Author Topic: Genesis Neogeo Snes Turbografx Nes Gameboy Emu  (Read 469935 times)


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Genesis Neogeo Snes Turbografx Nes Gameboy Emu
« Reply #120 on: January 06, 2006, 01:17:57 am »
tried editing using yedit or zedit in root mode?
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Genesis Neogeo Snes Turbografx Nes Gameboy Emu
« Reply #121 on: January 06, 2006, 01:08:32 pm »

use zeditor english.  hold icon down and use as root.  you can copy paste the original or modified text into it and save.

ohh drat!!!!  there is an update.  gona update.      

« Last Edit: January 06, 2006, 01:09:39 pm by Cresho »
Zaurus C-3200 (internal 8gb seagate drive) with buuf icon theme, cacko 1.23 full,  and also Meanie's pdaxqtrom-Debian/Open Office
Zaurus SL-5500 Sharp Rom 3.13 with steel theme
pretec pocket pc wi fi
ambicom bt2000-cf bluetooth-made in taiwan
simpletech 1gb cf
pny 1gb sd
patriot 2gb
ocz or patriot 4gb sd(failed after 2 weeks)only on z
creative csw-5300 speakers in stereo
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Genesis Neogeo Snes Turbografx Nes Gameboy Emu
« Reply #122 on: January 06, 2006, 02:40:03 pm »
Slapping myself upside the head!  I forgot to hold down the stylus and check the "exercise with root privileges" box in Advanced File Manager!!  I should just shoot myself.    

So that fixed the snes games, but Heretic and Doom still have a backwards keypad.  Is there a fairly easy way to fix that?

I got to the second level in Heretic (it's always been one of my favorite games and one of my kids took the disk so I can't play it on the computer).
The second level which is the Dungeons may not sound like much but at my age (63), it wasn't easy to do and I have the save games from the Sharp flash.
I compared the config files and the Cacko Heretic file is the same as the one on the Sharp.  The keypad is described this way:
Code: [Select]
key_right  174
key_left  172
key_up  173
key_down  175
key_strafeleft  44
key_straferight  46
key_fire  32
key_use  32
key_strafe  184
key_speed  182
key_flyup  221
key_flydown  217
key_flycenter  219
key_lookup  223
key_lookdown  218
key_lookcenter  220
key_invleft  107
key_invright  108
key_useartifact  13

Any idea what I should change?

And here's Doom:
Code: [Select]
# Key bindings
key_right                 0xac
key_left                  0xae
key_up                    0xaf
key_down                  0xad
key_menu_right            0xaf
key_menu_left             0xad
key_menu_up               0xae
key_menu_down             0xac
key_menu_backspace        0x7f
key_menu_escape           0x1b
key_menu_enter            0x20
key_strafeleft            0x2c
key_straferight           0xd
key_fire                  0x20
key_use                   0x2e
key_strafe                0xb8
key_speed                 0xb6
key_savegame              0xbc
key_loadgame              0xbd
key_soundvolume           0xbe
key_hud                   0xbf
key_quicksave             0xc0
key_endgame               0xc1
key_messages              0xc2
key_quickload             0xc3
key_quit                  0xc4
key_gamma                 0xd7
key_spy                   0xd8
key_pause                 0xff
key_autorun               0xba
key_chat                  0x74
key_backspace             0x7f
key_enter                 0xd
key_map                   0x9
key_map_right             0xad
key_map_left              0xaf
key_map_up                0xac
key_map_down              0xae
key_map_zoomin            0x3d
key_map_zoomout           0x2d
key_map_gobig             0x30
key_map_follow            0x66
key_map_mark              0x6d
key_map_clear             0x63
key_map_grid              0x67
key_map_rotate            0x72
key_map_overlay           0x6f
key_reverse               0x2f
key_zoomin                0x3d
key_zoomout               0x2d
key_chatplayer1           0x67
key_chatplayer2           0x69
key_chatplayer3           0x62
key_chatplayer4           0x72
key_weapontoggle          0x30
key_weapon1               0x31
key_weapon2               0x32
key_weapon3               0x33
key_weapon4               0x34
key_weapon5               0x35
key_weapon6               0x36
key_weapon7               0x37
key_weapon8               0x38
key_weapon9               0x39
key_screenshot            0x2a

Thanks, Cresho, for a great game package - if I haven't already thanked you.


use zeditor english.  hold icon down and use as root.  you can copy paste the original or modified text into it and save.

ohh drat!!!!  there is an update.  gona update.   

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Genesis Neogeo Snes Turbografx Nes Gameboy Emu
« Reply #123 on: January 21, 2006, 11:26:15 am »
I hope I'm not being a total newbie, but I seem to be missing 3 files listed below.
I read this thread from the beginning, but must have missed something.
My 3 questions are about "" (I have pasted cacko users read.txt below)

1. Install, I have [libsdl_1.2.5-slzaurus20050410_arm.ipk]
instead of [libSDL_1.2.6-zports-5_arm.ipk]
(Where is the libSDL_1.2.6-zports-5_arm.ipk file?)

2. "for the turbografx... place zpce.rc in that directory..." (Where do I find "zpc.rc"? I used find in qkonsole and didn't find it. I also looked for this file in Tree!explorer)

3. "and place znester.rc in that directory" (Where do I find "znester.rc"? I used find in qkonsole and didn't find it. I also looked for this file in Tree!explorer)

Thank you, Jon

cacko users read.txt

gona post on how to get this to work on cacko 1.23

same thing as the sharprom but do not install any of the files for keyhelper (since i did'nt try with it.)  

Cacko does not need it.


then modify this file /home/QtPalmtop/bin/
cd "$1"
snes9x -win "$2"
exit 0

or if you want to replace the ok/enter key pause with L instead.  L becomes
the pause and start and ok/enter is null so your game wont be interupted,
use the bottom code.

export S9XKEYS=27,100,99,115,120,97,122,108,32,103,106,117,110,121,98,105,109
cd "$1"
snes9x -win "$2"
exit 0

for the turbografx
create a directory in /home/zaurus/.zpce (there may be one already)

and place zpce.rc in that directory and should look like


and last
create a directory in /home/zaurus/.znester

and place znester.rc in that directory and should look like


hope this helps.  Works fine for me in cacko.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2006, 11:28:26 am by Jon_J »
C3100 Multiboot-->Angstrom 2007.12-r18 | Cacko 1.23 | ArchLinuxARM
C3200 pdaxii13v2-5.5-alpha4 Akita on NAND

Ambicom WL1100C-CF Wifi - Ambicom CF modem - Ambicom CF GPS - Belkin-F5D5050 USB LAN
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Genesis Neogeo Snes Turbografx Nes Gameboy Emu
« Reply #124 on: January 21, 2006, 03:39:27 pm »
you said-
1. Install, I have [libsdl_1.2.5-slzaurus20050410_arm.ipk]
instead of [libSDL_1.2.6-zports-5_arm.ipk]
(Where is the libSDL_1.2.6-zports-5_arm.ipk file?)

i say-
it is in the"do not look at this unless you expirience key rotation problem or want sdl zports" file.  this is used if you want to update the libsdl to work with current c1000 games such as lgames. by silvio updated.  and i purpously put those files in there so people won't stray or take any fire from the c-xxxx game developers.  Made it easier.

you said-
2. "for the turbografx... place zpce.rc in that directory..." (Where do I find "zpc.rc"? I used find in qkonsole and didn't find it. I also looked for this file in Tree!explorer)

i said-create a directory in /home/zaurus/.zpce (there may be one already)
and place zpce.rc in that directory and should look like
/home/zaurus/.zpce/zpce.rc  (originaly, none exist so you cannot find it to start with.)

you said-
3. "and place znester.rc in that directory" (Where do I find "znester.rc"? I used find in qkonsole and didn't find it. I also looked for this file in Tree!explorer)

i said-
create a directory in /home/zaurus/.znester
and place znester.rc in that directory and should look like
/home/zaurus/.znester/znester.rc(originaly, none exist so you cannot find it to start with.)

is that easier?  if you are having problems creating directories or finding stuff, just repost and ill help.

those .rc files are available in the "do not look at this unless you expirience key rotation problem or want sdl zports" zip file.  I was going to make an ipk installer for easier setup but i got too lazy.  Let me know if you need those ipk file installer, i may be inclined to make an installer.
Zaurus C-3200 (internal 8gb seagate drive) with buuf icon theme, cacko 1.23 full,  and also Meanie's pdaxqtrom-Debian/Open Office
Zaurus SL-5500 Sharp Rom 3.13 with steel theme
pretec pocket pc wi fi
ambicom bt2000-cf bluetooth-made in taiwan
simpletech 1gb cf
pny 1gb sd
patriot 2gb
ocz or patriot 4gb sd(failed after 2 weeks)only on z
creative csw-5300 speakers in stereo
DigiLife DDV-1000 for video, Audio, Picture recording playable on the zaurus
Mustek DV4500-video recorder, pictures, voice record on sd for z | ZaurusVideo | Zaurus Software


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Genesis Neogeo Snes Turbografx Nes Gameboy Emu
« Reply #125 on: January 21, 2006, 04:37:46 pm »
Thank you for your reply.
I was following the cacko instructions to the letter.  I didn't have any games loaded yet. This is when I tried to find these files. I didn't have any problems finding the directory for turbo, or creating the directory for nes. I just didn't know where these files were at.

I didn't know these 3 files were inside:
(do not look at this unless you expirience key rotation problem or want sdl zports
I didn't look in the above, because I hadn't started any games yet.
Anyway, I will place the 2 .rc files into these directories.
And as a last resort, I'll try using the libSDL_1.2.6-zports-5_arm.ipk File.

Thanks again,
I'm a total linux newbie, I'm getting the feel for it from tutorials and 2 different Live CDs.

C3100 Multiboot-->Angstrom 2007.12-r18 | Cacko 1.23 | ArchLinuxARM
C3200 pdaxii13v2-5.5-alpha4 Akita on NAND

Ambicom WL1100C-CF Wifi - Ambicom CF modem - Ambicom CF GPS - Belkin-F5D5050 USB LAN
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Genesis Neogeo Snes Turbografx Nes Gameboy Emu
« Reply #126 on: January 27, 2006, 08:09:54 pm »

Finally tried it on OZ this weekend (the OZ release of snes9x works, but fullscreen it's a whopping 9 fps, and while it's 30 fps in a quarter of the screen, it just ain't fun).

(And I keep trying to find a way to use Qvga mode full-screen, but can't quite get it.  Grr.)


No-workee.  libsdl wants qpe-base, which of course isn't there.  Forcing installs of libsdl and snes9x gets me a bad symbol error, and I'm not sure what to do to fix it.

So... what exactly did you do to make these packages, so that I can try to replicate it on the OZ side?



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Genesis Neogeo Snes Turbografx Nes Gameboy Emu
« Reply #127 on: February 06, 2006, 09:39:07 pm »
Has anyone gotten super mario allstars to work?  I have tried my rom and the one my friend had but it just does nothing after selecting the game, just a black screen.  Is it a memory problem or something?
SL-C3100 happily Dualbooting Japanese Rom 1.02 and Debian Eabi
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Genesis Neogeo Snes Turbografx Nes Gameboy Emu
« Reply #128 on: March 12, 2006, 01:06:24 pm »
thanks cresho !!! i've installed on my C3100 with cacko 1.23 and all works well... there is only a strange thing : the keypad is inverted

if i push  UP the player go DOWN and vice-versa
if i push left the player go right and vice-versa

is there a way to sove this  on C3100 ?
BEFORE: SL6000L (code name Anselmus) - 512MB SD - 256MB CF - SOCKETCOMM CF MODEM 56K - CF GPS GLOBASAT BC-307


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Genesis Neogeo Snes Turbografx Nes Gameboy Emu
« Reply #129 on: March 12, 2006, 01:56:53 pm »
yes there is a way.  you most likely installed the wrong ipk. or the rc files or did not modify needed files.

list the ipk files you installed first. even old sdl libraries you have installed.  Then list any file modified or directories created to suposedly fix the rotation problem.

then we go from there.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2006, 02:00:22 pm by Cresho »
Zaurus C-3200 (internal 8gb seagate drive) with buuf icon theme, cacko 1.23 full,  and also Meanie's pdaxqtrom-Debian/Open Office
Zaurus SL-5500 Sharp Rom 3.13 with steel theme
pretec pocket pc wi fi
ambicom bt2000-cf bluetooth-made in taiwan
simpletech 1gb cf
pny 1gb sd
patriot 2gb
ocz or patriot 4gb sd(failed after 2 weeks)only on z
creative csw-5300 speakers in stereo
DigiLife DDV-1000 for video, Audio, Picture recording playable on the zaurus
Mustek DV4500-video recorder, pictures, voice record on sd for z | ZaurusVideo | Zaurus Software


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Genesis Neogeo Snes Turbografx Nes Gameboy Emu
« Reply #130 on: March 12, 2006, 02:11:27 pm »
I've installed your package, and it rocks! But it doesn't run full speed. I tried Killer Instinct for example, but it runs a bit shocky, especially when the action's hot. Is this normal, or can it run faster?


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Genesis Neogeo Snes Turbografx Nes Gameboy Emu
« Reply #131 on: March 12, 2006, 05:33:55 pm »
it runs full speed.  just when you click on the keypad, it slows down.  Keyhepler helps this problem just a bit but not enough.
Zaurus C-3200 (internal 8gb seagate drive) with buuf icon theme, cacko 1.23 full,  and also Meanie's pdaxqtrom-Debian/Open Office
Zaurus SL-5500 Sharp Rom 3.13 with steel theme
pretec pocket pc wi fi
ambicom bt2000-cf bluetooth-made in taiwan
simpletech 1gb cf
pny 1gb sd
patriot 2gb
ocz or patriot 4gb sd(failed after 2 weeks)only on z
creative csw-5300 speakers in stereo
DigiLife DDV-1000 for video, Audio, Picture recording playable on the zaurus
Mustek DV4500-video recorder, pictures, voice record on sd for z | ZaurusVideo | Zaurus Software


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Genesis Neogeo Snes Turbografx Nes Gameboy Emu
« Reply #132 on: March 14, 2006, 01:11:24 pm »
yes there is a way.  you most likely installed the wrong ipk. or the rc files or did not modify needed files.

list the ipk files you installed first. even old sdl libraries you have installed.  Then list any file modified or directories created to suposedly fix the rotation problem.

then we go from there.
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thanks cresho i'vbe installed your [a href=\"][/url] package unzip it and follow the readme for cacko rom..... and installed the ipk in your package..... i do not find the rc files so what is wrong ?
BEFORE: SL6000L (code name Anselmus) - 512MB SD - 256MB CF - SOCKETCOMM CF MODEM 56K - CF GPS GLOBASAT BC-307


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Genesis Neogeo Snes Turbografx Nes Gameboy Emu
« Reply #133 on: March 14, 2006, 08:34:58 pm »
the rc files are in the....

"do not look at this unless you expirience key rotation problem or want sdl zports"

in this zip file within the zip file you downloaded, it tells you how to fix your key rotation problem.  If you are not very good with command lines or cannot install these files within the home directory, then I recommend you install....



and install


Most people screw up by installing these two files.  It is either one or the other.  libsdl_1.2.5-slzaurus20050410_arm.ipk is installed if you dont want to go through the hassle of installing anything else.  libSDL_1.2.6-zports-5_arm.ipk is installed if you want to also play games from but you must also modify some files to get the key rotation right.

I left this option available and very customizable for anybody and for any sharprom or clone or modifed. or what ever.

Let me know if this helped.  It's not a did something wrong.
Zaurus C-3200 (internal 8gb seagate drive) with buuf icon theme, cacko 1.23 full,  and also Meanie's pdaxqtrom-Debian/Open Office
Zaurus SL-5500 Sharp Rom 3.13 with steel theme
pretec pocket pc wi fi
ambicom bt2000-cf bluetooth-made in taiwan
simpletech 1gb cf
pny 1gb sd
patriot 2gb
ocz or patriot 4gb sd(failed after 2 weeks)only on z
creative csw-5300 speakers in stereo
DigiLife DDV-1000 for video, Audio, Picture recording playable on the zaurus
Mustek DV4500-video recorder, pictures, voice record on sd for z | ZaurusVideo | Zaurus Software


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Genesis Neogeo Snes Turbografx Nes Gameboy Emu
« Reply #134 on: March 16, 2006, 02:00:26 pm »
the rc files are in the....

"do not look at this unless you expirience key rotation problem or want sdl zports"

in this zip file within the zip file you downloaded, it tells you how to fix your key rotation problem.  If you are not very good with command lines or cannot install these files within the home directory, then I recommend you install....



and install


Most people screw up by installing these two files.  It is either one or the other.  libsdl_1.2.5-slzaurus20050410_arm.ipk is installed if you dont want to go through the hassle of installing anything else.  libSDL_1.2.6-zports-5_arm.ipk is installed if you want to also play games from but you must also modify some files to get the key rotation right.

I left this option available and very customizable for anybody and for any sharprom or clone or modifed. or what ever.

Let me know if this helped.  It's not a did something wrong.
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Thanks Cresho i've unzipped the rc files and now all works well on my C3100
Thankyou very much again !!!
BEFORE: SL6000L (code name Anselmus) - 512MB SD - 256MB CF - SOCKETCOMM CF MODEM 56K - CF GPS GLOBASAT BC-307