Author Topic: External Battery From Batterygeek  (Read 3380 times)


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External Battery From Batterygeek
« on: January 12, 2005, 10:39:34 am »
Howdy folks.

I purchased one of these based on the description listed at the webpage:

But when I received the battery, it seems to list 6V as the minimum voltage, not 5V as listed in the web page.  What I'd like to know is that is this safe to use with the 6000?



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External Battery From Batterygeek
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2005, 01:11:15 am »
I'd be very wary of pumping an extra volt into a sensitive electronic device such as a zaurus at the risk of frying something.

Without one of these units in hand I can't tell yiu how to get the voltage down to 5v even though it is repeatedly reference on the page you linked to.
Can you contact the manufacturer?

If indeed can't be done, I would say you have 2 options. 1, return it as it does not perform as specified. 2, add a resistor inline that will shave off that extra volt.
*disclaimer: I'm not an electronics guru, but I think it would work... do your own research and attempt at your own risk

Have you tried sticking a volt meter on it to see what it's actually putting out?

else, it seems like a nice power supply.

I occassionally use a BattPak (with iSun) from ICP Global and put a CLA in the provided port to drop the voltage down. Otherwise I schlep along the power supply and hijack power where and when I can (outlets are everywhere if you look for 'em)
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External Battery From Batterygeek
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2005, 08:46:11 am »
Ye ole multi-meter showed exactly 6.00 V.

I tried running it last night and it ran very well, didn't heat up or anything.  The Zaurus saw it as an external supply and even charged it's own battery off of it.

I asked the company that sells it and they said it would be fine with the Zaurus.

Here's the response I got:

Hello Christopher,

Thank you for your message and for your intelligent concern. Don't
this battery will work just fine with all 5V devices as well.

Much appreciated,


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External Battery From Batterygeek
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2005, 11:42:33 pm »
Just an update... I've been using this for sometime and it works very well.