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Messages - mithrandir

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Gemini PDA - Android / USB-Sticks <solved>
« on: June 15, 2018, 01:44:15 pm »
Quote from: Eldkatten

do USB-Memory-Sticks actually work with the Gemini on Android? I have seen recommendations of USB-Hubs, but only from people who think they should work, none of them owns / owned a Gemini and has tested it.

On my other Android devices I had to install a USB-Manager like "StickMount", but then USB-Memory-Sticks are accessable.
I tried a USB-Memory-Stick which features a Micro-USB plug, with a Micro-USB-to-USB-C-Adapter. The latter works fine both for charging and conneting with a PC. But when I plug in the USB-Memory-Stick nothing happens, with or without any USB-Manager. One of which gave an error message that the /mount-directory isn't avaible / could not be created.

Oh, and flipping the adapter didn't help either. I found out that charging works with the adapter plugged in either way, but data transfer only works when the adapter is plugged in one way, but not the other.

So, anyone who has connected a USB-Memory-Stick to the Gemini, got it working and can tell how they did it?

Thanks and kind regards

I have tried some USB sticks (USB 3 and USB2). It works using a USB hub like the one from the connectivity pack (also tried a different one) and also using a simple USB Type C to A adapter (available on ebay for approx 1EUR from china). Both, the right and the left port are working for sticks. When the stick gets plugged in, Android detects it and displays a notification. Afterwards the stick is usable. Using a hub I also have been able to use multiple sticks simultaneously on the right port (since there have been rumours that the right side port could only handle one device). From doing some speed tests with debian (hdparm -t) it looks like the right side port is limited to USB 2.

Gemini PDA - General Discussion / HDMI and VGA output
« on: June 14, 2018, 05:50:01 am »
Quote from: Joern
I was not yet successful to get my Gemini connected to external monitors or projectors. I bought the original HDMI and VGA cables, but there is no video signal output. In the display controls of the Android control centre, you can only switch HDMI output on and off. Even in the on posiiton, there is no signal output. For VGA, I have not found any controls. Do I need a specific app to enable video signal output?

The USB port works, however. I have no problems with external USB storage devices.


Hi Joern,
using the original HDMI cable with Android I instantly got HDMI output after connecting it. Did not have to perform any additional settings. For this test a LG TV has been used. Have not tried a HDMI to VGA adapter yet. With Linux I did not get HDMI output.


Quote from: Grench
Quote from: vader
Quote from: gidds
Is there any way for those of us not on Telegram?

+1 - maybe PM?

+2 - I'm excited to see this OS, 'in the wild'.  I would prefer to get it directly from Jolla though.  This method feels a bit grey.

+3 - Also want to try it out, once I get my Gemini.

Quote from: Varti
Quote from: paulx
Just flashed the rooted image today and all working. You do need to install a su app too such as the magisck app.
What is the use of a rooting app on an already rooted Android install? Are there specific root permissions that still need to be se? I’m asking this since I have once rooted my phone, and noticed that a rooting app was installed and running all the time, I have been always wondering what was its purpose.

On the rooted phone you still need permission handling. The su app gives you a nice popup whenever an app requests root privileges. Then you can decide to accept/deny/accept always/accept for a specific time.

Gemini PDA - Hardware / 3rd party USB3 hub
« on: March 08, 2018, 06:54:54 pm »
Quote from: paulx
Quote from: mithrandir
Has already someone tried to use a 3rd party USB3 hub? Does ist work?

If you mean a USB-C hub, I've just plugged one in that has 3 USB-A ports and an ethernet port. I plugged a mouse in and the mouse works and I get an IP address on the ethernet port. It's a pretty generic no-name hub.

Exactly that is what I wanted to know, thanks.

Gemini PDA - Hardware / 3rd party USB3 hub
« on: March 08, 2018, 08:01:09 am »
Has already someone tried to use a 3rd party USB3 hub? Does ist work?

Gemini PDA - Hardware / microSD speed
« on: March 03, 2018, 05:52:54 pm »
Quote from: Hitherwood
Entirely depends what you want the PDA to do. Not sure what you mean by "high endurance" as this describes nothing technical!

If you want 4K video (little point on a small screen) then opt for 90MB/s
If you simply want to dump Docs/PDFs then anything will do

For myself, I bought a Samsung Evo Plus (3) rated 128Gb card because I love high definition audio (via headphones socket)
These high endurance cards are designed for video recording, i.e. dashcams. Some reported these cards to last longer, when using as system disk for raspberrys. However, I have not found any reliable information on this. Originally I used a Sandisk class 10 in my banana pi router running debian, which broke after aproximately half a year (logging, etc). After I replaced it with one of these the system works without problems for longer than a year.  So if it does not make a huge difference in speed it might make sense to use one of these to avoid it getting broken due to heavy use.

Gemini PDA - General Discussion / Dual Booting
« on: March 03, 2018, 10:59:11 am »
Quote from: Grench
Quote from: Rosie
I think the process I need to follow would be something like:
  • Non-destructively repartition the internal flash to make some space,
  • Install a bootloader that allows me to choose what to boot, and
  • Install a Linux flavour of my choice.
Though I more than happy to have any wrongthinks pointed out to me.

My preferred order if it can be done would be to do it ALL on the Gemini without ever having to include another computer:

1.  Download a 'Planet Computers Gemini Linux Installer for Android' app from Google Play.
2.  Open PCGLIA app and be presented an option to create a partition on and install Debian Linux to a user supplied microSDXC card.
3.  Boot Debian Linux from the microSDXC card.
4.  Download a 'Planet Computers Gemini Android Installer for Linux' app from a Planet Computers signed repository.
5.  Open PCGAIL app and be presented an option to back up the existing Android software - and do so.
6.  Using the PCGAIL app, be presented an option to repartition the eMMC drive.
7.  Using the PCGAIL app, be presented an option to copy the Android backup from 5 one of the new partitions.
8.  Using the PCGAIL app, be presented an option to install Linux to a partition on the eMMC from a .ISO file downloaded to the microSDXC.

The Gemini has eMMC, microSDXC and dual USB type C ports.  There should be no need to use a second computer to image it.  To require a Windows computer to install an OS on an Android/Linux device is very very sad.

some users want to remove android or don't want to use google play, so this way is as bad as having the windows tool only. Maybe we just need multiple/cross platform tools.

Gemini PDA - Hardware / microSD speed
« on: March 02, 2018, 08:38:12 pm »
has anybody already performed a speed test (i.e. hdparm -t) with the geminis micro sd interface?

I am currently thinking about which kind of card to use with the gemini. From my point of view there are two options:

1. Use a high endurance card to ensure it lasts a while.
These seem to max out at 64GB and 20MB/s (read with hdparm). At least this is what I have been able to get out of the Sandisk one with my laptop.

2. Use a high performance / larger card

Any thoughts/experiences on that? Are there other high enduarance cards which are larger/support higher speeds.


i'd like to see maemo on it.


Software News / A call for new contributors for the GKA project
« on: February 02, 2018, 07:49:53 pm »
Quote from: shuntcap
Quote from: Grench
I want a Linux mouse driver to use the Gemini's touchscreen panel as a touchpad that just happens to physically be on top of a screen.  At that point we can have appropriate desktop-like control over the mouse pointer on the device itself.

Yes, applications should be optimized to the keyboard wherever possible.  BUT - we don't have to give up completely on having control over the mouse pointer.

I used xf86-input-multitouch ( instead of the usual xf86-input-evdev driver for a project of mine, which was converting an LG F3Q qwerty smartphone to run pure armhf Linux, no Android required.  I use the touchscreen as a touchpad.  I can double-tap it for a left click, and I remapped the cap keys to operate as mouse buttons (including middle and right buttons).  This gives true traditional X mouse control, right down to pasting selected text with the middle mouse button, all on a tiny 4" smartphone.  I haven't backed the Gemini, but it should be possible to do the same on it.

It would be intersting to use both drivers and be able to hot switch between the drivers, maybe with a keyboard shortcut. So we could use the input method best matching the application we use.


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