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Messages - Leinadmx

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General Discussion / Any News For The Next Zaurus?
« on: October 20, 2005, 06:49:07 pm »
Press release, I think.,

Translation anyone?
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Well in google I got this:
[a href=\"][/url]

Why Sharp do this???
My god, always Micro$oft !!    

The link if the New product is:

I have to accept "it is a very good device"    

What this mean??
Could this be the end of the "Sharp + Linux = Zaurus" history ???    
This was the worse news today.

Last year (November) we sow the SL-C3000 and I though that this November we could wet a new Zaurus but... it seems that what we will see is a new Micro$oft product.

I pray for a miracle and see a new Zaurus again    
Best regards

Off Topic forum / Has Anyone Listen This Song?
« on: September 08, 2005, 03:01:40 pm »
Hi, good day.
Recently I sow a video Clip of a model called Carmella Decesare, and the Song that she used its very nice, But I don't know which one it is.
I record a fracment of the song and put it on my web server, you can check it here:

Could anyone tell me please if know this song??
What is the name of the song or the name of the artist??

Note: I tried to search in google, but I didn't find it.

Best Regards.

General Discussion / Xscale 'monahan' 1.25ghz Coming Soon
« on: August 25, 2005, 05:59:09 pm »
I don't know if it is possible put the new Xscale on the SL-Cxxx series.

Other guys had said that we can expect another SL-Cxxx model this year.

So sound good if Sharp releases a SL-Cxxx with the new Xscale, But I think that it would be possible just if this new Xscale ("monahan") is similar in structure to put it on the SL-Cxxx models, because we all know that Sharp had just few changes between every release that they do.

But sound like a good dream a SL-Cxxx with the new Hitachi 8Gb and the new Xscale  

Best Regards
Anyone knows an event where this release could happend??

Spain / Cuando Creen Que Pudiera Salir Una Nueva Zaurus?
« on: August 03, 2005, 05:57:30 pm »
Creo que el ultimo modelo disponible es el SL-C3100. Los modelos nuevos aparecerán en Japón y se tendrían que adquirir de importación. Puedes ver más información en la web de PriceJapan
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Hola amigo!,
como bien comentas el modelo mas nuevo es el SL-C3100, pero no representa un gran cambio con respecto al SL-C3000 que oficialmente en japon ya aparece como descontinuado.

Pero no tienen noticias algun evento (en japon u otra parte) donde se pudiera mostrar al mas reciente??
lo comento porque la C3100 mas bien parece un producto hecho para tapar un hueco en lugar de lugar de ser un producto novedoso.


Spain / Cuando Creen Que Pudiera Salir Una Nueva Zaurus?
« on: August 03, 2005, 02:13:45 pm »
Hola, buen dia.

Les escribo con motivo de preguntarles en base a su experiencia, cuando creen que Sharp pudiera lanzar un nuevo modelo de Zaurus??

Creen que haya una continuacion de la serie SL-Cxxx?

Hat algun evento en los proximos meses donde se pudiera hacer la presentacion de una nueva Z, tal vez septiembre o Octubre??

Gracias por su atencion,

General Discussion / Possible Dates Of A New Zaurus Release?
« on: August 02, 2005, 05:50:22 pm »
Hi, good day friends!

Today I woke up with a doubt in my mind

When will we see a new release of Zaurus??

To feel the hope of a significant advance in the SL-Cxxx serie.
I mean, with the release of the C3100 was nice for the color and the 128Mb of Flash Memory, but being objective about the release there wasn't a great release.
Like other user here I think that the 64Mb of RAM actually is not enough, apps like FireFox and other requires more memory (or it scratch), I read about the possibility to use the new 6Gb Hitachi hard drive.

But I don't know, it is just a rumor, my point is this:

When (talking about dates) could we see a new Zaurus release??
I sow recently that the price of the C3100 is lower that a couple weeks ago.
Could be september?, Octuber?.... (I hope before november) What do you think??

Anybody knows about an event where could be possible a new release of Zaurus??
A seller told me that it is possible that when the campaign of the had been finished, Sharp could produce Zaurus of colors to anyone.

Well, I would like to know about a possible date, you know to make my calendar and save money for that  

or C3100 is the end of the SL-Cxxx serie?

Best Regards friends.

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Could Be The Z Sl-c3100 A Trap?
« on: June 30, 2005, 04:44:33 pm »
Hi friends, good day

I create this topic because there is something that doesn't let me put my head on the pillow, why??

Well, the last year was release the SL-C3000 (november) and I thought it's time to buy a new Zaurus, but I hadn't enough money, so I had to wait, but few months later the SL-C1000 was release (march), I thought It is a nice option (because I prefer the dark colors) and less expensive.
But I didn't but it because the rumors (ooh yes! god bless the rumors) about a new model (with WiFi... etc..etc), well it didn't happen, then arrive the SL-C3100 but the "new" features just was the color and the flash memory, why?

I try to think " why a corporate like Sharp release the models that they kills each other?" I mean:
you could be agree that the SL-C3100 kills the C3000 series, and surely all develoment about C3000.

Nowadays I have the money to buy the SL-C3100, but I am really worry to buy a product that could be dead in few months  
What do you think about the life of this new device??
Could be possible tha Sharp have a secret device to release soon? and that is the reason that only add few features to their models just to keep sales.

What do you think about this??
Why could be a good reason to get a SL-C3100?
Have really the SL-C3100 a good future? (or it will die on few months)

Could you give me an advice, It makes me feel afraid and I don't know what to do.

Best Regards.
Thanks for your comments.

X/Qt / X/qt Debian Icewm Questions
« on: June 29, 2005, 11:36:46 am »
Hi drnick !
Could you put an screenshot of your SL-C3000 desktop to see how looks:
Debian + xfce4 + Firefox ?

Best regards

General Discussion / Another Embedded Linux Device
« on: June 29, 2005, 11:32:52 am »
It looks nice but its too big and heavy (I think)

I just took a quick look at that page...

It's a contest (campaign). The different color C3100 models are prizes; you cannot purchase them. There is only one available of each color.

Too bad.

- ashikase
- anpachi, gifu, japan
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that is a really bad news, I can't understand why they do that; it is worse that see a beauty special woman and then someone say to you "Sorry friend, she is for other one, you have to select a common lady".

that is very very sad  
but could be nice to get one of this Z, don't??
What we can do?

Hi friends!! good day
how everybody knows today was release (to sale) the Zaurus SL-C3100, but also there is another release, the site called:

On this site you can see seven "new models" of Zaurus, well it is not absolutly true, I mean there is new colors for the Zaurus SL-C3100, that is nice, isn't??

After all, the change of C3000 model to C3100 just was the flash memory and the color
please take a look at this site, I love the red model it looks great (I think).
But unfortunelly I don''t know japanese language, anybody could be nice to tell me how could be possible to get one Zaurus SL-C3100 with other cover color?? (like red or blue

Anybody could explain it?

Thanks alot best regards.

General Discussion / [news]zaurus Sl-c3100
« on: June 07, 2005, 11:18:55 am »
I love it!!!
It really looks great!
I had a doubt about to buy a C3000, but now I really want a C31000, Why?
1 - the upgrade of the flash memory that is very important (I think).
2 - the upgrade of the Core (linux), how everybody know when a product is released always there are few bugs to fix.
3 - the color (yes! god bless the vanity), black cover is really pretty.

I had the hope to see a product that could be a combination between C3000 y C1000, and it comes true.
Yes, us of all want to see a Zaurus with wireless skills but, It is really dificult, because business is business and Sharp have a great market with the CF Cards (Wi-Fi or BlueTooth or whatever).
But It could be good because in a future we could see a CF Card with VoIP
What do you think?
The only thing that I need to know is Which is the price of this baby?
And by the way, anybody knows a japanese friend to get one?

Best regards, this is a good day to work.

General Discussion / New Zaurus This Summer?
« on: May 18, 2005, 01:11:58 pm »
Hi, I think (and hope) that this summer Sharp releases a new incredible model, there is a good reasons for that:

1) Yesterday PalmOne releases their LifeDrive model which have the Hitachi 4GB microdrive, how you know Zaurus did that the last year.

2) Recently, Hitachi had release their new technology about Perpendicular Recording which let you storage about 40GB on a 3.5 inches Hard Disk.

(Don't forget that when PalmOne recently go with their products, Sharp with Zaurus had Back!

Probably Sharp could update the Zaurus Hard Disk or maybe update the Movile Communication skills.
Anyway we have to wait for a while, the problem is that we don't know Japanese language and it's dificult to find a news on google

Could be nice to create a new topic about Zaurus rumors, or if anybody knows about Zaurus news really will be apreciate that he (or she) share that to us.

Best Regards.

Accessories / An External Usb Cd's Reader For The Sl-cxxxx Model
« on: May 13, 2005, 12:29:33 pm »
Hi group!, good day!
How you know Zaurus is a great gadget, and the posibility to plug accessories make it greater!
I think that the only thing that need a Zaurus (besides the network) is a CD's reader/writer unit.

Any of you had prove an external USB CD's reader/writer?
To be more exact, I am interesting to get a device like this:
The Sony MPD-AP20U:

This baby is a External optical drive, it not only can read and write your CD's, and read DVD's too, but also you can use it like Discman; because it is able to play your music CDs, and MP3 CD's, cool, don't?

I don't know other devices like this, more important is that I had not found any references if this device works with Linux. So my friends, Could you give me an advice please.

Does anybody know other device like this?? (that maybe works with linux)
Could anybody give a references of other models like this device?? (same features)

My goal is to find a device like this (or maybe itself) that works with Linux.
That is because if it works with Linux, it must works with Zaurus (I guess)

Thanks alot for your attention.
Best Regards.

Mexico / Como Traer Una Zaurus A Mexico
« on: April 29, 2005, 12:27:02 pm »
Si te intereza conseguir la zaurus, yo te puedo hacer el favor, pero con ciertas condiciones: yo me encargo de que te la envien y tu numero de guia de EMS (es el mexpost japones), pero no me hago responsable de cualquier daño durante el envio (claro, todo me lo envian muy bien empacado) o perdida del producto (claro, tambien me lo envian asegurado).

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Hola Seinfield, definitivamente si me interesa, de momento me quiero esperar un poco para ver si sale algun modelo con la red integrada (no se si suceda), pero realmente me interesa, seria cuestion de ponernos de acuerdo, supongo que yo te haria el pago a ti aqui en mexico, no se si en pesos o dolares, seria cuestion de que platicaramos los detalles, pero como estan las cosas no tenemos muchas opciones.
Gracias, estamos en contacto sale?
Saludos, mi correo es:

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