I noticed that GPE has what i think is an alarm daemon but I dont have a system to compile on right now. But I wonder if it could be ported to pdaxrom since the calendar and other apps seem to run.
I also thought i would mention (to be fair) the stuff i am missing while im using the sharp rom (IE stuff pdaxrom rocks at). I miss the laptop feel, sharp rom makes my z feel like im using an old palm. I miss having a good imap email client that does not have to download all of my 1 gig of email (thunderbird and sylpheed work great on pdaxrom). I miss the games. Did i mention i miss the games. gewled is great. I miss firefox, even tho its heavy it comes in very handy. I miss installing just about everything to my 1 gig sd card ( i know you can install stuff on sd in the sharp rom but its fails for me more often than not). Really i miss the feel of it as well. Im counting the days tell i can go back.
I started down the zaurus road with a 5500 I bought off of tiger direct to replace my visor (that i smashed). At the time i had a vision of a good pda with ssh access, and it fit the bill. OZ worked great on it and I was happy. But with my 6000L i am searching for something else. Im looking for a device that can do the basic pim stuff fairly well, replace the bulky 4 year old laptop i carry around to work with switches, replace the expensive (but nice laptop i carry to just about everywhere to stay connected to my email, servers, etc. I have to say that pdaxrom has looked like the rom to do just that from the moment i flashed it, and I just want to let the developers and everyone here know that some people really do value the work they do and find real benefit from it.