bummer about the wireless. If it helps, lpotter had this issue with qtopia 2.1, and guylhem did hostap, I think..and the OE guys have been working on hostap. maybe there is some info to be had from them?... wlan-ng is always kinda ugly. I'll see if I get any inspiration, but is sounds like gondola did what I had planned.
Isn't the video in the 6k a hitachi chip? there was some discussion of this a few months ago here on zug... cwaiig (I think) had found a few accelerated functions. still, it shouldn'r be too bad. mplayer works pretty well on frame buffer... windows seem to move around ok to me..
the partition thing.... needs to be sorted out if at all possible. 64 megs is pretty small to begin with
other than than.. this is gorgeous (and it does look better on a 6k screen ) a really nice gui, good feed, and nice to have X
I noticed that damnsmall linux has a dillo patched for frames and ssl.... might be useful patches here? ( I know I've posted this 2x elsewhere--it just seems like a good idea)
2nd edit: is there a pager of some kind? how do I move between fullscreen apps (especially since going fullscreen is the easiest way to get a "right-sized" display in portrait mode)