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Messages - bogomips

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Gemini PDA - Hardware / display orientation
« on: March 12, 2018, 05:11:13 pm »
Quote from: Milan
Quote from: sobukus
Are there people out there with working display rotation? Not that I really intend to run the device much in portrait mode, but I do wonder about the sensor setup.

I do know that the compass is disabled in the firmware because Planet Computers did not get the compensation for the lid magnets working (I still would like to see if one can re-enable it, though, as you should be able to compensate for any static magnetic field, however complex the field lines flow), but it looks to me that people do have display rotation possibly working. When looking into SatStat, I see no information for compass (as we know) and also no information for orientation.

But I do see a working accelerometer that nicely indicates the direction of gravity when I am not spinning around the device. Should there be orientation information extracted out of that and is anyone getting screen rotation with the stock Android OS? I did toggle that setting for fixed/rotating display in the drop-down settings back and forth, nothing.

Both 'Force Landscape' and 'Force Portrait' option must to be set off in App Bar settings in order to make rotation working! :-)

Thanks for that Milan! Made my day.
Is anyway-up answering working for you? (when answering a call, with the screen closed, can you use either speaker for answering?)

Quote from: Varti
Thanks for this useful post, there are some interesting hints and problems listed there which were never mentioned earlier. I have now updated both the hints and issues thread with your observations.


Thanks. With some help I've managed to get the orientation sensor working, though anyway-up answering still doesn't work for me. (post updated).

Quote from: Milan
Quote from: bogomips
The back plate does not close the same way it opens! It opens from the back, and closes at the front. See diagram in printed quick start guide. I tried forcing it close from the back – it doesn’t work like that!

What do you mean by that? Are you talking about the top/front plate or about the bottom/back plate? Both can be opened. I opened and close the front plate (as described in quick user guide) without any problem. Your tip is confusing at best!

Hi, I mean, the cover plate you open to insert the sim card- you open it starting from the back (A, see attached), and close it starting from A and snapping it in at B. This might not be obvious if you have not studied the quick start guide in detail. Usually things close in the reverse order of how it is opened.
 [ Invalid Attachment ]

Gemini PDA - Hardware / Orientation sensor?
« on: March 12, 2018, 06:45:38 am »
UPDATE: Orientation sensor is working, but you need to unlock it first:

Hi guys

So we've heard about the missing compass...

Anyone with a Gemini have a working orientation sensor?

In CPU-Z i have nothing listed under orientation sensor.
Also, Android rotate option does nothing.
Anyway-up answer thing only works one way round...

My other notes:

I hope this is something they an fix via software.

Would just like to know if anyone else noted these to the contrary.

The back plate does not close the same way it opens! It opens from the back, and closes at the front. See diagram in printed quick start guide. I tried forcing it close from the back – it doesn’t work like that!

Fn+R is screenshot.

Alt-Tab, Alt-Shift-Tab works!!

Update the Plant Keyboard setup tool from the Play Store… might help with some of the mapping issues I observed…
You can answer incoming calls by pressing the silver button on the outside.
Even with the app updated, your preferences like vibration feedback, sounds, etc won't work. I found rebooting the device immediately after applying keyboard preferences made those settings stick, however setting a US layout from the Gemini app still gives you UK mapping. Using the Android config method is the only way which I can get US mapping on US keyboard

Packaging is great!

Build quality seems good and sturdy.

Looks great, keyboard feel is surprising, and even has some mechanical noise on the release.

Voice calls work fine. You have to open the Gemini to answer, but works fine holding it to your head with the screen closed.

Spacebar will open the lock screen.

USB access from computer (Win 10) works fine, left port – no special drivers required. You do have to set USB connection mode in Gemini from notification area.

In a quick comparison with my GDP Pocket, I’d say the Gemini’s keyboard types a little slower, but more accurately!
The assistant button on the side works fantastic for web searches and general knowledge, and you can use it without opening the device.

1080p video streaming on Youtube works fine (I did enable clearmotion setting under display settings)
You can customise the task-bar with any apps. You are not locked into only some apps like on some samsung tablets. There are no pre-installed junk apps – the icons you see for Skype, etc on the task bar are just icons – those apps are not installed.

All screws accounted for.

USB-C has good snap.

Planet’s notes app is pretty good.

Bad - Hardware:
You almost have to break the thing to open the back. Seriously. Once it’s open, you can see the plastic burrs where the over ripped at the plastic. Maybe that is just the way it wears in, or maybe I’ll stop catching after too many open/close events. Also, you have to travel with that jagged piece of metal to open the back cover.

The 9-key is weak and semi-depressed, but still works (same issue noted be someone else as well).

There is no compass.

Orientation sensor is working, but you have to unlock it first:
CPU-Z still lists an absent orientation sensor, but it does work!

[img]\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" /]
[img]\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" /]

Despite having an order over 1000, and not having my order lock, or any delivery notification during first batch shipment, I got my delivery much later, and CPU is X25.

Signal drops to 3G very frequently, even though 4G coverage is available. Might be due to metal body blocking reception?

Supplied USB-C cable is pretty thin in comparison with other high current charging cables I have for other devices.

Bad – Software:
The supposed anyside-up answering ability doesn’t work. Only one speaker functions for calls. Both microphones seem to work. This is likely due to the orientation sensor being absent, but I hope this is a software thing which can be fixed…
(Stereo audio does work from Youtube...)
Even with orientation sensor unlocked, this feature does not appear to work

Orientation sensor is working, but you have to unlock it first:

During the initial setup, the keyboard mapping is UK, even though the model is US. So if you need to type a password which contains a char which is incorrectly mapped, you’ll have a lot of fun! You can only fix that one you complete setup.

Once in Android, you can use Planet’s keyboard config app, or the basic Android one. With much mucking about, it seems what works best is to use the Android one. Choose Config Keyboard from the Notification tray, then select Gemini, then choose layout as Gemini USA. Don’t use the Gemini provided keyboard config app. (There is an update available in the Play Store for the Planet Keyboard config tool – maybe that fixes this…)

Google search bar starts off as just a white rectangle. There are no options to remove the rectangle, only to create it as a widget, and once create you cannot remove that either.
You cannot seem to hide the android controls on the left. They do disappear during full screen video.

The official Planet Keyboard app on the Play Store is published by “Private Planet”, which hosts a bunch of other non-related and questionable apps… not very confidence-inspiring…

Bad - Other:
Film covering over phone is stuck to the body, so when you unwrap it, there is some glue residue on the phone.

Some glue or something on the spacebar – not able to remove easily. Might have to try a solvent.

Some of the cover plates don’t line up flush against the plastic.

Screen protector is sticky temp kind and should be removed, however I wonder what will happen with the screen, since the screen presses the keys down to close…

The screen, although bright does nothing to light up the keyboard in the dark. Its pretty much useless in the dark unless you hold the screen at 90 degree angle with one hand.

All in all, its a pretty good device and at the backer-price, a good deal.
Here is a pic of it next to the GPD Pocket:
[img]\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" /]

Gemini PDA - General Discussion / Shipping email (I got my Gemini PDA)
« on: March 11, 2018, 10:24:54 pm »
Quote from: jutleys
Has anyone here got this problem below you can see the keys are misaligned a user on facebook has this problem.

My 9 key is the same.

Quote from: speculatrix
I'd like to know if bluetooth audio on Android includes the AptX codec. I did ask on Mike Halsey's post here:
but I don't think he saw the comment.

AptX is some special tech, and I think it has to be licensed... doesn't look like there are any Mediatek systems that supports it - no surprises there.
More info here:

To be able to use that, I think both the phone and your speakers / headphones have to support it...


Quote from: andrewl
the Gemini will ship with Android only and the linux will be downloadable from the web for users to install.

Ah jeesh. Feels like linux is very much an afterthought  
One of the CES reports said something like linux on the Gemini will be a good option when it matures... looks like they weren't very impressed with that OS on the Gemini...

I guess that does open the possibility that it might be possible to install Linux to the SD card... mmmmaybe.
How would that work? Either just dump an "installed" into into the SD card and there you go, or boot off of a USB stick with a live image, and then install onto the SD card?
Will booting from USB even be possible?
I don't think it would be possible to boot the installer from the SD card and then install onto that same SD card...

Gemini PDA - Linux / Make phone calls from Linux
« on: January 15, 2018, 08:21:04 pm »
Damn, I really hope we can get telephony to work under linux! I don't care if its CLI... we can make an interface for it...

Are we expecting 4G to work under linux for mobile data?

PS: am I imagining planet saying there will be a forum or something - to help the community sort out and collab on stuff like this?

Gemini PDA - Linux / Software using many cores
« on: January 04, 2018, 09:23:22 pm »
mmm, good question...

The cores listed for X27 are not all equal, as you might expect in an Intel i7 or other desktop processor...

MediaTek says they have 3 clusters of cores: link

CPU Cluster 1: ARM-A72 @ 2.6GHz
CPU Cluster 2: ARM-A53 @ 2.0GHz
CPU Cluster 3: ARM-A53 @ 1.6GHz
Cores: Deca (10)
CPU Bit: 64-bit
Heterogeneous Multi-Processing: Yes

So so X27 contains some A72s, some A53s clocked high and low.

The idea is that the cores can be switched on/off as demand requires, and as the OS thinks benefit to be had. Obviously heat and energy usage is the cost for having all cores running.

This is the architecture of the X27:
[img]\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" /]

I think that means the slowest A53s are running all the time, and the faster A53s and fastest A72s only wake up when the OS wants to use them to run a thread.

I application design, the benefit of multi core CPUs are only actualized if the application is specifically designed to make use of more than 1 core.
Things like blender has this design to make it scale better and run faster on more expensive hardware.

Besides the speed of the cores, there is a difference in capability. The lower ones have less cache, shorter pipelines, lack out of order execution (and I think can only interpret a lesser set of instructions).
See here.

Early versions of Android could not make use of all the cores at once - they had to switch between a set of cores...

The Heterogeneous Multi-Processing means that the OS can use all the cores at the same time, if it chooses. That is good.
Earlier SOCs could only use one cluster at a time.
Even after Heterogeneous Multi-Processing became a think, I think Samsung had an issue in the S4 or something where the OS could not support it but the hardware could...

Here are some good diagrams to illustrate it.

So - ymmv wrt using all cores. Even if your application supports it, and the OS allows it, you will not get 10x performance over running on 1 core... not all the cores are equal.

Another thing to ponder - will the Linux process scheduler in the kernel allow Heterogeneous Multi-Processing?
Android these days obviously supports this...

This article from 2012 seems to suggest no such scheduler existed at the the time:

This question from 2014 seems to suggest that it was available in custom kernels:

Matching that referenced kernel source file to the current one, shows no mention of "HMP":

It may have been refactored out of that source file in the meantime, or it might mean - you need a custom kernel to support HMP??

Also, I wonder if thermal throttling may force the CPU to only use slower cores...

More info here:

Gemini PDA - General Discussion / A matrix chat room for the Gemini...
« on: January 04, 2018, 08:38:02 pm »
testing 1, 2- testing...

am i verified now?

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