This plugin is designed for keyboards with multimedia keys on it (play/pause, back, next etc) but you press each button to map it to a function so I don't see why this wouldn't work on the 860 buttons near the On/Off. This plugin also works whether xmms has the focus or not and I've been using it on my laptop for awhile now. I think with this plugin I could have my Z playing MP3s and use the jog wheel etc to change songs and not worry if xmms has the focus or if the screen blank applet has the focus. Make sense?
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The best choice is to compile xmms completely by yourself.
If it doesnt work there is a chance that you can use the user plugin dir of xmms
something like ~/.xmms/Plugins/*
the plugin compiles right. The only difficulty is the make install
choose a destination directory and create it /usr/local/xmms is no bad idea
edit the Makefile (line DEST =) and set a destination directory. Look at the messages from make install
Move the files from Destination dir to plugin default dir. cut off the "./arm-blablabla" from the path name
This is untested, but I hope it helps