Hello guys....
I'm new in this forum and I think it's very interessing!!!!
Sorry my english is shit but i'm french user of zaurus....
My problem is the following:
I try to make an update of my zaurus with the latest sharp's rom...
with windows and the zaurus manager.... problem....don't work...
i try with a cf card and the 2 leds go on for a few seconds and then off.... but nothing change.... My cf card was in fat 16 and the file to update was with the good name Ospack....
Then i try different OS and the flashin was working but a the boot the screen was freezing....
Cacko was the only who works.... I had a prompt terminal....
I saw a topic in the forum:
linksand a try what he said and had the same problem....
I grabbed 2.12 (I think it was 2.12) flashed from the reset-D-P menu, and this time I got much farther - got a screen full of errors and then a 'enter root passwd or press ctrl-d to continue'
full reset and then an "init enter level 5" with a sharp logo and the next screen was freezing....
full reset again and now few errors "inode...." something like that lots of number and then a "INIT : Id "ln" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes" and then nothing.... just the green led who blinks....
I try to reflash another rom but now the 2 leds won't go off... for 2 or 3 hours.... and then i make a full reset....
the flashing block or something like that...
I can't make it anymore....
I think it's perheaps a memory problem....
I hope you understand what i wrote...
And thanks for the help... ;-)