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Messages - NormMonkey

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Cosmo Communicator - Android / Application switcher problem
« on: November 25, 2019, 04:06:37 pm »
Quote from: vldmr
Application switcher list on my cosmo shows just title bars with application names and the area underneath where I would expect a thumbnail of the application screen is just blank. Is this just my device or other owners have this as well?
 [ Invalid Attachment ]

Me too.

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Film on new cosmo screen
« on: November 25, 2019, 03:53:34 pm »
I've left mine on for the time being.  I don't mind how it looks, though I imagine the screen contrast will be a bit better without it.  I figure whenever the wear on the plastic gets annoying or it starts to peel off on its own, I'll get rid of it.  Hopefully it will extend the life of the "scratch-resistant" glass for however long the plastic film lasts.

I wonder how long it will take before the keyboard keys, with the screen touching them every open/close cycle, will start to wear into the glass?  Plus side, I don't yet see any key wear on the plastic.

Any high-mileage Gemini folks out there whose device saw wear and tear on the glass?

Cosmo Communicator - Linux / Re-install Android when Linux comes out?
« on: November 25, 2019, 01:36:55 pm »
Hi all,
When Planet comes out with the Debian, Sailfish, Kali, etc. versions, is there any word about what will happen to our Android setups?
I fear that we'll need to re-flash the whole device and all the setup that we've done to get our Android working as we want will be undone.  Although perhaps we will be able to make a full back-up and restore of everything we've done?

I see there is this PlanetSyncAdaptor app which currently has no functionality - I open it and it just presents a <CLOSE> button.

Along the same line, I wonder if we will be able to share our SD card between Android and the various linuxes?
When I stuck an SD card in for Android, it offered a choice: for-android-only or for-portable-storage.  It seems the former is for if you want to shift apps and whatnot to your SD card, and I've heard it may encrypt the card if you do this.  The latter is for sharing media between devices, but you cannot use the SD card for apps in portable-storage mode.  It might have other restrictions too?

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Bluetooth Watches
« on: November 25, 2019, 11:01:18 am »
Quote from: vader
shinkamui is right. I was just logging in to say that disabling duraspeed appears to fix the watch connection issue! So do everything in the previous post, except instead of setting the wearable app to on in the duraspeed settings, disable duraspeed. All seems good now.

Thank you so much for this @vader, @shinkamui and the others who worked this out.

I was having a ton of difficulty getting my Gear S2 to connect and stay connected to my Cosmo.  Disabling Duraspeed and then setting Bluetooth and the various Gear related apps (Galaxy Wear, Gear S2 Plugin, Samsung Accessory Service) to "Not Battery Optimized" seems to have done the trick.

Mind you I just did this so I'll have to wait and see whether it really stays connected over the longer term, and whether this kills the battery overly quick.

Anyways just wanted to give thanks, this was frustrating me to no end until this helped me.

Cosmo Communicator - General Discussion / Camera
« on: November 23, 2019, 09:48:48 am »
Quote from: vader
I installed OpenCamera, which allows you to tweak a few settings and tried to push the limits. I took some night photos of stars and was surprised. These are hand held, no editing of any sort. I haven"t taken any daytime ones (that I can share) yet. the built in camera isn"t bad, but OpenCamera allows you to use API2, and a host of extra features. I am sure I could get better shots if I steadied the cosmo, but it is an example of what you can do.

Did you have any luck saving RAW photos?  I tried but it pops up "Failed to save RAW" and the DNG files are 0B.

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