This is a followup of a discussion from here: think it is more on-topic in this suborum now.
History in short: I tried to install / compile VYM (Mindmapping software) on the Zaurus SL-C3000 using Silvio Iaccaroino's development environment.
Progress report:
I was able to install the debian package by doing a mount -o remount,rw /dev/hdc2 /hdd2
(/usr/lib is on hdd2).
However, after installation without errors I cannot find the new files there. :-/
So question remains how to install a debian package properly.
However, it turned out that the needed libraries are included in Silvio Iaccarino's development package under /mnt/card/devel/lib. So I symlinked that directory to /usr/lib instead.
make does not report missing shared objects anymore! :-)
But there are header files missing.
Does anyone know where to get:
Edit: And does it help to get only these files or do I need any additional libraries as well?And it reports many "syntax error"s in other .h files. Can these be results from the missing h files mentioned above?
Thank you