« on: June 25, 2006, 01:30:45 am »
I need help, with a write problem with hhd3 on Cacko 1.23.
Note: I now enough to be dangerous, I am a noob.
SL-C3200, Cacko 1.23, 2 weeks olnly, 128 mb swap on hd3, 1 Gbyte SD card.
Installed so far -> VNC viewer, PDF viewer, ZBEDIc, KA/Pi, OM/Pi, KO/Pi, KP/Pi (not tried), KT/Pi, PWM/Pi.
.- Using actively KA/Pi, KO/Pi, both set for Fast load.
Configured the kde to store data in /documents/kdepim/
.- Problem:
While using KA/Pi and saving a new address entry I have the indication that system unable to write.
Close KA/Pi, and reopened, then receive the indication that data file does not exist.
Used the build in file manager and could not find the kdepim directory.
.- Trouble shooting:
Turn off fast load.
Turn off swap file.
Rebooted the system.
Restarted KA/Pi, file was found but read only.
Open build in file manager kdepim folder is present, but oppening it reveals to subdirectories with the same name "apps".
Tried do delete one of them and have message"Could not delete the file".
Open Midnight Commander "Execute with root privilege" select directory and select to delete and receve:
Cannot delete file"/home/zaurus....
Reead only file system (30)
Before this incident I was able to use either the build in file manager or Midnight C. to create, copy delete files and directories.
Any help will be appreciated.