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Messages - Dom (shymega)

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Cosmo Communicator - Android / Re: Android v25 Firmware
« on: February 23, 2024, 06:45:06 pm »
Bear in mind, this was only by luck I found the OTA package on an old server of mine, so obviously it's not an official solution.

Although I suspect the next update for Cosmo will *have* to be an OTA package like in my Git repository, because the Wireless Updater is offline.

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Re: Front (small) screen not working
« on: February 23, 2024, 06:43:35 pm »
Hi Greg, this isn't an official Planet support platform.

I do however have experience with CoDi, and might be able to help if it's not hardware.

Your next step would be to post a picture of the CoDi screen - front panel.

You can't update via OTA (and do NOT use my V25 update patch), so you'll need to flash V23 from the Planet support site.

V19 is the minimum version that supports multi-boot.

Cosmo Communicator - Linux / Re: console Mode in Gemian possible ?
« on: December 16, 2023, 04:50:51 pm »

I just got my comso and try to set it up with Linux. Does anybody know how to run console mode ? If is run "systemctl isolate" the cosmo crashes immediately.
Do i need to set the right video mode first ?, where and how ? (Cant find any grub config file)


This isn't possible due to the way Gemian runs. There's also no GRUB config.

Cosmo Communicator - Linux / Re: Dual boot with 4g working
« on: December 16, 2023, 04:50:17 pm »

I had the same bug with both rooted android and stock android. I'm going to try again later today if I get around to it. Will see how I go

Interesting. Are there any error messages that appear? I don't use Gemian, but I wonder if the modem needs a hard reset. You could achieve that by going into aeroplane mode and exiting again.

Cosmo Communicator - Linux / Re: Partition Question
« on: December 16, 2023, 04:48:10 pm »

Sounds like you have a way forward. Yes please if I can have a script and clarity on how to use it correctly. Thank you

Hey @Robsno5!

Sorry, I completely forgot about you. It's nothing personal, I just have a lot of fingers in pies, and forget to reply to people.

In terms of flashing v23, I've created this archive just for you:

You'll need to enter 'fastboot'. Once in Fastboot, connect a USB cable to the *left* side of the Cosmo, and run the script (as root) in the archive. Make sure no other Android devices are connected.

The script should do it for you. If there are any errors, report them here for me in a code block. Then if it all flashes okay, run `fastboot reboot`, and you should be in V23, factory reset, and clean Android.

Hope that helps.

Cosmo Communicator - Linux / Re: Dual boot with 4g working
« on: October 15, 2023, 05:05:08 pm »
I've never seen this bug before. Are you using Rooted Android, or not? What's the firmware version of Android?

To be honest, here isn't very visible for the Gemian maintainers.

Gemini PDA - General Discussion / Re: Flashtool on Windows 11
« on: October 15, 2023, 02:25:45 pm »
Thanks for this useful hint! I wonder what does OS' memory protection have to do with a flashing tool...


Likely to do with the driver for interfacing with Mediatek's preloader. This isn't unusual. But I wouldn't trust it with a five-foot pole... it doesn't happen on Linux, but it could do, if it was a hardened kernel.

I've never had this happen to me though.

Gemini PDA - General Discussion / Re: Flashtool on Windows 11
« on: October 15, 2023, 02:24:30 pm »
I've just successfully flashed my Gemini, but to get it to get the FlashTool to recognise the Gemini I had to disable memory protection in Windows 11:

Windows Security > Device Security > Core Isolation

After a Windows reboot the Gemini could be flashed. Just reporting here in case anyone else has the same problem in future.

To turn on Core Isolation again afterwards I had to remove the FlashTool drivers (slightly technical, but a quick google solved the issue)

Would be worth adding this to the `shymega/planet-devices` wiki as a PR.

Cosmo Communicator - Linux / Re: Partition Question
« on: October 10, 2023, 12:08:04 pm »
The partition isn't corrupted, it [recovery] just doesn't handle malformed script output particularly well. And doesn't provide user-friendly messages.

You could try reflashing with SP Flash, but there runs the risk of corrupting NVRAM.

Personally, I think next steps would be to try and flash the v23 images via the bootloader with fastboot. I can send a script to do that if you want. It's safer than using SP Flash.

In the meantime, definitely report the bug on the `planet-devices` tracker (GitHub), and let Planet know. It's likely the script is failing, but it's hard to tell with the screenshots.


Cosmo Communicator - Linux / Re: Partition Question
« on: October 09, 2023, 11:39:06 am »
What do you mean by "FAT EXT"? You should be using FAT32, otherwise, Recovery can't mount the SD card.

Reflashing isn't necessary.

And what is the 'Planet v23 ZIP file'? Can you post the contents of ``, please?

Cosmo Communicator - Linux / Re: Partition Question
« on: October 06, 2023, 12:11:33 pm »
OK, so for example, this is what my development Cosmo 'looks like' on the SD card - where 'SDCARD' is the 'root' of the card.

'cosmo-custom-installer' should be 'cosmo-customos-installer'. If the `` isn't able to be executed, then it won't run. It should also be formatted as FAT32.

I've attached a photo of my shell to this post. By the way, ignore the '_auto_lvm', and other things you might not have - this SD card is for experimentation.

Cosmo Communicator - Linux / Re: Partition Question
« on: October 05, 2023, 06:00:26 pm »
Do not reflash with SP Flash Tool.

This isn't necessary.

The issue is that the `` is malformed. Or doesn't exist.

What is the contents of `` on the SD card?

It's possible, but don't get your hopes up. There are hardware-specific quirks that are NDA'd, and you will only get a certain amount of functionality from a GSI.

If Planet get back to me, I will be broaching the subject of making these quirks and AOSP modules, open source under a GitHub organisation. This way, custom ROMs can just import these modules seamlessly.

The Cosmo is tricky, as is the Gemini, as it's A-only partitioning (Dynamic Updates). The Astro differs with the A/B scheme.

I'm also looking into making the keyboard driver (and STM32 quirks for Cosmo) into a Linux kernel module, so that mainlining the kernel is less tricky.

You may be interested in this:

All in all, it's not going to be an easy ride.

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Re: Completely re flashing the Cosmo
« on: September 19, 2023, 08:09:57 pm »
Late for me to the party, but if you erase NVRAM/NVDATA/NVCFG, you need to send your Cosmo back for the IMEI to be restored.

Whilst there are ways.. to set the IMEI yourself, it's a grey legal area, and I can't condone those. Won't even discuss it to be honest, I have to be clear.

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