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Messages - dproldan

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
For Sale / Wanted / For Sale: Zaurus 3100, 1gb Sd, Wireless Cf
« on: April 18, 2007, 11:25:41 am »
What's the condition of the unit,  scratched screen or exterior?

Will you ship it to Spain?


Hardware Mods / Question Abt. Japanese Page Re Bluetooth Mod
« on: March 14, 2007, 02:31:35 pm »
I have tried something like that with a wifi dongle.
  I used the dual pole approach,  one switch for the ID pin to ground and another switch for +5v (ground on another test) to the dongle,  the rest of the USB pins soldered directly to the pads under the Zaurus' USB connector.

  The dongle worked fine with this setup when I turned on the switch,  but I couldn't make anything else work in the USB connector.  I suppose that when the dongle was turned off,  the USB data lines had some noise or where connected to 5 v or ground.  Maybe it wont happen with another dongle.

 my 2 cents.


C1000/3x00 General discussions / Something Weird
« on: December 11, 2006, 03:37:49 pm »
That seems to be the usual size for a zoomed-out desktop.

 press the "Fn" key + "2" key for zooming in.


Zaurus - pdaXrom / Bugs In Rc121 Accouncement Thread
« on: December 04, 2006, 01:56:02 pm »
-Infrared not working

C1000/3x00 Hardware / Hardware Modification
« on: December 03, 2006, 04:46:04 am »
any guide on the net about that?
I found something about adding directly inside the c1000 a wifi and a BT dongle.. But I couldnt find anything about resistor...

see you
[div align=\"right\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

  The exact resistor is marked in this picture:

[a href=\"][/url]

  I used a 1.5 Kohm resistor.

  Read the rest of it:

C1000/3x00 Hardware / Hardware Modification
« on: December 02, 2006, 01:41:05 pm »
Is it possible to change internal resistor to increase to max output power of the USB port?
(wifi dongle is working OK when plugged in the hub)

[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=147788\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

  Yes,  it is not guaranteed to work with every rom,  but I think it's safe.

Hardware Mods / Artic Silver 5/heatspreads Increase Stability?
« on: September 11, 2006, 07:06:53 am »
This is what I did,  sorry for the bad quality pics.

-  Cut the sides and bottom of the cross. picture1
-  bend the bottom leg over the circle, so that it makes contact with the shielding later,  remove the side legs.
-  I put a small piece of tape over some components to avoid any chace of a shortcircuit.   Picture2

-  Put a bit of thermal silicone paste and closed the shielding.

Hardware Mods / Artic Silver 5/heatspreads Increase Stability?
« on: September 08, 2006, 05:37:32 pm »
I cut the metal frame that holds the RF shielding of the processor and put some thermal paste between it and the processor.  
  This frame has a metal circle and a cross which is intended only for providing a vacuum surface for the pick and place machine.
  I will post a picture when I get home.

  I'm not sure that it will do any good,  but it was easy to do and gives me some peace of mind when I rise the speed.

Spain / Compro Zaurus 1000 ó 3100 ó 3200 ó 6000
« on: August 16, 2006, 03:06:01 pm »
Pero Jose,   tu no tenias un Akita ya?  

  Me da la impresion de que eres un poco impulsivo para esto de las Zaurus,  donde la paciencia es casi imprescindible.

  No te voy a recomendar que compres un pocketPC,  iria en contra de mis principios,  pero si te digo que,  si consigues otro akita,  ponle el Cacko,  y compres los accesorios sabiendo de antemano que todo te funcione bien.

  Saludos y suerte.

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Refreshing The Desktop On C1000
« on: August 02, 2006, 04:54:21 pm »
Depends on what system you have installed.

  With Cacko or Sharp Rom,  you can enter this command at the console:
$ qcop QPE/System "linkChanged(QString)"

General Discussion / Conics Or Pricejapan
« on: July 25, 2006, 06:00:54 pm »
My SL-C1000 from PriceJapan took 5 days from payment to reception in Spain.
  Some accesories from Conics took 13 days from payment to reception.

Qt/Qtopia / Network Applet Documentation
« on: July 24, 2006, 05:09:19 pm »
Gracias zmiq2,  that command didn't work for me,  I will try later with more time.  The qcop hint was very helpful anyway.


   I made a ipk with the driver, the script and an icon for launching it.  I have only tested it with Cacko 1.23 in a SL-C1000,  use it at your own risk  

  After installing,  edit the file /opt/QtPalmtop/bin/zd1211script and modify all the YOUR_ESSID, YOUR_WEP_KEY, YOUR_IP, YOUR_NETMASK and YOUR_GATEWAY with your own data.

  You can now plug the USB stick,  its LED should turn on for a few seconds and turn off.    You will probably need a powered USB hub.

  Tap the Initialize USB Wifi in the Network tab, and you should be connected in a couple of seconds.

  Let me know it you can make it work!


Fix some adhesive tape on top of the sticker and peel it off,  starting at the corners.   Use more tape to remove the glue and a bit of alcohol to clean it.  Worked fine for me.

Qt/Qtopia / Network Applet Documentation
« on: July 23, 2006, 05:30:12 am »

  I have, surprisingly, been able to compile the zd1211 driver for a USB stick I have for use with Cacko on my SL-C1000.

  It works perfectly,  loading the module when I insert the stick,  and I can connect to my WEP wireless lan with a little script I wrote calling ifconfig  and iwconfig.

  The problem is that the Newtork applet in Cacko doesn't realize that a network device has been inserted,  it doesn't give me the option to tap the "connect" button.

  It shouldn't be a big problem,  but the mail application says that no connection is active,  even if I can surf the web with Opera.

  Is there some kind of documentation explaining how the network applet works?  Where does it look for a network device?  any Qtopia guru can help?

Thank you


Sharp ROMs / Alternative Tools To The Network Applet?
« on: July 20, 2006, 01:34:49 pm »
Yes,  use ifconfig to bring the interface up and iwconfig to setup the wireless configuration.

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