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Messages - cam1965

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Astro Slide - Android / Re: video camera error
« on: December 15, 2022, 05:31:23 am »
Hi Vader.Default settings. But I  have also tried others and sometimes the error persists. Now I am using opencamera. Thank you for the information. I will try the settings you mentioned.
Hi, I figured out that the problem was the file manager plus . I was opening the videos from there (fie manager plus internal video player ). You are right. The sound is very low in the camera app and it is much better in open camera.

Astro Slide - Hardware / Re: ear phone noise
« on: December 15, 2022, 05:26:49 am »
Hi Oliver. Thank you for the information.

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Several issues - workaround or upgrade?
« on: December 14, 2022, 04:44:29 am »
Major problem is video. Please see:

Astro Slide - Android / Re: unlocked oem boot message warning
« on: December 07, 2022, 06:27:21 pm »
Thanks for the information.

Please see :

Take in mind that this will not be like a real linux. And probably you will not be able to install apps like a full native linux . Also maybe you will not access some protected files.

The best solution is to install a native linux ( If Planet Computers provide a way like in Cosmo Communicator and in Gemini ).

Be careful if you will  root your device.

I have not tried this. Only the real linux in my gemini  and Cosmo.


Astro Slide - Android / Re: Astro won't boot -- userdata corrupt?
« on: December 07, 2022, 01:06:54 pm »
Sorry. I did not make a backup before rooting my device.
I am using the root boot image from Noppe from this :
But there He provided the original boot image. You can try .
Good luck !

Astro Slide - Hardware / Astro battery photo type
« on: December 05, 2022, 08:14:28 pm »

Astro Slide - Hardware / 3.5 mm headphone jack hardware problem.
« on: December 05, 2022, 07:49:06 pm »
Astro 3.5 mm headphone jack produces noise and also affects  radio . Please see :

The solution is to buy a usb-c headphone. ( no noise ) or a bluetooth headphone.

I am using an HP headphone usb type C.

But this not solve the problem  of the internal radio, mentioned above.

Maybe Planet can make a radio app that uses usb_c phone as antenna.

Note :
With display is  off or locked  there is no noise   when music is playing but the radio problem persists even with display off.

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Astro won't boot -- userdata corrupt?
« on: December 05, 2022, 09:29:02 am »

Astro has A/B partitions . Maybe with mtclient you can save the files from b partition and restore them to the a partition. Plase do it at your own risk.
Please see :

Try also unlocking the bootloader. ( when I thought I bricked my phone )

Please see my post below :

Also please do not change files ( In my case Little kernel ). Please see my other post:

Astro Slide - Hardware / ear phone noise
« on: December 02, 2022, 07:31:10 pm »
The ear phone in astro produces a lot of noise when connecting and when listening music or any audio or even any video in youtube, etc.
I also related here a problem with the radio app.
Cosmo does not have these problems.
Does anyone have these same problems? Thanks.

Note :
With display is  off or locked  there is no noise   when music is playing

Astro Slide - Hardware / Radio high noise from speakers
« on: December 02, 2022, 06:13:20 pm »
The radio internal app when used produces high noises when selecting the speakers. When using the ear phone it works fine. When using the speakers the music in radio is worse and you cannot  recognize it.
Does anyone have the same problem ? Thank you.

Note .This problem persists even when display is off or locked.

You are right.Unfortunately, when rooting the device, some banking, life and car insurance applications, as well as airline ticket purchases here in Brazil do not work with the rooted device. I rooted mine specifically so I could change the keyboard file to accent directly on it like a regular computer (I created a new keyboard apk). Then I removed the root and left it unlocked, so that I can install a compiled kernel in the future to solve problems like the hdmi problem I mentioned here.

Astro Slide - Android / Re: unlocked oem boot message warning
« on: November 28, 2022, 03:53:18 am »
I think I heard for a previous device that the rooted boot images provided by Planet Computers don't cause the warning. I worked out the root process myself, and I'm not that bothered by the warning and boot delay, so never bothered trying them. Or are you saying the message is present right out of the box, before you've even rooted / unlocked the bootloader? (I don't have my Astro yet)

Edit: Nevermind that last question! - answered by the thread title and warning message itself 😅
This happened  after the device was unlocked (by me ).

Astro Slide - Android / Re: unlocked oem boot message warning
« on: November 27, 2022, 02:44:52 pm »
Please don't do this. After I did , the smartphone would not turn on anymore. It didn't even go into fastboot mode. I thought : Now it's gone. Luckily the mtkclient that was installed on my linux recognized the smartphone and I restored the old file

Astro Slide - Android / Re: unlocked oem boot message warning
« on: November 26, 2022, 04:54:18 pm »
You don't get rid of the 5 sec pause, but you can change the message.

OK. Thank you  so much for the tip.

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