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Messages - dproldan

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Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Zd1211 Based Usb Wifi Stick Help
« on: July 12, 2006, 08:08:29 pm »
OK,  I tried to plug the USB stick trough a USB hub (without external power,  I changed the akita internal resistor sometime ago)  and it works!

 I guess this is related to the 100 mA limit present in the kernel.

 Isn't it possible to get rid of it?

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Zd1211 Based Usb Wifi Stick Help
« on: July 12, 2006, 08:01:13 pm »

  I'm trying to use a ZD1211 based USB wifi adaptor in a SL-C1000 with OZ/Opie

  I have downloaded and installed the drivers,  issued a modprobe zd1211 and it shows correctly in a lsmod and in a dmesg.

  The problem is that when I plug the USB adaptor,  dmesg says:

usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using pxa27x-ohci and address 2
usb 1-2: no configuration chosen from 1 choice

  lsusb says:

Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0ace:1211
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000

  Any hint for making this work?

Thank  you

General Discussion / What Is Your Best Desktop Environnement For Pda?
« on: July 10, 2006, 08:28:25 am »
The answer is Newton!  Yeah,  it may seem like I'm biased looking at the avatar I'm using,  but I speak from the perspective of having used almost every PDA and desktop environment of our days.

  The thing is that Apple actually did what you wanted,  they started from scratch with the pen interface in mind and poured lots of money into it.

  It is not easy to explain the user experience you get when using a newton,  take a few minutes to watch this video.  It is the first newton model (launched at 1992!):

  That's "whole-screen" handwriting recognition,  printing to hundreds of printers out-of-the-box,  application inter-operation, etc.  Look at the way you select text!

  These are the user interface guidelines published by apple,  there's some philosopy in it!:UserInterfaceGuidelinesOS2.0.pdf

   Read at least the first pages of chapter 1,  and I'm sure that the next time you're developing a program you will remember it.

   Screen resizing?  no problem,  this picture is a screenshot of the newton emulator running at 1024x768,  no modifications done to the OS ROM.  Some more screenshots here

  enough ranting   :-)

Sharp ROMs / Compiling Kernel For Cacko
« on: July 05, 2006, 03:03:19 pm »
Hello all.

  I need to compile the drivers for a ZD1211 based USB wifi dongle and I need some help.
 If this has been covered somewhere else,  plese redirect me.

  I have a SL-C1000 and am going to do this in a debian laptop.

  I'm my little understanding,  I need to:

1. -  decompress the toolchain listed in the cacko page, placing it at the root and doing a
Code: [Select]
bzcat arm-cacko-linux-gnu-2.95.3-2.2.5-hardfloat-19.50_21.09.05.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
2. - decompress the latest (for SL-C3200) sharp kernel sources,  placing the file at the root and doing a
Code: [Select]
bzcat linux-c3200-20060228-rom1_01.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
3. - decompress the patches and configuration files from the cako page, placing the file at the root and doing a
Code: [Select]
tar -zxvf cacko-1.23-kernel-2.4.20.tar.gz
4. - merge the cacko patches with the sharp sources with
Code: [Select]
cp -rf reply=yes /cacko-1.23-kernel-2.4.20/linux/* /linux/
5. - export the compiler binaries paths with
Code: [Select]
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/cross/arm/2.95.3/bin:/opt/cross/arm/2.95.3/sbin
this is a work in progress,  come back later!

Spain / Sl-c3100, Instalación De Cacko Inoperante.
« on: June 29, 2006, 05:36:12 pm »
Si,  intenta ponerle 35 MB.  Es lo que yo le puse en su momento,  aunque no se si tendra alguna ventaja.

  Tambien,  asegurate de decirle que si cuando te pregunte para borrar la particion de usuario home.


Spain / Sl-c3100, Instalación De Cacko Inoperante.
« on: June 29, 2006, 02:50:41 pm »
"jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask #x#### not found at #x########: #x#### instead" (con # me refiero a números aleatorios).

[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=133369\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

 Hola,  tiene toda la pinta de que las particiones de la flash interna no son correctas.

 Supongo que lo habras probado algunas veces,  pero asegurate de que en el paso de "resize root partition" le das el valor que te indica.


PocketPenguin / Build Your Own Linux Powered Pda
« on: June 29, 2006, 08:10:08 am »
Don't know if this has been posted on the forums.  it may be of interest to you:

Hardware Mods / Any Cf Wifi Card With Ext. Antenna Port?
« on: June 29, 2006, 05:54:15 am »
The DLink DCF-660W has a SWD type connector under the case,  probably used at the factory for radio calibration.
 I don't know if it's possible to find an antenna or pigtail with that connector.

  Take a look at this page,  they've done something with a PC Card.

Deals and Great Z Buys / Zaurus Shop:
« on: June 27, 2006, 06:03:37 pm »
It's perfectly fine to call it flash RAM,  google for it.  It definitely isn't a ROM memory, is it?  

Sharp ROMs / Video/tv Streaming Possible?
« on: June 27, 2006, 03:26:46 am »
I've been able to get some streams translated "on-the-fly" with VLC on windows and watch them on the zaurus through my local network with VLC.

  if you want to try this:
 - get VLC for windows and for for Zaurus
 - configure VLC on the desktop like showed on the attached pictures, change the "direccion" field to your desktop's LAN address.
 - on the zaurus,  launch it from the console with: vlc <your desktop's local address>

  It doesn't display at fullscreen,  and the vlc version for the zaurus isn't up to date,  but it's funny anyway.
 Here is "the" page for streaming TV from the internet:

enjoy and share your results!

Sharp ROMs / 4gb Cards With Cacko
« on: June 26, 2006, 02:56:55 pm »
I'm using a 2 GB card with the new driver in Cacko 1.23 on a SL-C1000.


Sharp ROMs / Video/tv Streaming Possible?
« on: June 26, 2006, 02:53:13 pm »
I've tried several streams,  but all of them were either in RealPlayer format or in WMV9 format.   MPlayer hasn't got those codec in the Zaurus yet.
  I got to hear the sound of the WMV9 streams though.

Spain / Zaurus Con Persistencia ,navegador, Java Y Gps
« on: June 26, 2006, 02:49:55 pm »
Hola e-1000

 Los modelos C1000, 3100, 3200 no instalan nada en la ram, por lo que no se pierde nada cuando se gasta la bateria ni pulsando ningun boton.  Para perder algo,  hay que desinstalarlo/borrarlo explicitamente o cambiar la ROM.

  Quizas no entiendo bien alguna de tus preguntas,  pero todo lo que necesitas esta implementado perfectamente en Cacko 1.23

  Hay un paquete de JEODE para cacko aqui:

  Opera viene preinstalado y funciona de maravilla.

  Porque quieres usar Altboot?  lo mas sencillo es instalar Cacko directamente en la flash interna.

General Discussion / Newton Emulator On Sl-c1000
« on: June 23, 2006, 03:30:30 pm »
Plus, any chance of fullscreen emulation? 640x480 is tough on older eyes, and it looks like the resolution on the Einstein emulator is the same lower res as the Newt...Which makes it even smaller!

  The emulator allows you to change the resolution,  but it's the dpi that can be tough on older eyes.  The zaurus squeezes 640x480 pixels in a 3.7 '' screen,  but the Newton has 480x320 in a much bigger screen.
 The attached picture is a Simpad running Einstein.

Off Topic forum / Newton Os Development
« on: June 22, 2006, 05:35:14 pm »
The link works fine for me with Opera and IE under windows.

  It's true that most of the software made for the Newton when Apple was still selling it is commercial, but 95% of the software made after 1997 is completely free.   Of course those commercial programs are now abandon-ware and a lot of them have been re-licensed or the publisher has given serial numbers for the community to use.

 Some examples:
  Adam Tow Software
Eckhart Koeppen software
Paul Guyot software
Ed Kummel page
shameless plug

  About Source code,  you are probably rigth again,  but the nice thing about the NewtonOS is that the source code for 99 % of the programs is easily accesible using a inspector tool or viewFrame,  you can compare it a bit to Squeak (made by Apple too some time after the newton),  everything is accesible and modificable.

  D. Padilla

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