disculpen, pero necesito ayuda, ayer me llego mi Zaurus SL-C3100 de japon y todo iva bien, le cambie la ROM y le puse pdaXrom, oviamente hice varios intentos hasta que me salio ponerle el sistema. Hoy pensaba instalarle unos programas asi que la conecte a la corriente AC y se inicio el sistema, la pdaXrom empezo bien, de repente despues de montar unos modulos la pantalla se puso blanca y nada reaccionaba.

Lo que hice fue desconectar de la corriente y se apago, la volvi a conectar y no encendio, estube intentando todas las combinaciones de teclas D+M, D+C, en fin lo que aparece para que saliera aunque sea el sistema de emergia, y nada, no reacciona, no prende ni una luz, parece muerta!

No se que puedo haberle pasado, todo estaba bien inclusive cuando le instale pdaXrom tuve que hacerlo en varios intentos, pero siempre podria entrar a los modos de emergencia y ahora no reacciona, simplemente nada enciende.

Por favor podrian aconsejarme que hacer?? que pudo haber pasado?Ya revise todo, cables, corriente, bateria y todo esta bien, se supone que es nueva!!!Lo que mas me preocupa es que inverti todos mis ahorros en ella y seria muy complicado  no podria enviarla de nuevo a Japon.

Les agradecere mucho lo que me pudieran aconsejar.

Hi friends.

I am sorry, but I really need your help, yesterday I got my Zaurus SL-C3100, it worked fine, at night I install pdaXrom and it start fine, today morning I was thinking about install it other programas, so I connect the Zaurus to the AC and pdaXrom started fine, suddenly when the system stay at loadding modules, the screen becomes white and nothing respond, so I decided turn off the power to restart again.

But when I connect the AC again it does not work, it seems to be die!!!
I try to control me and read as much I could about it, I try all the key combitations to start the emergy system and the diagnostics menu, but it does not work yet!

When I installed pdaXrom I use all the key combitations and works fine, even I install the TRIsoft Sharp ROM, but I think that pdaXrom could be better for me. The point is that now the Zaurus seems to be die, nothing respond

Please could you help?? any advice? I do not understand what happend.
I do not what to do, I expend all my money on this and I cannot send it to japan.

Thanks in advanced and Best Regards,

General Discussion / Photos From Japan And My C3100!
« on: April 17, 2006, 01:01:13 pm »
Hi, good day!

I saw the pictures and I Would like to know which CF is this:

I like it, Would you tell me which model of CF is?
Due to the angle of the picture I cannot read it.
It looks just like a 10/100 (RJ45) CF, but may be it is also a WiFi CF too.

Could you tell me please.

Thanks alot and best regards.

General Discussion / New Zaurus Sl-c3200
« on: March 13, 2006, 04:01:28 pm »

Well, I really hope that amrein is right, fllowing "the logic" Sharp must release a "real release" in June.

If you remember the last year, we got (well japanese got, we just import jiji) the C1000 on March and the 3100 was on June. After all this time, seems like Sharp was bussy with something, may be playing Rubik's or may be developing a new baby


General Discussion / New Zaurus Sl-c3200
« on: March 07, 2006, 11:33:45 am »
If the Zaurus release follow the same order that last year, we could see a new model in June,
but I don't know why they didn't increase the RAM, I mean 64Mb is not enough,
even for the apps. that they offer.

By the way, the new Zaurus' color is ugly.

Best Regards.

Accessories / Where Could I Buy This Accessory?
« on: February 14, 2006, 12:14:16 pm »

Thanks a lot
I am going to buy one

Best regards

General Discussion / Zaurus At The 3gsm World Conference
« on: February 14, 2006, 11:51:23 am »
Hi, good day

Unfortunetly  I think that the future of the Zaurus is a mistery because there is not activity in the official Zaurus web site since a while:

Besides How all we know Windows is "winning" territory, but we must keep on our mind that Zaurus just belong to Japan (in a formally way).

What do you think?
Best regards.

Accessories / Where Could I Buy This Accessory?
« on: February 13, 2006, 11:55:05 am »
Where do you live? If you are in europe... Im going to japan (and comming back 10/03) and I can buy one.

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Hi, thanks a lot.
Unfortunetly I don't live in Europe, I live in Mexico (America), beautiful country! by the way, the problem here is get the cutting edge technology

But If you go to Japan, Could you do me a favor please?
If you see this accessory, Could you ask to the store if they have a web site where I can buy it, or could tell me the address of the store, because I have a girl friend (just friends jiji) in Japan and she will come to Mexico in May.

Best regards,

Accessories / Where Could I Buy This Accessory?
« on: February 10, 2006, 05:14:54 pm »
Ok, thanks for the comments, but
Could you tell me where can I buy the Diatec P-Cord which lets us charge and sync at the same time?
I mean the same like the picture.
Because I can't find an Store to buy it.

Happy weekend.

Accessories / Where Could I Buy This Accessory?
« on: February 09, 2006, 06:16:42 pm »
Hi, nice Day.
I sow in the meanie web page:
There is a Diatec P-Cord which lets us charge and sync at the same time.

It looks really nice, but I can't find an store where to buy one of those.
Could anybody tell me where can I buy one of those??
I put the picture of the accesory (from meanie web page)

Best Regards,

Spain / Cuantas Sd Hay?
« on: February 09, 2006, 12:01:49 pm »
Si estas interesado, yo vendo una Sandisk ULTRA II de 1GB por 75€ que apenas tiene una semana de uso. quiero venderla porque me acabo de comprar una CF Sandisk EXTREME III de 4GB y voy a sustituir el slot de la SD con una BT.

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Hola, buen dia.
Me llamo la atencion que decias que ivas a ponerle una tarjeta SD BlueTooth, esto me causa duda porque hasta donde tengo entendido la ranura SD de la Zaurus no tiene la capacidad de SDIO (o no se si venga bloqueada) es decir, no se le pueden poner dispositivos de comunicacion por la ranura SD a excepcion de las tarjetas de memoria.

Que yo sepa solo pueden hacer eso con las tarjetas CF, pero me encantaria estar equivocado, si puedes dime en donde viste como hicieron que jalara el SDIO de la ranura SD.


Spain / Perdido
« on: October 26, 2005, 01:31:44 pm »
Por cierto amigo, con que distribuidor compraste tu SL-C3100 ??
Y en cuanto te salio si no es indiscreción??
No pagaste mucho por impuestos de importación??


General Discussion / Any News For The Next Zaurus?
« on: October 21, 2005, 12:33:16 pm »
Hi friends!

Well Sharp release today something about the WPC EXPO 2005, you can see it here:

or in a google traslation here:

how you remember the last year in the WPC EXPO 2004 was release the SL-C3000.

So I think that this is our hope, the expo will begin next wednesday (October 26th to 29th).

Best Regards.

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